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LG/ELC550/OCT 2022


Using information from the four (4) articles, write an outline based on the topic.
You are required to:
● write EIGHT (8) main ideas (i.e. 2 main ideas from each article)
● include a minimum of FOUR (4) supporting details for each main idea taken from
the articles.
● All topic sentences and supporting details must be written in complete sentences.


Thesis statement: Bullying is a serious crime where victims’ mental and physical health would get
affected and remembered for their whole life.

Point 1: First and foremost, suicide among bullied children is one of the most serious
consequences of bullying today.

Supporting details: a) Awareness about the dangers of bullying needs to be spread, especially
among teachers and parents, because bullying and suicide are becoming more common
b).According to Alisa Star,(2019) suicide is in the top three causes of death
among teenagers, resulting in about 4,000 deaths every year.There are about 100 suicide
attempts for every suicide attempt by teenagers.
c).Bullying resulted in more than 17% of high school students considering
suicide, and 8% attempted it.
d).Bullying should not happen, and although people say bullied children
must be stronger. It would happen even though the children have thick skin.

Point 2: Furthermore, bullying can cause severe social anxiety and a sense of loss of

Supporting details: a).As stated by Alisa Star,(2019) feeling threatened can have a significant
negative impact on studying and participating in school activities.
b).As a result, over 4 million students missed school to avoid bullying.
Updated OCT 2022 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA
LG/ELC550/OCT 2022

c). Students who saw the bullying accident might also suffer negative

effects.They can have negative thoughts about themselves because they may be afraid of being
bullied if they speak up.
d).Many children show these symptoms but go unnoticed because they
believe it is just a phase.

Conclusion: To sum up,teach your child what bullying looks like and teach them to recognise it
when they see it and to not be afraid to assist or inform others.

Point 3: Bullied children frequently have emotional and social problems.

Supporting details: a) According to Gordon, S (2021), the harsh and hateful things other children
say about them have a direct impact on their lack of self-esteem.
b) Gordon, S (2021) stated that also, a variety of emotions are frequently
experienced by bully victims. They could feel resentful, unhappy, exposed, defenseless,
dissatisfied, lonely, and cut off from their peers.
c)They may neglect class and turn to alcohol and drugs to cope with their
suffering as stated by Gordon, S (2021)
d) Gordon, S (2021) said moreover, if bullying goes on, victims could
experience sorrow and even consider suicide.

Point 4: There are additional physical costs than the bumps and bruises that result from physical

Supporting details: a) As stated by Gordon, S (2021), the stress on their bodies will also lead to a
range of health problems, such as becoming sick more frequently and developing ulcers and
other illnesses as a result of ongoing anxiety.
b) Children who are bullied may also get headaches and stomachache
stated by Gordon, S (2021).
c) According to Gordon, S (2021) the bullying kids endure can make their
eczema or other underlying medical conditions worse.
Updated OCT 2022 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA
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d) Gordon, S (2021) when a child is being bullied, stress-related health

disorders such as heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, and skin problems all get worse.

Conclusion: While it may hurt to recall the bullying you endured as a child, it is preferable
to address the problem head-on if it is still having an affect on your life now and how you see

Point 5: Bullying can result in a variety of physical and mental health issues, such as high blood
pressure, mood swings, panic attacks, stress, and ulcers.

Supporting details: a) According to Gordon, S (2022) physical signs of workplace bullying,

such as headaches, muscular tightness, and appetite changes, are also possible.
b) Gordon, S (2022) stated that bullying can affect both the quantity and
quality of sleep.
c) According to research, fellow employees of those who are bullied also
suffer detrimental consequences even if they do not experience bullying themselves Gordon, S
d) According to one study, those who experience bullying or witness it are
more likely to be given a prescription for psychotropic medications such as antidepressants,
tranquilizers, and sleeping medicines Gordon, S (2022).

Point 6: Employees who have been bullied are unable to do their duties well.

Supporting details: a) According to Gordon, S (2022) among the performance difficulties are
inability to focus or work, loss of confidence, decision-making challenges and decreased
b) Gordon, S (2022) also stated that employees that are bullied not only lose
motivation, but also time since they are worried about keeping the bullies away, using networks to
get help, putting strategies in place to address the situation, considering the situation in depth
and attempting to protect themselves.
c) Bullying victims have a sensation of loneliness Gordon, S(2022).

