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고 사 명 학년 과목명 코드 문항 수 및 배점 총점 실 시 일 자

2023학년도 선택형 1번 ~ 20번 65점 2023. 04. 28.
1 영어 03 서술형 1번 ~ 11번 35점 100점
제 1학기 중간고사 금요일 3교시

형 1번 ~ 00번 00점
※ 이 문제지의 답을 OMR카드에 기재하십시오. [2, 서술형2] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
※ 반드시 컴퓨터용 수성 사인펜을 사용하여 기재하십시오. I know you are now struggling with your new
※ 답안지를 수정할 경우에는 수정테이프만 사용하십시오. freshman year. You sometimes feel (a)stress out
because you wake up early every morning and take
[1, 서술형1] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. tough classes. ( ① ) You may occasionally feel
Yesterday, I recommended that your brother not (b)that you are not important. ( ② ) Here are some
care too much about how many friends he has. ways (c)living more positively through this year. You
. Friends are about quality, (d)will have realized by the time you are 27 that the
not quantity. Do not care about the number of following tips were really important to you.
your friends or SNS friends. If you care too much ( ③ ) I can remember that you are a huge fan
about that, you will end up wasting time with of some soccer players and singers. Following
negative friendships. True friends help you their lives is okay if it helps you (e)to relax. But
understand and love yourself. They focus on your you also need to become a fan of yourself. ( ④ )
strengths and try to help you with your problems. It doesn’t mean your favorite celebrities aren’t
I know it’s hard to believe, but not all your important. But someday you will suddenly feel
friends at 17 will be your friends at 27. that focusing on yourself (f)is more important
Thankfully, your “true” friends will still be with than focusing on them. ( ⑤ ) So I suggest that
you. So spend more time with them and be the you (g)should keep a healthy life balance. Become
best friend you can be to them. a (h)biggest fan of yourself than people on TV or
the Internet.
1. 윗글에서 글쓴이가 말하는 진정한 친구로 적절하지 않은
것은? [3.1점] 2. 윗글에서 다음의 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한
① Friends who help you understand yourself 것은? [3.2점]
② Friends who help you love yourself
However, everything will get better.
③ Friends who give attention to your strengths
④ Friends who help you solve your problems
⑤ Friends who care about the number of your friends
서술형2 윗글의 밑줄 친 (a)~(h) 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 3개
서술형1 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 문장이 다음의 의미가 되도 골라 다음의 정답 예시를 참고하여 기호와 고친 후의 형태를
록 보기에 주어진 말을 모두 한 번씩만 사용하여 어법에 맞게 쓰시오. [각 1점, 3점]
배열하여 완성하시오.(단, 필요할 경우 단어를 추가하거나 정답 예시: (m) relaxing
변형하시오.) [3점]
의미: 친구들이 많지 않다는 것이 무언가가 잘못됐다는
것을 의미하지는 않아
<보 기>
many friends, mean, not, not,
wrong, is, have, anything

