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JDRXXX10.1177/0022034519885610Journal of Dental ResearchPublic Sense of Water Fluoridation on Twitter

Journal of Dental Research
2020, Vol. 99(1) 11­–17
Public Sense of Water Fluoridation © International & American Associations
for Dental Research 2019

as Reflected on Twitter 2009–2017 Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0022034519885610

H.J. Oh1,2, C.H. Kim2,3, and J.G. Jeon2,4

Though controversial, water fluoridation has been hailed as one of the top-ten public-health achievements of the 20th century in the
United States of America. In this article, we aim to investigate the public sense of water fluoridation as reflected on Twitter, using data
from 2009 to 2017. To this end, tweets related to water fluoridation were collected using queries such as “fluoridated water or fluoride
water,” “water fluoridation or fluoridation of water,” and hashtags related to water fluoridation. The collected tweets (n = 218,748)
were examined through informetric, linguistic (word sentiment, word frequency, and word network analyses), and issue tweet analyses.
We found that Twitter users who tweeted about water fluoridation in English between 2009 and 2017 constituted about <0.01% of all
users including non-English users. In their tweets, words such as “poison” and “waste” were the strong negative sentiment words most
often used. Of the top 30 words most frequently used, words related to information sources on water fluoridation and the safety of
water fluoridation appeared more often than words related to its efficacy. Additionally, the words related to information sources on
water fluoridation and the safety of water fluoridation were found to be core terms in the sentences of tweet mentions. Our linguistic
analyses indicate that Twitter users responded sensitively to words that emphasize negative aspects of fluoridation. This is clearly shown
in our issue tweet analysis, where tweet mentions expressing negative opinions about water fluoridation accounted for at least 59.2%
of all mentions. By contrast, <15% of tweet mentions were found to be positive. These findings suggest that professionals need to
reevaluate the current state of online information about water fluoridation, and improve it in a way so that the public can easily access
reliable information sources.

Keywords: informetrics, linguistic analysis, fluoride, safety, efficacy, social networking services

Introduction short messages no more than 140 characters (whose length has
been increased from 140 to 280 characters since November
Water fluoridation has been hailed as one of the top-ten public- 2017), has quickly grown in popularity amongst researchers
health achievements of the 20th century in the United States of because it is easy to use and cheap, and it can further offer
America (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999). contextual insights not captured by traditional survey question-
Furthermore, many research articles have asserted its efficacy, naires (Davis et al. 2017).
safety, and cost-effectiveness (Kaminsky et al. 1990; Iheozor- Indeed, in recent years, researchers have analyzed massive
Ejiofor et al. 2015; Ajiboye et al. 2018) to the effect that it may amounts of data produced by SNSs such as Twitter, in order to
have been a major contributor to the dramatic decline in dental glean insights into topics of interest to public health. Their out-
caries from the 1950s to the 1980s. In contrast to this wide- puts are increasingly being considered valuable sources of
spread acceptance of water fluoridation and its role in aca-
demic society, the general public’s attitudes toward it have 1
Department of Library and Information Science, Jeonbuk National
largely been, and still remain, unknown.
University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea
Monitoring public response to a social issue, such as water 2
Institute of Medical Information Convergence Research in JBNU, Jeonju,
fluoridation, is of considerable interest to health and dental Republic of Korea
professionals, health policymakers, and government agencies. 3
Department of English Literature, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju,
Traditionally, institutions have had to rely on expensive and Republic of Korea
time-consuming surveys administered by polling agencies in Department of Preventive Dentistry, School of Dentistry, BK21 plus
order to measure public response. However, the recent emer- program, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea
gence of social networking services (SNSs) such as Twitter, A supplemental appendix to this article is available online.
Facebook, and Instagram, offers new opportunities for tracking
Corresponding Author:
public response. Data can be collected and analyzed from J.G. Jeon, Department of Preventive Dentistry, School of Dentistry,
SNSs in real time with the objective of surveying public opin- BK21 Plus Program, Jeonbuk National University, 567 Baekje-daero,
ions toward a particular subject (Eysenbach 2011). Of the vari- Jeonju, 54896, Republic of Korea.
ous forms of SNSs, Twitter, which enables users to publish Email:
12 Journal of Dental Research 99(1)

