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Understanding the Impact of STEM Education

on Career Aspiratioons in Senior High School

Statement of the Problem:

The intent of this research is to find out how STEM

education affects seniors in High School jobs.

1.) What are the demographic profile of the

following respondents?

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender

2.) What are the factors that influence STEM

education on career aspirations in Senior High
School, in terms of:

2.1 Interest
2.2 Skills
2.3 Job Opportunities

3.) Whaqt are the advantagesb of taking STEM-

related educati9on in Senior High School?

3.1 Students whob pursue STEM education are

better prepared for higher education in STEM
fields by developing strong understanding of basic


• Assessing Student Perceptions: To explore how

students perceive STEM education and its
relevance to their career aspirations.
• Examining Career Aspirations: To investigate the
career aspirations of senior high school students
and how they relate to STEM fields.

• Identifying Influencing Factors: To identify factors

that influence students' decisions regarding
pursuing careers in STEM fields.

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