- 뒷 면에 계속 됩니다. -

- 倉 洞 高 等 學 校 1학 년 《 영 어 》 과 목 1/8
확 ※ 이 시험문제의 저작권은 창동고등학교에 있습니다.
인 무단 전송, 복제, 배포시에는 저작권법에 의해서 처벌받을 수 있습니다.
[3-4] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
(A) (B) (C)
There’s something else. Stop thinking so much
about the future! In your classes, you have ① preparing for future helpful
trouble focusing, don’t you? Your mind is in the ② caring about future good
future, worrying about the next exam or your ③ dreaming about present hopeless
future job. Thinking about the future is important,
④ worrying about present positive
but you also need to focus on the present
⑤ struggling with past realistic
moment. You are wasting your ⓐprecious present
time! A Chinese ⓑproverb says, “If you want to
know your past, look into your present conditions, [5-6] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
and if you want to know your future, look into Have a seat and try some delicious spaghetti!
your present actions.” To achieve your goals, you You are free to (a)choosing either the spaghetti
need to do more than just dream about them. So on the blue plate or the spaghetti on the red
take action now, and in ten years you will have plate. Which one would you like to try? You may
achieved your goals. be surprised to know that the color blue can allow
Lastly, don’t just go through your high school you (b)lose weight. It sounds like nonsense, but
days with a ⓒnegative attitude. Stay positive. time and time again it (c)demonstrates that the
Having a good ⓓattitude will help you keep your color blue naturally suppresses your appetite. Blue
spirits up when things don’t go your way in life. food . There are no leafy blue
Live and enjoy every moment. I can tell you that vegetables or blue meats. That may be why we
right now is not only a very ⓔchallenging time don’t have an automatic appetite response to blue.
for you, but it is also a very fun time. Another interesting fact is that in the past, blue
(together with purple and black) was a “color
3. 윗글의 밑줄 친 단어 ⓐ~ⓔ의 뜻으로 알맞게 짝 warning sign” of (d)potential poisonous food.
지어지지 않은 것은? [3.3점] Thus, almost by instinct, we tend to avoid food
① ⓐprecious : not to be wasted or treated carelessly (e)which is blue.
② ⓑproverb : a brief popular saying that gives
advice about how people should live 5. 윗글의 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중, 어법상 틀린 것의 개수
③ ⓒnegative : not desirable or optimistic 는? [3.4점]
④ ⓓattitude : the way you think and feel about ① 1개 ② 2개 ③ 3개
someone or something ④ 4개 ⑤ 5개

⑤ ⓔchallenging : question the action or authority of

6. 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.2점]
① prevents people from losing weight
② is not readily available around us
4. 윗글을 다음과 같이 요약할 때 빈칸 (A)~(C)에
③ is actually highly usual in nature
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.3점]
④ is known to be poisonous
☞ Although thinking about the future is ⑤ can stimulate an appetite
important, you have to stop (A) the future,
focus on the (B) , and take action now to
achieve your goals. In addition, you need to have
a (C) attitude and live and enjoy every
moment as a high school student.

- 다음 장에 계속 됩니다. -

- 倉 洞 高 等 學 校 1학 년 《 영 어 》 과 목 2/8
확 ※ 이 시험문제의 저작권은 창동고등학교에 있습니다.
인 무단 전송, 복제, 배포시에는 저작권법에 의해서 처벌받을 수 있습니다.
[7-8] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [9, 서술형3-4] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
It’s said that women have a more ①advanced What color do you think looks better for girls,
ability to see red and orange colors than men. pink or blue? Many of you would answer pink
This means that women are good at ②identifying almost automatically. (①) But did you know that
the many variations of the color red, while men this was not the case a long time ago? (②)
may only see light red and dark red. There is a During the early 20th century, it was generally
natural reason why men can’t see what is so ③obvious accepted that pink was for boys and blue for
to women. girls. (③) People thought that pink was a more
It is generally known that there is a ④gene decisive and stronger color and more suitable for
that enables people to perceive the color red. boys, while blue was more delicate and prettier,
Interestingly, the gene is found only in the X thus more proper for girls. (④) It was when the
chromosome and maintains a lot more ⑤variations women’s liberation movement arrived that mothers
than other genes. Because women have two X came to think differently. (⑤) So they started
chromosomes, they can perceive more variations dressing their girls in pink.
in the red-orange color spectrum than men, who
have only one X chromosome. 9. 윗글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장
적절한 곳은? [3.1점]
7. 윗글의 밑줄 친 낱말의 영영풀이로 적절하지 않은
They wanted their daughters to have more
것은? [3.1점]
options and take an active part in society.
① advanced : far on or ahead in development or
② identify : establish or indicate who or what 서술형3-4 윗글의 내용을 다음과 같이 요약하고자 한
someone or something is 다. 빈칸에 들어갈 적절할 말을 보기에서 골라 중복되지
③ obvious : having more than one possible meaning, 않게 한 칸에 한 단어씩 쓰시오. (단, 필요할 경우 단어
and likely to cause confusion 를 추가하거나 변형하시오.) [각 3점]
④ gene : a unit of heredity which is transferred
from a parent to offspring <요약문>
⑤ variation : a change or slight difference in In the early 20th century, pink 서술형3
condition, amount, or level, for boys. However, after the
typically within certain limits women's liberation movement, mothers 서술형4
8. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [3.2점] <보기>
① Only men can classify light red and dark red.
② Men have certain genes that cause red-green identically, reversely, consider, think,
blindness. begin, deny, proper, inappropriate
③ The gene recognizing the variations of red
can be found in both X and Y chromosomes.
④ The difference in how women and men 서술형3

