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Kardos 3rd Assignment (Chapter 7K-a)

Question – 1: A sample of water is collected from the Thirlmere Reservoir, suggest a way to separate
each of the following from water:
a. Gravels: Using your hands you can get the debris out of the water.
b. Sand: When you filter out the sand and water, the sand will get stuck at the filter paper.
c. Salt: Evaporating the water gets rid of the water, which leaves the salt behind. (3)

Question – 2: Making a Coffee is an irreversible reaction; Define an irreversible reaction and suggest at
least one example. (2)
An irreversible action is when you can’t change it back to the way it was before.
Scrambling, boiling or cooking eggs is an irreversible action.
Question – 3: Describe the difference between a Solid, Liquid and a Gas in following terms:
a. Density: Solids are most dense. Liquids are the second most dense. Gases are the most dense.
b. Fixed Shape: Solids have a fixed shape, Liquids always become the shape the container is
like, and Gases always fill the container they are in.
c. Fixed Volume: Solids have a fixed volume, Liquids are viscous and is hard to keep track of
their volume, Gases are very hard to keep track of their volume. (3)
Question – 4: As responsible citizens, how can we play our role to save maximum water for our coming
generations? Narrate 2 ways.
Reduce the amount of water we use everyday by: 1st, we need to teach our generations on how to use
water the right way. 2nd, save water by using baskets, cups or any bowls in your house. (Such as when the
shower is cold and you don’t want to go in so you use a basket to save some water until it turns hot).

Question – 5: Why is waste water a mixture of many substances?
Some things such as sand, salt, debris, plastics or even dead creatures could appear in waste water.
---------------------------------------------------Score = 11 / 11--------------------------------------------------------

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