health information (Eysenbach 2009; Moorhead et al. 2013). proportion over time. In addition, we traced the changes over
For example, Twitter data have been analyzed to study natural time in the number of tweets, retweets, and favorites related to
disasters (Black et al. 2015), infectious disease outbreaks water fluoridation.
(Chew and Eysenbach 2010), drug and alcohol use (Cavazos-
Rehg et al. 2015), and public responses to health policies (King
et al. 2013). Such online information, however, has been barely Linguistic Analyses
exploited by dental researchers. Word Sentiment Analysis. We performed word sentiment anal-
In this article, we use English-language Twitter data to probe ysis to reveal the negative and positive words used in tweet
public response to a specific topic in dentistry – water fluorida- mentions. A lexicon of words each with previously assigned
tion. The findings we report may offer a new perspective in the numeric measures of emotion is commonly used for word sen-
area of dentistry that would not have otherwise been made timent analysis. For our purposes, we used labMT 1.0, a lexi-
available by the traditional way of measuring public opinion. con developed by Dodds et al. (2011) (see labMT 1.0 in the
Appendix for additional information). After the collected tweet
mentions were processed to remove stopwords, the assigned
Materials and Methods
scores for words in a given text were analyzed. We analyzed
Data Source and Search Strategy not just the entirety of tweets related to water fluoridation, but
also isolated and analyzed tweets that received more than 10
The experimental strategy employed in this study is shown in retweets or favorites. Normalized frequency was used to assess
Appendix Figure 1. Data collection from Twitter was per- how many times a word (positive or negative score) occurred
formed using an open Application Programming Interface in tweets during a selected year via the following equation:
(API) on GitHub produced by Twitter. Using the API, one can number of occurrences of a word in a selected year divided by
collect tweets matching certain query criteria and access meta- number of tweets in the same year. In addition, the frequency
information including user IDs, mentions, tweet generation of negative score words from 1 to 3 and positive score words
time, and the number of replies, retweets, and favorites from 7 to 9 were expressed as word clouds (see Word Clouds
(Appendix Fig. 2). The queries used in this study are shown in in the Appendix for further information).
the Appendix.
Word Frequency Analysis. Word frequency analysis was con-
Data Collection ducted to find out which topics related to water fluoridation
people were most interested in. For the analysis, functional
The selected queries were submitted to Twitter through an API, contentless words (such as articles and conjunctions) were
and our target tweet information between 2009 and 2017 was removed from the collected tweet mentions before the fre-
retrieved. We collected the retrieved data using an automatic quency of word use during a selected year was investigated.
web crawler ( Subsequently, the words ranked from 1 to 30 were classified
Tweets-python) and converted the collected tweets (n = according to subject of interest.
219,224) to XML format (Oh et al. 2017). Of the data col-
lected, non-English tweets (n = 476) were excluded. With the Word Co-occurrence Network Analysis. From the list of words
removal of non-English tweets, the information from 218,748 obtained by word frequency analysis, we selected the 100
tweets—mentions, tweet generation time, and the number of words most frequently used during the period 2009–2017. We
replies, retweets, and favorites—was used for informetric, lin- performed word co-occurrence network analysis on these
guistic, and issue tweet analyses (Appendix Fig. 1). To check selected words in order to understand how they are intertwined
the validity of this method for identifying tweets related to in a body of text (for detailed information, see Word Co-
water fluoridation, a random sample of 1,000 tweets was occurrence Network and Fig. 3 in the Appendix). The analyzed
selected from our collected data and analyzed. Two authors network was visualized by the NetDraw program in UCINET
(H.J.O. and J.G.J) reviewed each tweet separately to determine (Analytic Technologies), a public software package for net-
if it was indeed related to water fluoridation. Only 0.1% (10 work visualization tools.
tweets) of 1,000 tweets were found to be unrelated to water
Issue Tweet Analyses
The contents and meaning that each tweet mention intends to
Informetric Analyses
convey are barely captured by word sentiment, word frequency
Of the tweet information gathered, tweet generation time and or word network analyses, as these analytic methods are
the number of replies, retweets, and favorites were informetri- designed to analyze the individual words used in tweet men-
cally analyzed. To identify Twitter users’ interest in water fluo- tions. Thus, we performed issue tweet analysis to identify the
ridation and its (de)growth pattern over time, we calculated the content of tweet mentions (the meaning of sentences) that
proportion of Twitter users who tweeted about water fluorida- Twitter users are interested in (see Determination of Issue
tion relative to all the Twitter users and the change in this Tweet in the Appendix for additional information). In our
Public Sense of Water Fluoridation on Twitter 13

study, tweet mentions with tweet importance ranking 1–3 relationship between water fluoridation and health (such as
between 2009 and 2017 were sorted and analyzed. “water,” “fluoride,” “drinking,” and “health”). The words
ranked from 6 to 20 in the centrality were composed of those
related to information sources on water fluoridation and the
Results safety of water fluoridation (such as “article,” “poison,” “news,”
Informetric Analyses “level,” “kid,” and “brain”).

