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Section 2 - Prompt Engineering

Lecture 2 - Prompt Engineering

NLP Prompt Templates

Formal Tone: "Provide me with a formal explanation of..."
Informal Tone: "Tell me about... in a friendly and casual way"
Sarcastic Tone: "Give me a sarcastic take on..."
Empathetic Tone: "Explain... in an empathetic manner"
Diplomatic Tone: "Provide a diplomatic opinion on..."

Prompt Pro Tip

If you are ever in doubt concerning a topic, or you just need to understand something better, you can use
the ‘5 year old technique’

The 5 year old technique helps make complex topics easier to understand.


“Explain [insert topic] to me like I am a 5-year-old”


“Explain quantum physics to me like I am a 5-year-old”

Lecture 3 - Prompt Parameters

Frequency Penalty
Frequency discourages the AI from using common phrases or repeating itself, pushing it towards a more
unique output.


Use 'frequency_penalty' value of X in our conversation


Use 'frequency_penalty' value of 1 in our conversation

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