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1. Admission to a university completely transforms a person's life.

University students are under a lot

of pressure to complete their academic deadlines and adapt to the competitive environment while
also being emotionally and intellectually stimulated.(Saleem & Mahmood, 2013). The pressure of
family, society and friends for getting good grades in academics has increased the level of mental
illness among students.(Erskine et al., 2015). This constant thinking of achieving outstanding
positions in their academic career has impacted students’ mental health severely but the main case
is that this huge problem is not that much realized among the society even students’ parents are
unaware that their child’s mental health.(Schuurmans et al., 2022). And the mental health is
constantly depriving due to pressure that they hold in their mind thinking about good grades,
worrying about deadlines and ultimately thinking about their future.(Yamamura & Tsustsui, 2021).
According to the article (Student Suicides in Pakistan, Wake-up Call for Parents and Educational
Administrators, n.d.), it was observed that suicide ratio is increased in Pakistan as well and recently
4 students committed suicide from KPK Chitral after announcement of the results they were not
satisfied from their results and 4 students commit suicide. In most of the countries this issue is
being addressed and studied at large level however unfortunately in Pakistan there is no any focus
on this critical problem even most of the educational institutions have not even proper students’
counseling system. (Imran et al., 2022). Our study will help to evaluate and understand what are
the factor that are affecting the mental health also how it can be prevented and what are the
measures that should be taken in order to deal with this issue.

2. The quality of Ph.D. candidates and their research have not been up to par in recent years. Ph.D.
student unhappiness, delays, and high dropout rates are all frequent issues in doctoral education
(Wollast et al., 2018). Numerous factors have been linked to Ph.D. performance in the literature,
but these aspects have not frequently been examined (van Rooij et al., 2021). The motives must be
clear for a Ph.D. candidate as the motives behind pursuing Ph.D. makes a candidate perform well
in the career he chooses and if there are no motives behind pursuing the Ph.D., this could lead to a
situation that poses challenges for both people engaged in doctoral studies and those who support
and accompany them (Wiegerová, 2016). Moreover, the Ph.D. candidates, in the future, are
involved in academia and corporate research, and thus, they are involved in shaping the futures of
the students and the corporate sector.
3. Children who are differently abled are often ignored among other children who are considered
normal by the society. They face social exclusion in many aspects of their life, especially in schools,
which hinders child development at an early age (Unicef, 2021b). This has led to the establishment
of Special Schools where only children with special needs are admitted (Ainscow et al., 2013).
Such children are unable to receive the adequate and appropriate support and acceptability
from people around them which serves as barriers to growth in their lives (Unicef, 2021b).
This alienation has an impact upon the whole society as they miss out on all possibilities of
achieving something big through these people when they face obstacles in exploring their true
potential (Mont, 2021), which in the later years results in lifelong consequences such as the void
of basic rights, personality change, and unemployment or poverty (Unicef, 2021b).

4. Advertising plays an important role in influencing the emotions and feelings of people to
convince them for buying a specific product, service, or idea (Arens, 2014). The study about the
attitude of controversial advertisements of general audience will help us identify the type
of content people want to see and which they do not want to see. This will give us an insight to the
marketers and advertising agencies to plan the advertisements and executions in a way that they do
not result in the offensive behavior of any audience and harm the value and sale of the
product or service.

5. Unemployment in any country is regarded as a crucial issue that leads to multiple other severe
issues like an increase in poverty, crime rates, corruption, and overall social and economic
instability. However, an important factor that widely contributes to unemployment is the lack of
connection between industry and academia. While academia raises concerns regarding the lack of
job opportunities available for their graduates, industry on the contrary complains about the
unavailability of skilled resources. Hence, it is becoming quite common that a potential job
candidate performs great in job interviews yet fails in the scenario and practical tests in the
interview. The industry side has witnessed and undergone a rapid Digital revolution, whereas there
are still the same traditional curriculum and educational materials, that are followed in academia.
Hence, this creates a huge skill gap between the entities, industry, and academia.

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