While the number of Twitter users increased over time from

2009 to 2017, the proportion of Twitter users who mentioned Issue Tweet Analyses
water fluoridation gradually decreased and constituted about Tweet mentions that Twitter users were interested in (i.e., men-
0.005% to 0.010% of all Twitter users (Fig. 1A). A total of tions with high importance) between 2009 and 2017 are shown
218,748 tweets related to water fluoridation were generated in the Appendix Table. The mentions roughly fall into 3 groups:
during that period (Fig. 1B). The number of retweets and mentions providing basic objective information about water
favorites related to water fluoridation continued to increase fluoridation, mentions emphasizing a prudent approach to
from 2012 onward, even though the generation of tweets water fluoridation, and mentions expressing negative opinions
remained stagnant from 2013. Interestingly, tweets related to about water fluoridation. Of these groups, the mentions
water fluoridation showed sharp spikes in number in January expressing negative opinions about water fluoridation
2011, May 2013, and April 2015 (Fig. 1B). accounted for at least 59.2% of all mentions (16 mentions).
These negative mentions asserted their opinion mainly by
Linguistic Analyses using unproven fluoride toxicity theories or conspiracy theo-
ries. The second group of mentions constituting 25.9% of all
Word Sentiment Analysis. In the mentions of tweets related to mentions (7 mentions), a sizable portion, provided objective
water fluoridation, positive words were used more often than information about water fluoridation. Even these informative
negative words and the ratio of the 2 was 2.25:1 (Fig. 2A-1). mentions, however, can be construed as being not entirely
Amongst words expressing strong negative sentiment (scores objective but loaded with negative, though subtle, sense,
between 1 and 3), words such as “poison” and “waste” were because they mainly focus on the decrease of fluoride concen-
used most frequently (Fig. 2A-2). Words such as “health,” tration in water. Only 14.8% (4 mentions) of the total mentions
“like,” and “good” were found to be the ones most frequently suggested that people should approach the topic of water fluo-
used to express strong positive sentiment (scores between 7 ridation rationally.
and 9) (Fig. 2A-2). In the mentions of tweets with more than 10
retweets (n = 2,424) or favorites (n = 2,390) (Fig. 2B-1), the
ratio of positive and negative word usage was similar to that in Discussion
all water fluoridation related tweets (Fig. 2B-2-1, B-2-2). The The level of support for, or opposition against, water fluorida-
most frequently used negative (scores between 1 and 3) and tion varies from community to community depending on its
positive words (scores between 7 and 9) in tweet mentions with demographic and socioeconomic characteristics (Peckham and
more than 10 favorites or retweets were also “poison” and Awofeso 2014). This means that water fluoridation can poten-
“health,” respectively, in line with the general trends identified tially be a contentious social issue. For decades, surveys con-
in all tweets related to water fluoridation (Fig. 2B-3-1, B-3-2). ducted via phone, mail, or face-to-face have been used to
measure public sensitivities to water fluoridation. While these
Word Frequency Analysis. Regardless of the year, the word traditional survey methods have their own merits, they have
“drinking” was the most common in tweet mentions related to shortcomings as well due to limitations related to sampling, the
water fluoridation (Table). The words ranked from 1 to 30 respondent’s attitude, and question types. To compensate for
between 2009 and 2017 were generally related to information the shortcomings inherent in traditional methods, we used
sources on water fluoridation, water fluoridation targets or sup- Twitter and investigated all of the data related to water fluori-
pliers, effect or effect areas of water fluoridation/fluoride, safety dation generated on the SNS between 2009 and 2017. This new
of water fluoridation, and water fluoridation regions. Of these, method of study does not just give us access to entire popula-
words related to the safety or health impact of water fluorida- tions rather than small samples, but it also allows us to analyze
tion were the most common, accounting for at least a third of opinions freely described by people regardless of time point.
the top 30 most frequently used words. By contrast, the propor- Twitter users may not be representative of the general popu-
tion of words related to effect or effect areas of water fluorida- lation. As described in a previous study (Davis et al. 2017),
tion such as “decay,” “cavities,” and “tooth” was very small. Twitter users are considered to be distinct—they tend to be
younger and more tech-savvy. This implies that there may be
Word Co-occurrence Network Analysis. Word co-occurrence limitations in using data from Twitter for routine public health
network analysis of tweet mentions, visualized based on surveillance or research for the general population.
betweenness centrality, is shown in Appendix Figure 4. As Additionally, the content of a tweet can be contaminated by
shown in Appendix Figure 4, the words ranked from 1 to 5 in commercial intentions given the recent trend of SNS advertis-
the centrality were mainly composed of terms that reflect the ing (Alalwan 2018). The interest of commercial organizations
14 Journal of Dental Research 99(1)

