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Moves Toward Restoring Net Neutrality Rules, Igniting Regulatory Fight

Sabin Mae


The article discusses the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) decision of moving

towards the restoration of net neutrality rules, which had been repealed during the

administration of Trump. As the FCC, led by Democrats, votes to proceed with the proposal,

there is an ignition of regulatory battle between the Democrats and the Republicans, as well as

the telecommunications companies.


My opinion on this topic leans towards supporting of the restoration of net neutrality rules. This

Net neutrality ensures that all the internet users have equality in accessing online content

without the interference from broadband providers. By prohibiting blocking or slowing down

specific services, net neutrality promotes a level playing field for internet users and also

encourages innovation and severe competition among various online platforms.

(Nuwer, Rachel 2014) Reviewed the classification of high-speed internet as a utility, as essentially

similar to water or electricity, is a great step forward. In the modern age, where the internet is

very essential for various aspects of the daily life, it is crucial to ensure that the internet access

remains open and always accessible to all users equally.

(Gilroy, Angele 2019) Insisted that this pandemic highlighted how of importance reliable

broadband access is, as many aspects of life shifted online during lockdowns. Restoring net

neutrality rules would enable the FCC to regulate broadband providers, ensuring there is no
engagement in various practices that can harm consumers of stifle the competition.

Regardless of that, I acknowledge that there are differing perspectives on this issue. The

Republicans and the telecommunications companies insist that net neutrality impose

unessential burdens on various broadband providers that could lead to the regulatory

overreach. they also raise the concern about potential mission creep by the FCC into areas like

the cybersecurity.

Therefore, I believe in the need in restoring net neutrality rules to preserve a free and open

internet, safeguarding consumer rights, and promote a fair competition in the digital market.

Impact on daily life

The decision could impact my day-to-day life and the use of technology in various ways. It

ensures that I can access online content and services without restrictions or discrimination

based on my internet service provider's preferences. It also leads to a more diverse and vibrant

internet ecosystem since it promotes competition and innovation among online platforms.

Generally, the restoration of net neutrality rules orients with the principles of fairness, equality,

and accessibility in the digital age.


Nuwer, Rachel (2014, January 16). "Here's the Paper That Popularized Net Neutrality". Smithsonian

Gilroy, Angele A. (April 15, 2019). The Net Neutrality Debate: Access to Broadband Networks.
Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service.

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