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Name: Cuarteros, Jericho S.

Year/Section: BSCMM 3 YB-4 ACTIVITY WEEK 8 - 3/20/2024

(From those with textbooks, answer directly on page 98-99.)

1. Why was the Propaganda Movement failed?

2. What is the main reason why the La Solidaridad newspaper was put up?

3. What was the reason why Rizal didn't enjoy his stay in UST?

4. Why did Rizal decide to go to Europe?

5. What was the first pen name of Rizal? Where did he use his pen name?


1. The Propaganda Movement failed due to several reasons, including internal divisions among its
leaders, limited support from the masses, harsh repression by Spanish authorities, and the
failure to achieve their primary goal of meaningful reforms within the Spanish colonial system.

2. The main reason La Solidaridad newspaper was established was to provide a platform for
Filipino propagandists to voice out their grievances against Spanish colonial rule in the
Philippines and to push for reforms and representation of Filipino interests in Spain.

3. Rizal didn't enjoy his stay in the University of Santo Tomas (UST) primarily because he found the
educational system there inadequate and outdated. At UST, Rizal observed racial discrimination
by the Dominican Friars against Filipino students. He was also dissatisfied with UST's textbook-
focused instruction rather than practical training. Despite these challenges, Rizal excelled in his
studies, winning several literary contests.

4. Rizal decided to go to Europe primarily to continue his studies and gain new perspectives that
could help him in his advocacy for reforms in the Philippines. He also wanted to escape the
oppressive atmosphere and restrictions imposed by the Spanish authorities in the Philippines.

5. Laong Laan is the pen name of Dr. Jose P. Rizal. "Laong" is a Tagalog word meaning "a long
time," while laan," means "reserved for a purpose." Laong Laan thus means "kept in reserve for
a purpose for a long time." He used this pen name in a correspondence with Marcelo H. del
Pilar. The pen name of Jose Rizal when he was a contributor of poems and articles for the
Spanish newspaper “La Solidaridad” was Laong Laan. It was the name of a railway station in
Manila and goes by the meaning “ever ready”.

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