perceive color spectrum results from various

⑤ There is a biological factor that makes the
difference between men and women in 서술형4

noticing red-orange color spectrum.

- 뒷 면에 계속 됩니다. -

- 倉 洞 高 等 學 校 1학 년 《 영 어 》 과 목 3/8
확 ※ 이 시험문제의 저작권은 창동고등학교에 있습니다.
인 무단 전송, 복제, 배포시에는 저작권법에 의해서 처벌받을 수 있습니다.
10. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 secret, not you. If you will/do go ahead and tell
적절하지 않은 것은? [3.2점] the secret, the feeling of power you get from
If we adopt technology, we need to ①avoid its revealing it will soon be erased by the negative
costs. Thousands of traditional livelihoods have feeling of (C)[being/having] betrayed someone
been pushed aside by progress, and the lifestyles close to you. In addition, the friendship you had
around those jobs removed. Hundreds of millions with the person who shared it with you may be
of humans today work at jobs they hate, ruined forever.
producing things they have no love for. Sometimes
(A) (B) (C)
these jobs ②cause physical pain, disability, or
chronic disease. Technology creates many new ① reveal that being
jobs that are certainly ③unsafe. At the same ② reveal what having
time, mass education and media train humans to ③ to reveal what having
avoid low-tech physical work, to seek jobs
④ to reveal what being
working in the digital world. The ④divorce of the
hands from the head puts a stress on the human ⑤ to reveal that being
mind. Indeed, the sedentary nature of the
best-paying jobs is a health ⑤hazard — for body 13. 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한
and mind. 것은? [3.3점]
It is believed that noise pollution in the oceans
11. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
and seas is becoming a critical threat to marine
적절하지 않은 것은? [3.4점] life. There are now few places left where marine
Breathing polluted air is a problem whether animals can find quiet waters. Noise pollution
you're inside or outside. Sulfur dioxide, ozone, from shipping, military testing, oil and gas
nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter (PM) are surveys, offshore construction, and water sports
all harmful at certain levels. The worst of these has reached dangerous levels. Many marine
is PM, a ①mixture of tiny solid and liquid species can no longer rely on sound to
particles. PM in the UK was partly ②responsible communicate, find a mate, or hunt. (A) ,
for 37,800 early deaths there in 2012, while the distance over which blue whales can
nitrogen dioxide accounted for just 14,100. That's communicate has fallen by 90 percent. (B) ,
because PM ③consist of very small particles, and many whales have become trapped on beaches
smaller particles are more harmful. PM of ④less after being unable to navigate due to loud noise.
than 10 microns in diameter, for example, can (C) , whether the problem of marine noise
pass deep into the lungs, causing severe harm. pollution is solvable is not clear yet.
Long-term exposure to PM ⑤suppresses the
likelihood of heart disease, lung or breathing
(A) (B) (C)
disorders, and lung cancer.
① Furthermore However Accordingly
12. 다음 (A), (B), (C)에서 어법에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 ② However Thus Unluckily
것은? [3.4점]
③ For example Nevertheless Rather
Sometimes it is very difficult to keep a secret.
④ Similarly As a result Luckily
If a friend suspects that you know one, he or she
might try to persuade you (A)[reveal/to reveal] it. ⑤ For instance In addition Unfortunately
The secret may not feel like a big deal to you,
but (B)[that/what] is important is how the person
who told you the secret feels about it. It is up to
that person to decide whom to trust with the - 다음 장에 계속 됩니다. -
- 倉 洞 高 等 學 校 1학 년 《 영 어 》 과 목 4/8
확 ※ 이 시험문제의 저작권은 창동고등학교에 있습니다.
인 무단 전송, 복제, 배포시에는 저작권법에 의해서 처벌받을 수 있습니다.
14. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 어색한 것은? [3.1점] 15. 윗글의 (A), (B), (C)에서 문맥에 맞는 말로 가장 적절한
① What is the rumor about does not matter all. 것은? [3.4점]
② Sometimes it is necessary for all of us to be (A) (B) (C)
alone. ① impractical acquire effective
③ How you express your emotions affects
② practical acquire ineffective
others’ feelings.
③ impractical acquire ineffective
④ One problem with those old-fashioned
devices was their noise. ④ practical require ineffective
⑤ The number of employees working excessive ⑤ impractical require effective
hours is falling steadily.
16. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.1점]
[15, 서술형5] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. The next time you start planning a vacation,
Upper class citizens loved wearing luxurious remember to check out Osoyoos, British Columbia.
clothes and accessories. The high cost of their Having some of the warmest weather on average
garments assured their social position because in all of Canada, Osoyoos is sometimes referred
lower classes couldn't afford such things. During to as Canada's warmest welcome. There you
economic swings, however, it was sometimes can see Spotted Lake, which is surrounded by
possible for lower classes to acquire more ancient grave markers. However, it's not just the
expensive dress and show it off in public. The grave markers that make this place special. It's
upper classes found such behavior offensive. also famous for a remarkable phenomenon it
Certain countries even passed sumptuary laws to displays during summer. Once the water from the
control the purchase of luxurious goods. (a) This lake gets low enough in the hot weather, all that's
made left are round pools resembling spots. Every spot
only designated for the nobility. However, it was turns a different color depending on the minerals
(A)[impractical/practical] to monitor what inside the pool and the rainfall that year. The
everyone bought. In addition, people with enough water may be different shades of green, yellow,
money could easily pay the fine for violating the or brown. If you don't know when to visit, July is
law and (B)[acquire/require] more luxurious apparently the time with the best variety of color.
goods. The fact that sumptuary laws were created ① Osoyoos: the Capital of Canadian Economy
shows how highly medieval governments valued ② How to Plan a Vacation within Budget
the stability of their social structure. The laws ③ Recommendations to Improve Tourism
were maintained even after the Middles Ages ④ A Place Worth Visiting on Holidays
despite not being (C)[effective/ineffective]. ⑤ Exotic Scenery of Spotted Lake

