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Smartphones were used over four hours a day by 22% of the population in Spain, which has
increased by an hour in two years. We spend so much time on the phone for fun or because
of the lack of time. Personally I am against getting too used to smartphones.

If you ask me, I would say that many people just keep distracted from the real finish line,
phones make all the easier, but easier things bring mentally weak people, and weak people
bring hard moments, those hard moments would take back mentally strong people, and
strong people make easier things. As far as I am concerned it is usual to stay in the comfort
zone but you could change to better getting out of it.

As an artist , there are also many people my age that say that music helps them out being
more creative. I tried it, it is true, but if you want to give the best of you…Then you should
leave your phone and try what is better. In your first attempts you will be out of your comfort
zone, that will not help you , but if you keep trying and trusting in it, you will see that there is
actually a big improvement, but you have not left it a try until now. Moreover other people get
bored or feel isolated , so my advice is that you should then find people who do not need a
smartphone to live properly.

To sum up this consideration, try things you have not tried yet, reduce the time wasted every
day and organize your goals. If you fail, try it again and do not be hard on yourself but keep
going. Take a new route in your life.

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