the rejection of voters in Portland, Oregon,

to the addition of fluoride to drinking water.
In April 2015, the US Department of Health
and Human Services updated its recom-
mendation for the optimal fluoride level in
drinking water. These results suggest that
while water fluoridation is not a major
social issue, it can be a serious social issue
that can catch the public’s attention quickly.
Additionally, the fact that the number of
retweets and favorites related to water fluo-
ridation continued to increase sharply from
2012 onward suggests that people have
begun to not only describe their individual
thoughts but also actively exchange and
share their opinions.
In the individual words constituting
tweet mentions related to water fluorida-
tion, the ratio of positive and negative
words was 2.25:1 (Fig. 2A-1). The domi-
nance of positive words is not surprising,
as it was found to be the typical pattern
exhibited by all Twitter users regardless of
the topic they are involved in (Kloumann
et al. 2012). What is of interest to us are
negative words and which of them are used
in tweets because our main concern is to
understand the nature of the arguments of
the negative words. Of the negative words
in tweet mentions related to water fluorida-
tion, “poison” and “waste” were used most
frequently (Fig. 2A-2, B-3-1, B-3-2). The
high frequency of the words “poison” and
“waste” may reflect the strong concerns of
Figure 1. Changes in the number of Twitter users or tweets related to water fluoridation Twitter users regarding possible health
from 2009 to 2017. (A) Changes over time in the proportion of Twitter users who mention damage by water fluoridation. The Table
water fluoridation. (B) Changes over time in the number of tweets, retweets, and favorites
related to water fluoridation. *The United States federal government’s recommendation to
also reflects similar concerns of Twitter
change the amount of fluoride in drinking water for the first time in 50 years (January 2011), the users regarding water fluoridation. Words
rejection of voters in Portland, OR, to the addition of fluoride to drinking water (May 2013), or related to the safety or health impact of
the US Department of Health and Human Services updating its recommendation for the optimal water fluoridation accounted for at least a
fluoride level in drinking water (April 2015).
third of the top 30 most frequently used
water fluoridation-related words. Issue
in SNSs and their role in attracting customers and building a tweet analysis in the Appendix Table adds to the conclusion
profitable marketing relationship with customers have been that Twitter users are negatively concerned about water fluori-
well documented in many studies (Alalwan 2018). Yet, even dation, as shown by the increased interest in tweet mentions
admitting these potential limitations, the data from SNSs may describing conspiracy theories, which may be due to the clas-
provide a potential indication of the general interest of SNS sification of fluoride as a pollutant rather than as a nutrient or
users on a particular issue at any point in time. medicine (Lewis and Milgrom 2001). All in all, our results
On Twitter, water fluoridation was not a popular topic (Fig. clearly show that Twitter users were strongly influenced by,
1A). However, the number of tweets related to water fluorida- and interested in, the fears and concerns surrounding water
tion experienced sharp, though temporal, increases in January fluoridation though it has proven to be a highly safe, beneficial,
2011, May 2013, and April 2015 (Fig. 1B). The sharp increase cost-effective and nondiscriminatory means to prevent caries
in tweet number in January 2011 coincides with the event in in individuals of all ages (Harris and Garcia-Godoy 2004).
which the US federal government recommended changing the In the top 30 frequent words in the Table, “News” and
amount of fluoride in drinking water for the first time in 50 “YouTube” appeared often. This suggests that Twitter users
years. The May 2013 increase in tweet number was driven by may be using news services and video-sharing websites, either
Public Sense of Water Fluoridation on Twitter 15