서술형5 윗글의 문장 (a)가 아래에 주어진 의미를 가지

도록 보기에 주어진 말을 모두 한 번씩만 사용하여 어법에
맞게 배열하여 완성하시오. (단, 필요할 경우 단어를 추가하
거나 변형하시오.) [4점]

의미: 이것은 하위 계층이 귀족만을 위해 지정된 특정 색상이

나 직물을 착용하는 것을 불법으로 만들었다.
<보 기>
wear, lower classes, legal
specific colors or fabrics, it

- 뒷 면에 계속 됩니다. -

- 倉 洞 高 等 學 校 1학 년 《 영 어 》 과 목 5/8
확 ※ 이 시험문제의 저작권은 창동고등학교에 있습니다.
인 무단 전송, 복제, 배포시에는 저작권법에 의해서 처벌받을 수 있습니다.
[17, 서술형6] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (B) Strong winds can blow balloons hundreds of
(a)Most information on the internet says it miles before they begin to lose helium and
takes about 21 days to form a new habit. Experts descend. Some eventually find their way into the
agree a habit can be formed simply by repeating a ocean and become what's called marine debris.
behavior over time. But this advice may be a bit (C) Unfortunately, many sea creatures are attracted
misleading. After all, some behaviors can become by a transparent, deflated balloon resembling their
habits quickly while others cannot. Start eating prey. Since balloons cannot be digested, they
chocolate chip cookies every night, (b)and that become stuck inside animals' bodies and can cause
behavior will quickly enter your daily routine. But them to starve to death.
cooking at home every night with healthy ① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C)
ingredients may need more effort. It's because ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B)
new habit formation depends on how deeply ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
rooted the old behavior is. Attending the gym
after work will be harder for someone accustomed
to (c)watch TV dramas every evening. Cleaning 19. (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로
your bathroom every weekend will be easier if 가장 적절한 것은? [3.3점]
you already have a once-a-month cleaning ritual. Everything in the world around us was finished
Rather than worrying about how long it will take in the mind of its creator before it was started.
(d)you to reach your goal, practice taking small The houses we live in, the cars we drive, and our
steps toward it. clothing⸻ all of these began with an idea. Each
idea was then studied, refined and perfected
17. 윗글의 밑줄 친 (a)~(d)중에서 어법상 옳지 않은 before the first nail was driven or the first piece
of cloth was cut. Long before the idea was turned
것은? [3.2점]
into a (A)[physical/mental] reality, the mind had
① (a) ② (b) ③ (c)
clearly pictured the finished product. The human
④ (d) ⑤ 없음
being designs his or her own future through much
the (B)[same/different] process. We begin with an
서술형6 윗글을 읽고 우리가 하게 될 결심의 내용을
다음과 같이 정리할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 적절한 말을 본문 idea about how the future will be. Over a period
에서 찾아 한 칸에 한 단어씩 쓰시오. [5점] of time we refine and perfect the vision. Before
Unlike the information on the Internet or the long, our every thought, decision and activity are
opinions of the experts, the time we need to form a all working in harmony to bring into
new habit varies one another. After all, _______ (C)[extinction/existence] what we have mentally
_________ ________ is closely related with ________ concluded about the future.
we already have in our lives. So, all we need to do
is practice taking small steps to form it, not worrying (A) (B) (C)
about the amount of time to our goals. ① mental … same … existence
