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Ilex Avena L.


Module 6: Gearing Up for Future: Curriculum Reforms

Reflect on the statement below and comment: “The K to 12 is bound to fail it is
implemented hurriedly without thorough planning”.
Because on the student’s side, the reason for success or failure of education in this
country depends more on whether the student is interested to learn, and/or finds value in what
they’re (supposed to be) learning.
I remember all those years of hearing DepEd reps, up to the Secretary of Educ himself (which
was Butch Abad at the time, and Raul Roco at one point), go on and on about Cohort Attrition
Rates and the reasons for them. You want to know part of the reason why, by the time a Filipino
child reaches grade 6, more than half of his or her cohort are not in school anymore?
Nutrition. And rest.
Time to study. Which is connected at least to poverty.
To put it simply, the child either cannot study properly or does not find it useful to study because
their life situation makes it so. Either they’re too poor to have proper books, school supplies and
rest or they have to help earn money for the family. Or both!
Outside of the Metros and other Highly Urbanized Cities, kids have to walk not only kilometers
to their schools everyday but up hill, down dale, and even through a raging river.
And more often than not, many of them go to school hungry.
Add to that the fact that most public schools are overflowing way past capacity per classroom,
where you cram too many kids in a very small space.
Teachers also have to handle too many kids at once, so regardless of how good the teacher is or
how willing students are the quality of education will suffer.
Ilex Avena L. Masilang

Module 7:
Outcomes-Based-Education: Basis for Enhanced Teacher Education Curriculum

Based on the activity 1: Finding OBE in the classroom, answer the questions below.
1. What did the teacher intend to accomplish in the lesson at the beginning?
 Teacher must prepare students adequately. This can be done if the teacher know what the
students to learn and what learning outcomes to achieve. Prerequisite knowledge is
important, thus a review is necessary at the start of the lesson.
2. Was it accomplished or achieved at the end? Has learning occurred?
 The teacher must be use a variety of teaching methods. The most appropriate strategy
should be used taking into account the learning outcomes teachers wants to the students
achieved. Also, to consider are the contents, the characteristics of the students, the
resources available and the teaching skill of the teacher. Even if OBE is learner-centered,
sometimes more direct, time-tested methods of teaching will be appropriate.
3. What learning outcomes was achieved?
 All students are expected to excel, hence equal expanded opportunities should be
4. During the activity, was there an opportunity for all the children to learn? Described.
 All students can learn and succeed. But not at the same time or in the same way. Because
every student has different capacity of thinking, understanding, skills and attitude.
5. How was the achieved learning outcome assessed? Explain.
 One of the great benefits of outcome-based education is that it makes students aware of
what should they learning, why they are learning it, what they are actually learning, and
what should they do when they are learning. All of these will include with the achieved
learning outcomes.

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