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History and Culture Gk Quiz Questions and Answers Pdf

Question: 1

Indian expertise was recently used in the archaeological restoration of the

monuments at
(A) Angkorwat

(B) Jerusalem

(C) Yucatan

(D) Rome

Ans: A


Question: 2

Chauth was land revenue collected in

(A) The Magadha Empire

(B) The Mughal Empire

(C) Maratha territory

(D) The Sikh Kingdom

Ans: C

Maratha territory

Question: 3

In the Gandhara sculpture the preaching mudra associated with the

Buddha’s First Sermon at Sarnath is
(A) Abhaya

(B) Bhumisparsa
(C) Dharmachakra

(D) Dhyana

Ans: C


Question: 4

Who among the following sultans of Delhi is considered to have

introduced revolutionary trends in his state policy vis-a-vis the religious
(A) Alauddin Khalji

(B) Balban

(C) Itutmish

(D) Jalal-ud-din-Khalji

Ans: B


Question: 5

Which one of the following Sultans opposed the interference of the Ulema
in state affairs?
(A) Alauddin Khilji

(B) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(C) Balban

(D) Bahlol Lodi

Ans: C


Question: 6
According to the Mimansa system of Philosophy, liberation is possible by
means of
(A) Jnana

(B) Yoga

(C) Bhakti

(D) Karma

Ans: D


Question: 7

Of the following scholars, who was the first to discover the traces of the
Harappan civilisation?
(A) A.Cunningham

(B) R.D. Banerji

(C) Sir John Marshall

(D) Daya Ram Sahani

Ans: D

Daya Ram Sahani

Question: 8

Megasthenes was the ambassador of

(A) Alexander

(B) Cyrus

(C) Darius

(D) Seleucus
Ans: D


Question: 9

Rigveda, the earliest literary composition of the Aryans consisted mainly

(A) Rituals of worship

(B) Charms and Spells

(C) Philosophical speculations

(D) Prayers offered to the divinities

Ans: D

Prayers offered to the divinities

Question: 10

Manu Smriti deals with

(A) Economics

(B) State craft

(C) Politics

(D) Law

Ans: D


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