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The Fresh Prince of Belair - Decision Making /10

After watching the episode where Will decides to get a job, describe the process he takes to
make his decision and why it is so important for him. Please comment on your experience like
this. Did you ever have to make a decision that wasn’t ‘common’ for you?

Your answer can be in the form of a journal/diary entry or paragraph format.

From the episode, I realized that I related to Will when it came to how he felt. Will felt like he
was living off his uncle’s money, causing him to find a job because he didn’t want to become like
Carlton. He didn’t want to be like Carlton because Carlton is living off Phillip’s money and that’s
not what Will wanted so he decided to get a job to pay for his prom instead of staying dependent
on Uncle Phil as it’s important that he learns to pay for his own things, unlike Carl. I felt the way
Will does because it’s hard to be a teenager who doesn't have a job, depending on our parents
for money to buy the things we want and at a point I do feel guilty, which is why I took up on a
part-time job just so I don’t have to depend on them for every little thing. A decision that I had to
make that wasn’t common for me was to go to the UK for a summer program for Law and
English Literature at Cambridge University during summer 2023. It was going to be the first time
I would be alone in a different country and I was both excited and nervous at the same time. I
learned how to live on my own at the dormitory, and I had my ups and downs there as I missed
my parents a lot, but met new people and got a different perspective of things I thought I already
knew! In the end, I loved how it felt to live alone, and I was glad that I made the decision to go.

(Added a few pictures I took below)

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