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Developing a comprehensive disaster recovery plan for the Vila Health community involves a series of

steps based on the MAP-IT framework and focusing on community needs and equitable services. Here's
an outline of the plan:

1. **Mobilize Collaborative Partners:**

- Identify key stakeholders, including local government agencies, healthcare facilities, community
organizations, and disaster relief teams.

- Establish a coordination mechanism to facilitate communication and collaboration among partners.

2. **Assess Community Needs:**

- Gather demographic data to understand the community's diversity and specific vulnerabilities.

- Identify physical, emotional, cultural, and financial needs of the residents.

- Analyze social determinants of health, considering factors like income, education, and access to

3. **Plan to Lessen Health Disparities and Improve Access:**

- Allocate resources and personnel based on identified needs.

- Prioritize vulnerable populations like homeless, disabled, displaced, migrant workers, and non-English

- Develop a culturally sensitive approach to ensure equitable access to services.

4. **Implement a Recovery Plan:**

- Assign roles and responsibilities to key individuals, such as disaster relief coordinators, healthcare
providers, and community leaders.

- Establish medical triage points for injured individuals, ensuring prompt care for the most critical

5. **Track and Trace-Map Community Progress:**

- Utilize contact tracing resources to develop a plan for tracing homeless, disabled, and displaced
individuals during and after the disaster.

- Implement systems to track progress and ensure services reach those in need.
6. **Healthy People 2020 and 2030 Goals:**

- Focus on Healthy People 2020 goals related to disaster preparedness and response, such as reducing
the impact of disasters on vulnerable populations.

- Align with Healthy People 2030 objectives that emphasize disaster resilience and equity in recovery

7. **Timeline for Recovery Effort:**

- Create a phased timeline that outlines actions to be taken immediately after the disaster and
throughout the recovery process.

- Include milestones for achieving specific goals, such as restoring essential services and addressing
health disparities.

8. **Overcoming Communication Barriers and Collaboration:**

- Develop strategies to enhance communication between disaster relief teams and community
members, including those with hearing impairment or language barriers.

- Promote interprofessional collaboration among healthcare providers, social workers, and community
organizations to maximize impact.

9. **Impact of Health and Governmental Policy:**

- Explain how federal laws like the ADA, Stafford Act, and DRRA influence disaster recovery efforts.

- Highlight implications for individuals with disabilities and other vulnerable populations.

10. **Social Justice and Health Equity:**

- Address cultural sensitivity by tailoring recovery efforts to diverse community needs.

- Incorporate principles of social justice to ensure that recovery is fair and equitable for all residents.

By implementing this disaster recovery plan, Vila Health community can address health disparities,
improve access to services, and enhance overall disaster resilience. The plan's success hinges on
collaboration, timely communication, and a commitment to equitable recovery.

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