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Section 3 - ChatGPT For Marketers and Businesses

Lecture 1 - SEO Keyword Research

Keyword Research Prompts


What are the 20 most popular sub topics related to X. Only show me keywords that are not that
What are 20 popular long tail keywords for the short tail keyword X
What are 20 popular different X keywords I can target with blog posts?
Group these keywords by intent and show me the results in a table. Include similar variations in the
same row, as each row represents a page on my website that will target and rank for all variations
with the same intent:

Lecture 2 - Blog Writing with ChatGPT

Brainstorm Topic Ideas


Set the chat temperature to 0.6


I'm planning to write a blog post in the [insert your niche] niche. Can you generate a list of trending and
engaging blog post ideas for me?

Create A Blog Outline


Let’s proceed with number X. Now, I need an outline for my blog post about [insert blog title] The blog
should cover the following key points: [insert key points]. Add any other key point I may be missing.
{temperature: 0.5}

Blog Writing

Now, let's write the blog post based on the outline. Split up the sections so it’s clear from a UX
perspective. Remember, the tone should be informative and casual.

{temperature: 0.7}. Max tokens 5,000

Conclusion Refining


I don’t like the conclusion. Create a new one which summaries the key points of the blog post and
provides a clear call-to-action. Make sure you call the conclusion “Conclusion” and not “New conclusion”.
Can you help me craft this conclusion for my blog post? Send me back the full blog post with the new
conclusion at the end {temperature: 1.0}

Lecture 3 - Copywriting Webpages With ChatGPT

Homepage Copy

Set the chat {temperature: 0.6}


I'm creating a homepage for my website about [insert your niche or business]. I'd love some copy that
pairs well with [describe the type of visuals you'd like or specific images]. The tone should be [insert
desired tone], and I want a [describe the desired flow of elements - like a hero section followed by
testimonials, etc.]. Can you help me craft a persuasive homepage copy?

About Us Page Copy


Set the chat {temperature: 0.6}


Now, let's tackle the 'About Us' page. I want to tell our brand story [insert brief brand story], which would
work well with [describe desired images/visuals]. The tone should be [insert desired tone] and the
elements should flow in a [describe desired flow]. Can you help me draft a captivating 'About Us' page

Sales Page Copy


Set the chat {temperature: 0.7}


“Let's get to the sales page now. We're selling [insert what you're selling], and I want to use visuals like
[describe the desired visuals] to highlight [insert key selling points]. The tone should be [insert desired
tone] and the elements should flow in a [describe desired flow]. Can you assist me in creating a high-
converting sales page copy? Split by sections and guide me where visuals should be inserted

Lecture 4 - YouTube Video Scripts

Brainstorm Video Topic Ideas


Set the chat {temperature to 0.7}


I’m planning to produce a high quality YouTube video on the topic of [insert topics], [explain who your
channel targets]. However I’m struggling to come up with ideas. Can you generate a list of trending and
engaging videos ideas for me?

Create A Video Outline


Let’s proceed with number X. Now, I need an outline for my video about [insert video title]. The video
should mention [insert key points]. The video should be roughly X minutes in length. Add any other key
point I may be missing. {temperature: 0.5}

Creating Your Video Script


Write a detailed script for this [video type] YouTube video on [video title]. The video should be
informational and engaging in nature. The tone should be [insert tone/ key points]. Include human
conversational terms that make the script sound like it wasn’t written by AI. The video script should result
in the video being roughly X minutes in length. Include sections that specify what will happen at each
time stamp of the video, including background music segments. Split into sections with each section's
duration mentioned. {temperature: 0.7}
Title Generation


Finally, create X clickbait titles I can use for this video that are less than 100 characters.

Lecture 5 - Podcast Interview Script

Podcast Planning

I'm planning a new podcast episode about [insert topic] with a guest who is an expert in [insert
field/expertise of guest]. Can you help me outline the structure of the episode? What key points should
we discuss, and how should we sequence them?

Creating The Podcast Script


Now let's work on the script. Remember, my podcast style is [describe the tone]. Can you generate a
detailed script based on the outline we just created, including an introduction of the guest and the topic,
the main conversation, and a closing segment?

Lecture 6 - Sales Email

Creating Sales Email Subject Lines


Act like an expert copywriter with extensive experience in email copy. I need to come up with a
compelling subject line for my sales email. The email is about [insert your product/service], and it's
targeted towards [insert your target audience]. Can you generate a few eye-catching subject lines for
me? Keep the length under 90 characters

Drafting the Email Body


Great job on the subject lines! Now, as an expert copywriter, I need your help with writing the body of the
email. The email should introduce [your product/service], highlight its benefits, and persuade the
recipient to [desired action]. Can you draft a persuasive sales email for me?


Condense the email by 30% so its shorter, but retain the key elements of it

Refining For Optimum Performance

Prompt 1:

Give me suggestions on what can be done to improve sales from this email?

Prompt 2:

Review the email above and tweak it taking those X things into consideration. Again make sure its
condensed following the same structure above.

Lecture 8 - Create An Entire Ebook From Scratch Using ChatGPT

Brainstorming Topic Ideas


ChatGPT, could you provide me with 10 unique and interesting eBook topics related to [your general area
of interest]? {temperature: 0.9}

Creating Your eBook Outline


ChatGPT, I'm planning to write an eBook about [your topic]. I need a detailed outline for it, with the
number of chapters, what each chapter should talk about, with key points under each heading and
subheading. {temperature: 0.6 }
Writing your 1st Chapter

Let's write Chapter 1 based on your exact outline above. Use headings. Write in a [specify style] tone.

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