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We are Group 2, Yanomami Tribe. The members in our

team are Ayaan, Tahirah, Gurvansh, Reina and Hrithik. There
are a few reasons why we chose the Yanomami Tribe. The
Yanomami Tribe is a unique and astonishing tribe found in
South America. Their vast culture and traditions have inspired
each one of us as it is different from the culture that we
follow. Their culture also has connections with the way they
behave. While researching about the Yanomami Tribe, we felt
that it was a new and weird culture because we are from a
different one. Our group members are sure that the audience
will also feel the same way. This is also another reason why
we are interested in this Topic. Not only their cultural
differences, but also the culture has a huge impact on their
shelter. The method of making their houses is just fascinating.
The way they worship their gods and the belief that
everything has a soul, truly inspired us. These were the
reasons why we have selected the Yanomami Tribe.

We started by doing our research and convincing each

other why the Yanomami Tribe was the one to be selected.
Through the whole journey, we have faced some issues. As
mentioned before, the Yanomami Tribe has vast topics to be
discussed about. We had first come up with 10-12 topics. But,
presenting these many topics who consume time and exceed
the time limit. Here, we faced a little trouble as each one of us
kept telling each other that all the topics are to be put in the
presentation as they are the significance of the Yanomami
Tribe. By further discussion and further research, we picked
the most important topics that will be included in our
presentation. We also combined a few topics as some were
very important and definitely needed to be included. By
combining and reducing the number of topics, we found the
solution to this problem which we faced. One of our team
members was procrastinating and was not able to join our
discussions, which brings to our second problem. We solved
this issue by adjusting and changing the time slots for
meetings, as discussions were done through online platforms.
Deciding the outcome was the third issue. We had first
discussed a video or an online show where each member
presented their research work. As we thought about the flaws
of the video, we discussed and settle onto a much simpler
outcome, where a show on the Yanomami Tribe was
presented live with a background displayed on the Smart
Board. These were the problems we faced throughout our
group work.

This presentation was not only a project, but also a

learning experience for each member of our team. We have
learned to collaborate with each other, defend our arguments
and to convince other group members why a particular topic
should be incorporated in our presentation. We have also
learned about the benefits of teamwork, self research and
selection of any topic

Word count- 499 (excluding the title)

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