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17:10 09/01/2024 Listening Test: Attempt review

Started on Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 4:14 PM

State Finished
Completed on Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 4:39 PM
Time taken 25 mins
Grade 4.80 out of 10.00 (48%)

Question 1

Partially correct

Mark 2.40 out of 3.00

Listen to an interview about a competition for young inventors. Are the statements true or false?

TRUE  1. Only teenagers over 14 years old can enter the competition this year.

FALSE  2. Their inventions have to be for something completely new.

TRUE  3. People are allowed to send in a model of their invention.

TRUE  4. Real adult inventors will choose their favourite designs.

FALSE  5. Dave advises people to design something that will sell for a lot of money.

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17:10 09/01/2024 Listening Test: Attempt review

Question 2

Partially correct

Mark 0.60 out of 3.00

Listen to five extracts about the weather. Choose the correct answers.

1. People in England often talk about the weather because

they don’t like talking about health. 
it gives them something to talk about.
they are always worrying about it.

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: it gives them something to talk about.

2. What caused the most damage to houses on Sunshine Island?

the earthquake 
the tornado
the flooding

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: the flooding

3. What does the man say about the temperature in his garage at the moment?

It isn't warm enough.

It’s quite mild.
It’s below zero. 

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: It isn't warm enough.

4. What happened last night?

Lightning struck the house. 

The rain flooded the garden.
The wind blew a tree down.

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: The wind blew a tree down.

5. What problem did the woman have on holiday?

The temperature was too high. 
The children weren’t very well.
There wasn’t enough to do. 2/5
17:10 09/01/2024 Listening Test: Attempt review

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: The temperature was too high.

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17:10 09/01/2024 Listening Test: Attempt review

Question 3

Partially correct

Mark 1.80 out of 4.00

Listen and complete the dialogue.

Presenter: Today in the studio we have Dave Bridges. Dave has organised a competition to find the best young inventor  in the

country. So Dave, can you tell us a bit more about the competition  ?

Dave: Yes, sure. My friend and I decided to have the competition because we know that young people are great at thinking of
amazing  ideas for inventions. I’ve seen some fantastic ideas from people as young as eight years old. We’ve decided to allow

young people aged fourteen to nineteen to enter this year’s competition. But next year we’re going to allow  eightto thirteen-
year-olds to enter too.

Presenter: That’s great. So what are you looking for?

Dave: Ideas, really. Maybe you use a product  every day, but you think it could be improved or changed in some way. Or

perhaps you’ve got an idea for something really new – a totally new product. It could be something very simple, like a plastic 

cover to protect a bike seat from the rain. Or it could be something much more difficult to make, like a solar-powered gadget great

 .

Presenter: Great. So how can people enter  the competition?

Dave: They need to send us a description of their invention – whether it’s completely new or an improvement on an old design  .
We want to know what it is, how they thought of the idea and why they think people would want to use it. They also need to provide a very
good drawing  of the invention.

Presenter: So they don’t need to actually make the invention?

Dave: They can if they want to. If it’s a  idea, then why not build it? But if you’ve designed something difficult to make, then

it’s best to just  a plan.

Presenter: Great. So what happens when people send their designs to you?

Dave: The designs will be judged by a team of five  inventors. There are some really famous inventors taking part. Each adult

inventor will choose the idea that he or she likes best. They will then work on the design with the young inventor.  will film
them while they are working too. There will be a special documentary on Channel Ten about making the inventions.

Presenter: Right. And what will happen after that?

Dave Well, then the final inventions will be made into products. And we hope that they will become  , sell and make a lot
of money!

Presenter: So tell me, Dave. What do you think is the best invention from the last twenty years?

Dave: Hmm, that’s a difficult question. Lots of people say it’s the 3D  , because it allows you to print any object. But I’m
more interested in inventions that help people around the world. I think Trevor Bayliss’s radio is amazing because it doesn’t use electricity or

 . Poor people in very remote places in Africa are using it right now. 4/5
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Presenter: Great! So have you got any more  for young people before they enter this competition?

Dave Yes. You need to think of a product that lots of people will want to  . If you can do that, it’ll be a great

 !
Presenter: Thanks very much, Dave. It’s been great to talk to you.


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