② mental … different … extinction
③ physical … same … extinction
18. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
④ physical … same … existence
것은? [3.2점]
⑤ physical … different … extinction
Did you ever wonder where released helium
balloons end up?
(A) Marine debris is a serious problem for ocean
animals. When a balloon lands in the ocean, its
color is washed off by the salt water. - 다음 장에 계속 됩니다. -

- 倉 洞 高 等 學 校 1학 년 《 영 어 》 과 목 6/8
확 ※ 이 시험문제의 저작권은 창동고등학교에 있습니다.
인 무단 전송, 복제, 배포시에는 저작권법에 의해서 처벌받을 수 있습니다.
[20, 서술형 7] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 서술형7 윗글의 빈칸 (A)가 아래에 주어진 의미를 가지도
Like Ebola virus in Africa and the Nipah virus 록 보기에 주어진 말을 모두 한 번씩만 사용하여 어법에 맞게
in Asia, the new coronavirus — 2019-nCoV — 배열하여 완성하시오. (단, 필요할 경우 단어를 변형하시오.)
appears to have (a)originated in bats. Chinese
researchers took samples of the coronavirus from
의미: 어디에서 발병이 처음으로 탐지되었는지
patients in Wuhan, the city in central China, and
<보 기>
found out (A) . They
be, the outbreak, first,
compared the genetic sequence of the new
where, detect
coronavirus to a library of known viruses and
found a 96% match with a coronavirus found in
horseshoe bats in southwest China. The findings
서술형8-9 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)~(E) 중 어법상 틀린
were published in a study in Nature. Also, the 것을 두 개 골라 다음의 정답 예시를 참고하여 기호, 틀린 표
MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) 현과 맞게 고친 표현를 쓰시오. [각 2점]
outbreak, first detected in 2012, was caused by a 정답 예시:
coronavirus that jumped from bats to camels to 기호 틀린 표현 맞게 고친 표현
people who maybe drank raw camel milk or ate (F) chose choosing
undercooked meat.
So why do so many infectious diseases (A)Do you find them pleasant eating a kale
(b)emerge from bats? First, bats carry a great juice in the morning? Some of you may not.
variety of viruses — and the viruses they carry Doctors have found eating fruit and vegetables
seem more (c)likely to spread to people. Experts helps prevent disease. According to a study, a
say scientists aren't completely sure why, but it diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood
may have to do with the families of viruses that pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and
some bats tend to carry. There are over 130 stroke, prevent some types of cancer, and have a
different kinds of viruses found in bats which positive effect on blood sugar, (B)which can help
(d)favorably affect humans and induce severe keep appetite in check. Also, (C)doctors
diseases. Second, the immune system of bats is recommend patients to replace higher-calorie
well-adapted to dealing with viruses and is foods with fruits and vegetables(which tend to be
unusually strong at limiting inflammation. Bats are lower in calories). This in turn will also decrease
world’s only flying mammal, so they have the risk of weight gain, which is associated with
developed special immune systems to deal with several diseases such as high blood pressure. So,
the stress of flying. Their bodies make molecules when (D)you choose what to eat, (E)don’t forget
that other mammals don't have, which help repair including green foods next time.
cell damage. And their systems don't overreact to
(e)infections, which keeps them from falling ill 기호 틀린 표현 맞게 고친 표현
from the many viruses they carry.

