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Imagine the tiniest, wimpiest, pitiful, and pathetic dragon you possibly can.

She’s got blunt horns and

teeth, and her claws aren’t very sharp! She’s a little smaller than your average house cat. Her name is

Her hoard consists of;

1. One dirty gold coin

2. That’s it.

And she’s so little, she can’t even hold the coin in one paw. It’s not a big coin, she’s just little and lacks

So, the other dragons are all bigger, greedy, and very mean to her. She’s struggling to hold onto her one
gold coin, and these other dragons are fricking huge with caves full of gold, yet they choose to remain
greedy and want all the gold they can get!

So, one of them sees Altheria’s single gold coin and steals it. She attempts to fight back, but the size
difference between them is so large, the other dragon just bats her out of the sky like hitting a fly with
fly swatter.

She’s lost her entire hoard in one night, and she’s feeling pretty pathetic, when she sees a poster!




And she gets a really bad idea, but she’s desperate and stupid, so she does it anyway!

So, the story follows Altheria as she blunders her way through her quest to save the princess (So
tragically taken before her wedding!!!) And she kinda sucks at it. She mostly skates by because everyone
looks at her and goes “She’s so small! She’s harmless!!!”

There’s also this thing called The Gift that specific people are born with. Only people born with the gift
can communicate with dragons, so no one knows what the fuck she keeps saying anyway. Everyone just
ignores her.

Well, Altheria makes it to the bandit infested fortress where the princess was taken only to discover…


The princess wasn’t kidnapped. She ran the fuck away because she wasn’t vibing with the whole
marriage thing. She’s taken over the small army of bandits and become their leader. She’s plotting to
take over her father’s kingdom and become queen without being sold off to a prince. She’s building an

Elizabeth has offered every would be rescuer to show up a choice: Join her cause, or die. Out of 37
would be rescuers, only three have decided to join her. The other 34 she defeated and killed in single
combat. Because she’s a badass.

She then ransomed the bodies to their families for a shit load of money.
So, Eliza has The Gift, and she gives Altheria the same choice but with some added sugar; If Altheria joins
her, she can be Eliza’s treasurer.

Altheria takes one look at the 35,000 gold coins Eliza has built up, and Eliza promises they’ll get even
more gold if they can take over the kingdom… And Altheria is 100% on board!!

But the reason dragons need gold is simple; the more gold a dragon possess, the larger they grow.
That’s why Altheria was so small. She only had one coin! But she has 35,000 that she (kinda shares with
Eliza) owns.

Altheria starts growing again. Throughout their quest to take over the kingdom I Eliza’s name, she gets
bigger, her teeth and horns get sharper, her fire gets hotter... she becomes a fucking badass like Eliza.

And… the end.

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