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d) According to Gordon, S (2022) the stress of workplace bullying can leave

the victim traumatized that they feel helpless and confused.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the effects of workplace bullying can interfere with mental and physical

Point 7: Bullies and victims tend to experience depression more than their peers who have
not been involved in bullying, which can lead to academic problems, frequent absences from
school, loneliness, and social isolation.

Supporting details: a) According to Roxanne Dryden-Edwards(2022) stated that teens who

bully others are more likely to engage in delinquent crimes like vandalism and violence both
inside and outside of school.
b) The bullies run the risk of abusing drugs and leaving school
c) Victims of these behaviors frequently experience an anxiety
disorder that either intensifies or develops (MedicalNet,2022).
d) Then, Melissa Conrad Stoppler,(2022) according to research, both
bullies and the people they bully are susceptible to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Conclusion : Bullying will lead to negative behavior and personality to teenagers which means
they are eager to try something new that probably harms their life.

Point 8: People who are both victims and perpetrators of bullying seem to be more
vulnerable to experiencing both internalizing (for example, loneliness, depression, and anxiety)
and externalizing (for example, antisocial) symptoms.

Supporting details: a) As stated by Roxanne Dryden-Edwards(2022) staff turnover may

be impacted by bullying.
b) Moreover, MedicalNet(2022) showed bullying victims may have
decreased job performance, greater absences, and worse levels of job satisfaction.

c) People who experienced bullying as children face the risk of

developing a less supportive social network as adults (Melissa Conrad Stoppler,2022).
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d) In comparison to bullies who have never been bullied, those who

were bullies/victims as children may have worse physical and financial health, more antisocial
behaviour, and a higher likelihood of becoming parents at a younger age.

Conclusion: To sum up above bullying really affects someone's social life internally and
externally, victims of bullies may having trauma from childhood and continuously to adulthood.

Conclusion : In conclusion, the effects of bullying can disrupt their lives physically or mentally. To
protect individuals' well-being, it is critical to address and prevent bullying in schools,
communities, and workplaces. Creating safe and inclusive environments, encouraging empathy
and understanding, and providing support systems for both victims and bullies can all help to
mitigate the negative effects of bullying and promote a healthier society.


1. Gordon, S. (2021, October 18). How long-term bullying can affect your child's life in many
ways. Verywell Family. from
2. Gordon, S (2022, February 21). The effect of workplace bullying. Verywell Family. From
3. Roxanne Dryden-Edwards, MD (2022, April 28). Bullying.

4. Alisa Star.(2019,October).Bullying: The effects and the outcomes.Bay Area Houston



Article 1: The author’s tone for this article is concerning.
Article 2: The author’s tone for this article is informative.
Article 3: The author's tone for this article is neutral.
Article 4: The author's tone for this article is serious.

Updated OCT 2022 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

LG/ELC550/OCT 2022

Article 1: For students who get bullied and their parents
Article 2: For people who get bullied.
Article 3: For victims of workplace bullying.
Article 4: For victims who get bullied from childhood.

Article 1: To inform readers of the effects of bullying and to teach parents to always be
aware of their children's emotional changes.
Article 2: To let people know the consequences of bullying towards victims.
Article 3: To let people know the impact of bullying at the workplace towards victims and
Article 4: To let people know the impact of being bullied to someone’s life physically and


Article 1: The authors did an excellent job of providing all of the information while also
being concerned about students being bullied by teaching parents how to build healthy
relationships with their children and communicate effectively
Article 2: The author explains the impact of being bullied in detail without missing any
information in order to let people know that bullying should not be taken as a light matter.
Article 3: The author of this article gives good information on the effects of bullying, and
the author's goal is to help the readers identify the warning signals of workplace bullying so they
can take appropriate protective measures.
Article 4: The author takes a serious matter on bullying by creating awareness of the
impact of being bullied and explaining the consenquences of bullying among the teenagers

Updated OCT 2022 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

LG/ELC550/OCT 2022

ELC GROUP: Student ID number

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Updated OCT 2022 © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

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