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Manuel G.

Araullo High School

Taft Avenue corner UN Avenue, Manila
MAPEH Department
Learning Activity Sheet #1 | HEALTH 8| Gateway Drugs

Objectives: 1. Discusses Gateway Drugs.

I. Concept
Gateway Drugs - Alcohol and tobacco are gateway drugs initially used by
people and may eventually lead to the abuse of illegal drugs. Reasons why
people use tobacco or smoke
1. Stimulation smoker- is a kind of smoker smokes to liven up his/ her life.
2. Oral Gratification smoker- cigarette gives oral gratification just like a
baby who needs to stuck his/ her bottle of milk.
3. Pleasure-relaxation smoker- for some smoker, cigarette gives them a
feeling of contentment, achievement, and victory.
4. Tension-reducer smoker- there some people who smoke when under
stress, anger, fear, or anxiety. Smoking offers them the escape from these
5. Habitual smoker- this type of smoker feels uneasy and nervous without
cigarette in his/ her hand. He/she is a chain smoker.
II. Exercise/s / Activity
Directions: Fill in the necessary information to complete the concept map.
Write down the reason of smoking cigarettes.



SMOKING Pleasure

Tension Reducer


III. Reference

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