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Definition: Writing that is done for a particular purpose – it is functional

 Learn the formats of different types of transactional writing & focus on the purpose
of each piece
 What to keep in mind when writing a transactional piece:
o Style: the manner of writing - should be clear, to the point and logical
o Format: each type of transactional writing has a specific format
o Tone: conveys the attitude of the writer
o Register: the type of language used (formal or informal)
 Purpose determines register
Differences between formal and informal writing:


No contractions (e.g. ‘did not’ NOT ‘didn’t’) Contraction can be used
Polite, formal tone Conversational, informal tone
Formal register (e.g. we request the Informal register (e.g. please come for
pleasure of your company at dinner) supper)
No colloquial language/slang Can use colloquial language when
Seldom use of first person narrative Often uses first person
Uses passive voice at times (e.g. it has been Uses active voice (we have decided)

 Word count expected: 180-200 *this refers to the BODY of the piece. It DOES NOT
include addresses, headings etc.
 Assessed out of 25 marks:
o 15 marks for content, planning & format
o 10 marks for language, style and editing

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