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April 16, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:

I am thrilled to recommend Creyton Vera, a student whose drive, intelligence, and sense of
responsibility have left a lasting impression on me. Creyton is a hard-working young man with a
passion for technology and a clear vision for his future. His academic achievements, including a
3.32 GPA, are a testament to his dedication and commitment to his studies.

Creyton's enthusiasm for learning is apparent in his chosen major of Information Technology.
With a strong desire to become a technician, he has the skill set and determination necessary to
excel in such a field. Creyton's ambition to earn a four-year degree from a college in Wisconsin
is commendable and reflects his genuine interest in pursuing a career in the IT industry.

Outside of the classroom, Creyton is an avid weightlifter, which has fostered discipline and
determination. He has also gained valuable work experience at Food For Less and Custom
Teez, where he has developed a strong sense of responsibility. These experiences have
allowed Creyton to grow as an individual and showcase his maturity and work ethic.

Creyton is a fun, courageous, and intelligent student who is not afraid to take risks and
challenge himself. He possesses the qualities one would expect in a future leader, and I believe
he will make a positive impact on any college he joins. I have no doubt that Creyton will thrive in
higher education.

In conclusion, it is an honor to recommend Creyton Vera. His determination, academic

achievements, and personal growth make him an ideal candidate for any institution. I am
confident that Creyton will continue to excel and contribute significantly to the community
throughout his college journey.


Alejandra Salas
School Counselor
El Capitan High School

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