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Departamento de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales

Miss Valeria Gómez Osorio

Review History Second Grade

Date: Class 2° ____
Content: Relative location and cardinal points Abilities: Observe, identify and complete
Instructions: Read the instruction carefully and answer each activity according to the content studied

I.- Complete: Look at the zoo picture and complete the sentences with the
following words:

left – right – in front of – next to – behind - between

1.- Lions are _________________________ polar bears and penguins.

2.- Giraffes are at the ___________________________ side of the girl.
3.- Polar bears are __________________________________ elephants.
4.- The flamingo is __________________________ the baby elephant.
5.- Elephants are at the __________________________ side of the girl.
6.- Lions are ________________________________________ of the girl.

Departamento de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales
Miss Valeria Gómez Osorio

7.- Monkeys are _____________________________________ penguins.

8.- Zebras are ________________________________________ monkeys.

II.- Identify: Read the following instructions and identify the animals to color them.
1.- Color orange and brown the animals at the left side of the girl.
2.- Color brown the animals behind to the penguins.
3.- Color gray and pink the animals at the right side of the girl.
4.- Color black and white the animals behind to the elephants.
5.- Color brown and orange the animals between the penguins and the polar
6.- Color black and white the animals in front of the monkeys.
7.- Color black and white the animals behind to the polar bears.

III.- Complete: Write the cardinal points to complete the picture.

IV.- Identify: Look at the city plan and identify the cardinal point to complete the
sentences. (north, south, east, west, northwest, northeast, southwest,

Departamento de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales
Miss Valeria Gómez Osorio

1.- The hospital is at the _______________________ of the fire


2.- The bus stop is at the ______________________ of the park.

3.- The veterinarian is at the __________________ of the pharmacy.

4.- The doctor’s surgery is at the _______________ of the veterinarian.

5.- The train station is at the ___________________ of the playground.

6.- The garage is at the _______________________ of the fire station.

7.- The police station is at the _________________ of the train station.

8.- The supermarket is at the ___________________ of the post office.

9.- The playground is at the ____________________ of the school.

10.- The park is at the _________________________ of the police station.

V.- Complete: Look at the instruction to complete the missing places on the plan.

Departamento de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales
Miss Valeria Gómez Osorio

1.- The fire station is at the north of the park.

2.- The post office is at the south of the veterinarian.

3.- The hospital is at the southwest of the park.

4.- The school is at the southeast of the supermarket.

5.- The playground is at the east of the fire station.

6.- The garage is at the southwest of the train station.

7.- The police station is at the south of the garage.

8.- The bus stop is at the northeast of the veterinarian.

9.- The pharmacy is at the north of the doctor’s surgery.

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