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Body language is one of those things everyone understands is extremely important and can completely
change your results in life, but most people overlook it simply because of how easy it is to do relative to the
profound changes that will occur once you apply it. Ayanokoji is a fictional character, yes but it is always
interesting to see that the same personality trait always have consistent themes when it comes to their sub
communications. Ayanokoji possesses an almost robotic confidence in himself and fictionally, the author
consequently gave him calm unfazed body language.

In real life, those who are at ease the most in any environment usually almost always possess very confident
body language in sub communications as well. As we all know, Ayanokoji has his own goal and agenda that he
is after and he is very meticulous about how he goes about achieving his goals. One of the things that
Ayanokoji has mastered rather be conscious or subconsciously is the ability to keep his body completely
relaxed and composed under any circumstances.

Ayanokoji has a poker face but the rest of his body language is just as important for him in the process of
remaining low key. And because of the fact that Ayanokoji’s body language is always calm, cool and collected,
people very rarely suspect him in just about any situation. Ayanokoji, with his ability to remain smooth as silk
body language wise is able to remain invisible to the eye, never drawing any attention to himself unless
consciously done. For example, Sudo is an individual who is the complete opposite of when it comes to body
language. Sudo is always loud, brash, audacious, and always drawing negative attention to himself. And when
you watch his body language as well, it always compliments his attitude and demeanor as a person. His body
language is always tense, rough and ready for a fight. As I’ve seen countless examples of, Sudo is not the type
of person to blend into a room of people or go under the radar, his body mechanics are not calm enough.

Look, 90% of what people perceive about you while engaged with you in person, is directly linked to how
they are perceiving your body language. Even before you open up your mouth, everyone already has a
preconceived notion of the type of individual you are simply by just the 10 seconds you walked into the
room, or the way you sat down in your seat.

Anime aside, in the real world, it truly pains me as to how little people pay attention to the way they move or
operate. Even when I go to the grocery store or school or when I’m on an outing, one thing I was always
aware of is how people move like complete zombies, never aware of how they are operating, never aware of
where their walking and what’s around them. This is extremely unprofessional and more so, immature. It is
like watching children. Point being, in order to develop calm body language like Ayanokoji, it is absolutely
paramount that you first start to become aware of your body language in the first place. Remember,
Ayanokoji is a fictional character, he’s consciously not aware of he’s perfectly poised body language.
However, for us in the real world, we need to be conscious of it at all times until it becomes a habit at least.

The body language I’ve adopted are pure subconscious now. But I spent countless hours shaping the way I
move. In order to move with Ayanokoji’s level of poise body language, you must train yourself for at least a
month to be aware of all your body language habits. From the way you walk to the way you stand in line at a
grocery store to the way you sit while driving your car to the way your body is positioned while sitting in
class. All these things are completely under the radar for most people. But if you are like Ayanokoji and you
have a specific goal you were trying to reach in life, becoming more aware of how you use your body
language around other people, will be something that can only benefit you!

Now, let’s talk about how to actually build CALM BODY LANGUAGE. Once again, body language being
centered on being calm, cool, and collected.

A lot of things Ayanokoji is able to pull off is simply because of the way he grew up. Ayanokoji spent the
majority of his youth in the white room and it is due to the suffering and pain he felt inside the white room
that made him who he is currently. The pain and suffering that Ayanokoji felt in the white room made
everything else in the real world a joke to him. For example, in real life, most people are scared to talk to
strangers or go approach a girl or express themselves freely, right? The point being that most people walk
around full of anxiety and scared of the opinions of others. But someone like Ayanokoji can care less. Those
fears wouldn’t even cross his mind as an insecurity. Why would they? He’s gone through things much more
severe and sufferable than simply going to talk to a stranger. And this is the point I’m getting at. If you want
to develop absolutely unwavering and calm body language, then you need to ask yourself the following

Why don’t I have it in the first place?

You see? Most people trying to develop powerful body language are trying to learn how to develop it, but are
skipping the most fundamental part, which is understanding why you don’t have it in the first place! You
need to ask yourself, what caused you to develop non-calm body language? Why is your body language not
calm, cool, and collected in the first place? Why is it something that you haven’t developed naturally?

Once you ask yourself these questions, you’ll begin to unravel all the things that you fear that cause you to
never maintain calm body language. And from there, you must now put yourself through your own white
room. You must now go out and conquer the things that tempt you to shy away from easily and naturally
projecting dominant body language. The way you ultimately build on confident body language is through
finding situations that scare you and still maintaining your calm and confident body language even when you
are afraid. Calm body language comes from repetition, but the biggest gains and leaps come when you place
yourself inside a new environment and you’re completely shaking but mentally choose to project calm body
language regardless of how you feel.

Mastering body language is a process of realizing that you have complete control over your mind… that you
are always in control. You are not your body. You and your body are separate entities therefore, you can put
it under your will. Ayanokoji has complete control over his body language. But it’s simply because he learned
how to control it through going through pain and suffering required to do so. You must also do the same in
real life. Power be with you; the rewards be everlasting.

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