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hR manager requested me to write this report because too many staff was leaving the

company after just 1 year.

This report looks at the reasons for staff's leaving and to show some suggests.

One of the key problems dường như is the salary. The staff said that they could
earn more money at the other company,
therefore, they could leave here and go to the đối thủ company. It was found that
the staff feels that corporate communication
was not effectived and it was really difficult to get the information they need.
Another factor is dường như there were too many things have to do for everyone.
this means the staff had been stressed and always have to làm việc late.

Therefore, It is recommended that the company should have to take a look at the
staff's salary to make it more cạnh tranh.
We should have morning meetings to improve the corporate communication and train
the staff to more effective communicating.

Finally, we might consider again the level and the attitude of the staff, and also
the ways that work is delegated

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