Figure 2. Sentiment analysis on the words in tweet mentions related to water fluoridation: (A) all tweets and (B) tweets with more than 10 retweets
or favorites. (A-1) Frequency and (A-2) clouds of words with negative and positive sentiment in all tweets. (B-1) Relationship between the number of
tweets and favorites or retweets. (B-2-1, B-2-2) Frequencies and (B-3-1, B-3-2) clouds of words with negative and positive sentiment in tweets with
more than 10 retweets or favorites.
16 Journal of Dental Research 99(1)

Table. Top 30 Words in Frequency between 2009 and 2017 in Tweet Mentions Related to Water Fluoridation.

Ranking 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total
1 drinking drinking drinking drinking drinking drinking drinking drinking drinking drinking
2 tinyurl tap health filter health health health health health bit
3 tap health tap health remove added bit bottled bottled tap
4 health filter supply remove supply toothpaste teeth remove people health
5 supply supply teeth city portland people levels teeth teeth remove
6 bottled tinyurl city portland drink city org people news news
7 put poison levels poison city teeth people filter remove filter
8 teeth teeth remove drink filter free public toxic toothpaste teeth
9 new children filter put toothpaste poison thyroid city public put
10 added youtube government teeth know public government toothpaste youtube added
11 know filters calgary youtube youtube filter linked poison toxic ow
12 toothpaste toxic poison added poison stop toothpaste public food city
13 good city stop berkey teeth pic time safe poison people
14 city put video crystal gmo bottled free government filter bottled
15 poison dental put toothpaste good toxic filter food government toothpaste
16 toxic video county quest public dental adhd mercola utm know
17 news free adding su free good cancer youtube brands poison
18 public toothpaste good bottled anti harvard bottled calgary city just
19 dangers good toxic tinyurl foods food city dental brain youtube
20 people public watch big toxic government youtube kids chemtrails get
21 want supplies dental toxic sodium children poison brands dental public
22 video gl toothpaste reverse food decay community avoid gmo too
23 filter bottled public stop dental safe depression cancer epa free
24 chlorine remove tinyurl food bottled uk toxic complete children stop
25 blog reverse system council chemical iq uk community iq toxic
26 think system council osmosis decay brain decay cavities chlorine good
27 dental study people black government disorders co utm decay filters
28 stop sodium children countertop council research dental reduce gay government
29 check dangers natural news dental children supplies children children chemicals status
30 bad chlorine free children articles cancer food council mercola adding

   , related to information sources on water fluoridation;    , related to water fluoridation targets or suppliers;    , related to effect or effect
areas of water fluoridation/fluoride;    , related to safety of water fluoridation;    , related to water fluoridation regions.

as information sources on water fluoridation or as support for sources and the safety of water fluoridation were not only fre-
their claims. Recently, several studies have revealed the posi- quently used but also functioned as the main terms in sentences
tive aspects brought about by the internet health information of tweet mentions. This result confirms the trend indicated by
boom (Baker et al. 2003; Karamitros et al. 2017). However, the results in the Table.
numerous negative outcomes have also been highlighted; take, In conclusion, Twitter users were mainly interested in
for example, how anyone on the Internet can publish health tweets that emphasized the negative health aspects of water
information, which could be incorrect, biased, prejudiced, mis- fluoridation as opposed to its efficacy. This phenomenon is
leading or even potentially dangerous (Karamitros et al. 2017). apparently driven by the biased and inaccurate information
In general, our study indicates that professionals who are about water fluoridation or fluoride readily accessible on the
involved in water fluoridation need to actively take advantage Internet. Given that the fluoridation of water as a preventive
of news services and YouTube in order to guide people to reli- dental health measure has been a contentious issue from its
able information. birth, it needs to be ensured that people are provided with
Word network analysis reiterates the above points that unbiased and scientific information. Professionals, academic
Twitter users are concerned about the safety of water fluorida- institutions, and professional organizations should join forces
tion and their source of concern is from the Internet and media. to improve the quality of information on water fluoridation or
As shown in Appendix Figure 3, words related to information fluoride by providing content with scientific and unbiased
Public Sense of Water Fluoridation on Twitter 17

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