20. 윗글의 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 서술형8

쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [3.5점]
① (a) ② (b) ③ (c)
④ (d) ⑤ (e)


- 뒷 면에 계속 됩니다. -
- 倉 洞 高 等 學 校 1학 년 《 영 어 》 과 목 7/8
확 ※ 이 시험문제의 저작권은 창동고등학교에 있습니다.
인 무단 전송, 복제, 배포시에는 저작권법에 의해서 처벌받을 수 있습니다.
서술형10 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 서술형11 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 보기에
한다. 주어진 단어를 모두 한 번씩만 사용하여 어법에 주어진 단어들을 모두 한 번씩만 사용하여 어법에 맞게
맞게 배열하여 완성하시오. (단, 필요할 경우 단어의 형태를 배열하여 완성하시오. (단, 필요할 경우 단어의 형태를 변형
변형하시오.) [3점] 하시오.) [4점]

Success can lead you off your intended path and If you want the confidence that comes from
into a comfortable rut. If you are good at achieving what you set out to do each day, then
something and are well rewarded for doing it, you it’s important to understand how long things are
may want to keep doing it even if you stop going to take. Overoptimism about what can be
enjoying it. The danger is that one day you look achieved within a certain time frame is a problem.
around and realize you’re so deep in this So work on it. Make a practice of estimating the
comfortable rut that you can no longer see the amount of time needed alongside items on your
sun or breathe fresh air; the sides of the rut have ‘things to do’ list, and learn by experience when
become so slippery that it would take a tasks take a greater or lesser time than expected.
superhuman effort to climb out; and, effectively, Give attention also to fitting the task to the
you’re stuck. And it’s a situation that many available time. There are some tasks that you can
working people worry they’re in now. The poor only set about if you have a significant amount of
employment market has left them feeling locked in time available. There is no point in trying to gear
what may be a secure, or even well-paying — up for such a task when you only have a short
but ultimately unsatisfying — job. period available. So plan to
in advance and put the short tasks into the spare
<요약문> moments in between.
Success can cause people to get too
accustomed to their routines, even if they no <보 기>
longer enjoy them, which can result in the longer, spend, an appropriate,
. amount of, tasks, time, do

<보 기>
change, feel, unable, stuck
to, a rut, and, in

< 확인 사항 >

답안지의 해당란에 필요한 내용을 정확히 기입 또는

표기했는지 확인하시오.

- 倉 洞 高 等 學 校 1학 년 《 영 어 》 과 목 8/8
확 ※ 이 시험문제의 저작권은 창동고등학교에 있습니다.
인 무단 전송, 복제, 배포시에는 저작권법에 의해서 처벌받을 수 있습니다.

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