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Assignment 4

Q:1 On average, every one out of 10 telephones is found busy. Six telephone
numbers are selected at random. Find the probability that four of them will
be busy.
Let X: event of getting a busy phone number

p = P(probability of getting a phone number busy) = 1/10

q = P(probability of not getting a phone number busy) = 9/10

The required probability = P(X = 4) = 6C4 p4 q(6 – 4)

= 15 × (1/10)4 × (9/10)2

= 15 × 81/106

= 0.001215.

Q:2 An unbiased dice is thrown until three sixes are obtained. Find the
probability of obtaining the third six in the sixth throw.
Since each throw is independent of the previous throws, we can apply the binomial
distribution formula to find the probability.

p = P(getting a six in a throw) = ⅙

q = P(not getting a six in a throw) = 1 – ⅙ = ⅚

According to the question, two sixes are already obtained in the previous throws.

∴ Required probability = P(getting exactly two sixes in five throws) × P(getting a six in the
sixth throw)

= 5C2 p2q3 × 1C1p1 q 1 – 1

= 10 × (⅙)2 × (⅚)3 × 1 × (⅙)

= 10 × (⅙)3 × (⅚)3

= 625/23328.

Done by Arkaprava Saha

Roll 44 TLM

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