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Reflection Report

Saishaa Patel
I was the group leader for my group, and our topic was mass media. I contributed
by making sure our group finished all our required tasks within the deadlines. I
made and edited the document for our research report. I interviewed my mother
and my grandmother on questions about their lives when they were teenagers as
well as what mass media was like at that time. My most memorable learning
experience was getting to know the similarities and differences between us and
our inter-cultural peers. The knowledge we gained about how differently things
are done in India in comparison to the Netherlands was truly engrossing. This
exchange also helped me improve my communication skills and make new friends. I
would be delighted to keep in touch with them. I believe that if we had more
time for our Zoom calls, we would have been able to achieve higher efficiency
and get to know each other better. They also didn’t have an introductory video
made by them, like we did, so we were still a bit unfamiliar with their names
despite having two video conferences. I learned a lot of things from this
exchange. How their lives were growing up for their parents and grandparents,
respectively, what their daily routines looked like, or how they spent their
free time. In terms of mass media, I learned the differences in prices for the
cost of purchasing media in comparison to India and the versions of media that
existed in those times for each generation, as well as the availability of media
like TVs at different times, etc. I strongly believe our group deserves the 5
bonus points because of the effort we put into making our introduction video,
Diwali video, and interview videos. We filmed in a public park, filmed a short
skit, and interviewed for, recorded, and edited our research interviews. We
truly gave everything to make our final videos to the best of our abilities, as
well as spending countless hours filming, planning, editing, recording, and
writing our projects.
Sukriti Singh
I was the IT person in the group and I along with the rest of my
group conducted interviews, wrote write-ups, ensured communication
within the group and helped complete the assigned task. I also
edited the document for the comparison and research report. The
interviews were my most memorable learning experience because as I
conducted the interviews with my parents I learned how different
mass media was in my parents' time and to what extent it has evolved
in these past years. I developed my communication and collaborative
skills due to the fact that we had to communicate efficiently to
complete the tasks on time. Our interviews, videos, and write-ups
went extremely well and were enjoyable to make, however, we could
have managed our time more efficiently. We spent much time on each
task just making the deadline as we were very detail-oriented. We
also did not get enough time to interact with our peers as the Zoom
meeting was cut short, but in the little time that we had, I learned
a lot and answered a lot of their questions. From our partner
school, we learned that their parents had to pay "Kijk en
luistergeld" to the government, unlike our parents. Newspapers in
their parents' time were also a little expensive, selling for 25
guilders a month, meanwhile, in our parents' time newspapers were
extremely cheap. We also learned about their daily routine in the
Netherlands and how their parents’ and grandparents’ lives were
while growing up. I vehemently believe that our group should receive
the 5 bonus points as we put in a lot of work and dedicated a lot of
time to complete the tasks immaculately. We went out of our way to
record our introductory video at a park and planned diligently for
the skit for our video about Diwali. We put in a lot of effort for
this great opportunity.
Yuvaditya Deora
In my role as the editor, I played a crucial part in refining and
organizing the group's work, ensuring that our texts were clear and
coherent to facilitate effective team communication. I had a
significant learning experience while honing my editorial skills,
which greatly improved my written communication and collaboration
competencies. While the collaborative aspect of our group work was
generally successful, there were areas that could have been
improved. Specifically, implementing more efficient methods for
document sharing and revision could have enhanced our editing
process, particularly in terms of technical aspects. Learning from
our partner school exposed me to alternative research methodologies,
providing valuable insights that enriched our collective
understanding of the subject matter and broadened my perspective.
The most memorable part for me was interacting with our partner
school as I learned how different their daily lives our. I got to
learn about their daily routine, about their family, and how their
lives were growing up. Related to mass media I learned the
difference in the price of cinema tickets in the Netherlands and
here, the common mass media used by their parents and grandparents
when they were teenagers, and the availability of mass media in
their parents’ and grandparents’ time. I strongly believe that we
deserve the 5 bonus points as we devoted a lot of our time to
compile the videos in such a way that they stand out. We also put in
a lot of effort planning and editing the video.
Tiana Shah
I am the mass media group photographer. It was my duty to record the
videos prior to the due date . I provided my tripod and camera to
get the best possible angle and quality.I recorded the task videos,
such as the opening videos, and sent them to my editor in order. I
assisted in setting up the spots and backgrounds for the required
videos. Communicating with our peers in the Netherlands was
definitely very difficult due to the short Zoom calls but, my peers
and I made an impeccable team and made the communication effective
with our intercultural peers in that short period of time. We
answered questions posed to us by our peers about our family and the
mass media. They also answered questions about mass media. My most
memorable learning experience would be the difference between us,
the Indians, and the Netherlands, daily lifestyles, and particularly
the difference in the media and the availability as well as the cost
of movie tickets. Even the transformation of media in the
Netherlands was extremely fast compared to India. I think everything
went smoothly while collaborating with my partners at school and the
communication skills between us were extremely productive. From my
partners at school, I have learned how different our families were
in the olden days and how similar they are now. I think my group
deserves five bonus points as we have given and devoted our time and
energy to compile our introductory and other videos uniquely. We
recorded our introductory video at a park and compiled and planned a
skit for our Diwali video. We spent hours and hours just to bring
our best for this unique opportunity.
Virika Shah
Our task to communicate across the globe to interview our peers in
the Netherlands wasn’t easy but I did do my best to help out by
trying to break the ice and help interview them along with my group
members. I helped in conducting the interviews, writing the write-
ups, and making sure that there was proper communication in the
group. Sharing knowledge and finding out just how different all our
lifestyles are was really informative and I learned about our peer’s
family life and daily routine. They answered our questions related
to mass media and I discovered the media available in their parents’
and grandparents’ and the most common media used by their parents
and grandparents. Personally, everything went smoothly, and I
wouldn’t regret anything, but a better means of communication would
be preferable to connect with them better. Although we lead the same
lives as school students studying day and night, it was nice to
communicate in their language and look to see how different their
perspectives were from ours. My most memorable experience was the
shock I had to find out the difference in inflation between them and
us and how prices of movie tickets for us was just a few hundred
bucks for us but thousands for them. I firmly believe that our group
deserves the 5 bonus points and we spent a lot of time on planning
and making our videos so that it is interesting and unique.

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