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Erlina Ambarwati
Daniel’s example 7.2.1: Is the mean age of certain
population ≠ 30 years?

Nature of the data: scales of measurement

Random sample of 10 individuals drawn from population of

interest, sample mean x=27

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Normality of the population distribution
Equality of variances
Independence of samples
Sample size compared to population size

Ages come from an approximately normal distribution

Assume that population variance σ2=20

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Null hypothesis: Ho
To be tested (“no difference”). Set up to be discredited. Should contain a
statement of equality. Result: it is rejected or not rejected

Alternative hypothesis: Ha
Usually the research hypothesis, what you hope or expect to be able to

They are mutually exclusive (only one true) and

exhaustive (cover all possibilities)

Ho: µ=30 vs. Ha: µ≠30

We could also ask: Ho: µ≤30 vs. Ha: µ>30

Ho: µ≥30 vs. Ha: µ<30

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Statistic computed from the data based on the parameter of interest
Examples: z-test or t-test for means and proportions, F-test for variances.
It can assume many possible values = f(sample drawn)
Its distribution is based on the value under the null hypothesis

General formula:

Relevant statistic – hypothesized parameter

Test statistics =
Standard error of statistic

x − µo Ho
z= ~ N (0,1)
σ / n
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Rule that specifies the conditions under which Ho may be rejected
i.e. rejects if statistic exceeds certain value of the null distribution
We know for N(0,1), 1.96 is a large value since approximately 95% of the
values are included within –1.96 and 1.96

Area = .95

Area =.025 Area =.025

rejection region 27.23 µ0=30 32.77 rejection region

non-rejection region

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Ho is
Decision True False
Fail to reject Ho Correct Type II error: β
Reject Ho Type I error: α Correct

Area = .95
x − µo 27 − 30
z= = = − 2.12
σ / n 20 / 10
Area =.025 Area =.025

27.23 32.77
-1.96 µ0=0 1.96
24.2 X=27 29.8

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If Ho rejected -> Ha is true, otherwise Ho may be true

In this case z = -2.12, it is more extreme than –1.96 (the z value for a
significance level of α=0.05), i.e. it is in the rejection region

Conclusion: Ho is rejected -> µ ≠ 30 based on this sample

P-value: probability of observing a value as extreme as or more extreme

than the one obtained when Ho is true

In this example: p=2*P(z<-2.12)=2(0.017)=0.034<0.05

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Ho: µ≥30 vs. Ha: µ<30

Change is in the statistical decision given that the threshold change

Area = .95

Area =.05

rejection region 27.7 µ0=30

non-rejection region

In our example for a=0.05 one side correspond to –1.64 -> µ<30
Back to uji hipotesis

9/10/2012 Erlina Ambarwati 9

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