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Denarra Bruncilien—wood elf politician and guru

Kanzik Maughlin—hobgoblin farmer

Liu—aarakcora bodyguard, Sildar’s servant

Sheena Volny—human, clothing designer & hedge witch

Usspeth Niziri—yuan-ti pureblood, Denarra’s aide, secretly a cat burglar

The Cragmaw Chapterhouse

Achia Gakdoog—goblin, watchman

Bunghi Boopah—goblin, watchman

Chonk Epstein—goblin, Yeemick’s #4

Degduk Yomsker—goblin, ambush swordswoman

Dukia Yeegorl—goblin, ambush swordsman

Eggface Narvark—goblin, pool guard

Farfart Gungo—goblin, pool guard

Giggy Moderhurk—goblin, Klarg’s lieutenant

Ginkle Pruggle—goblin, Pocky’s mentally handicapped sister

Halfpint Kaka—gobin, pool guard

Kelkel, Jilk, & Sarbeen—3 wolves, pets of the Cragmaws

Klarg—a very insane bugbear, leader of the Cragmaw chapter

Mogbat Chumfisk—goblin, Yeemick’s #6

Neerp Troocle—goblin, bridge guard

Pocky Pruggle—goblin, Yeemick’s #5

Reeko Magawurk—goblin, ambush bowman

Ripper—Klarg’s pet attack horse

Teeko Smellek—goblin, Yeemick’s #3

Ukchuk Yomsker—goblin, ambush bowman

Yuka Yomsker—goblin, Klarg’s lieutenant

Yeemick Sneedham—goblin, ambitious low-level member of the Cragmaws

Zung Vuggie—goblin, Yeemick’s #2


Ander O’Malley—human, grocery clerk

Binene Graywind—human, head of operations at the Lionshield Distribution Center

Cantor Garaele—drow, priestess of Eilistraee in Dalphina

Carp Alderleaf—Halfling, Queenie’s son and Pip’s best friend

Daran Edermath—half-elf, orchard owner, retired adventurer

Eliza Kamakura—human, waitress at the Stone Hill Tavern

Elmar Barthen—human, owner of Dalphina’s only grocery

Freda Siebert—human, teacher

Grista—dwarf, dour bartender at the Delve

Halia Thornton—human, oversees the refinery in Dalphina

Harbin Wester—human, incompetent mayor of Dalphina

Lanaia Bundami—goliath miner in Dalphina

Mirna Dendrar—human, housewife in Dalphina

Narith Ogadi—elderly elf farmer, Sister Garaele’s friend

Nars Dendrar—teenage human, Mirna’s son

Nilsa Dendrar—human teenager, Mirna’s daughter

Pip Stantz—Toblen & Trudy’s young son

Queenie Alderleaf—Halfling, farmer with a large family

Sildar Hallender—human, politician and venture capitalist

Thistle Eiderderry—halfling, grocery clerk and aspirant cleric

Toblen Stantz—human, proprietor/owner of the Stone Hill Tavern

Trudy Stantz—human, Toblen’s wife

The Redbrands
Agnes Fefferbachen—gnome, Redbrand at the Delve

Charibuz—bugbear in Tresendar manor

Cluny—Iarno’s rat familiar

Droop—abused goblin servant of the Redbrands

Edie Jasperwillow—halfling, Redbrand in common room

Frannie Waller—human, Redbrand in the barracks

Furff—bugbear in Tresendar manor

Horkh—bugbear in Tresendar manor

Iarno Albrecht—human, ex-politico and head of the Redbrands

Issachar O’Malley—human, Redbrand in the barracks

Jallanda Benson—human, Redbrand, Iarno’s chief torturer

Janos Urt—half-orc, ruffian at the Delve

Jasha Yandu—human, Redbrand, Jallanda’s assistant

Lucien Trainor—human zombie, Redbrand in the common room

Olivet Fimbul—human, Redbrand at the Delve

Petra Bobb—human, Redbrand in common room

Reyoric Lachman—Redbrand ruffian at the Delve

Roy O’Grady—Redbrand in the barracks

Sullivan—human, Redbrand in common room

Xey Lanui—nothic taking residence in the Tresendar basement

Side Adventures

Alto Egret—harpy alto

Azara—banshee maestro

Baritone Penguin—harpy baritone

Bass Starling—harpy bass

Chameleon Jane—lizardfolk bounty hunter

Contralto Macaw—harpy contralto

Gecko Sheila—lizardfolk bounty hunter

Gila Dan—lizardfolk bounty hunter

Hamun Kost—human, researcher for the Mad Mages of Ssermida

Komodo Jake—lizardfolk bounty hunter

Soprano Sun Conure—harpy soprano

Thebes—lizardfolk bounty hunter

Tenor Fruit Dove—harpy tenor

Vossfeld—dracotaur person


Ash Groban—human member of LORDE coalition

Baltoro Kazan—human member of LORDE coalition

Baschi—firbolg member of LORDE coalition

Favrice Lumalier—human, leader of LORDE coalition

Penny Lomax—human member of LORDE coalition

Reidoth—vingri druid in Tumbleweed

Vaana Moog—human, member of LORDE coalition

Venofage—green dragon in Tumbleweed

The Green 15

Brughora dak Gruumsh—orc, leader of the Green 15

Garos dak Ilneval—orc, member of the Green 15

Grund—ogress, Brughora’s lieutenant in the Green 15

Jakun dak Baghtru—orc, member of the Green 15

Jek dak Yurtrus—orc, member of the Green 15

Kasud dak Shargaas—orc, member of the Green 15

Lari dak Luthic—orc, member of the Green 15

Legon dak Ilneval—orc, member of the Green 15

Midi dak Luthic—orc, member of the Green 15

Morit dak Baghtru—orc, member of the Green 15

Modan dak Nung—orc, member of the Green 15

Samra dak Luthic—orc, member of the Green 15

Tai dak Ilneval—orc, member of the Green 15

Tharn dak Yurtrus—orc, member of the Green 15

Zade dak Baghtru—orc, member of the Green 15

Club Cragmaw

Adus—blink dog enforcer

Archie—goblin performer

Brandi—awakened owlbear performer

Cici—goblin performer

Cayke—goblin performer

Fang—hobgoblin, Grol’s lieutenant

Gau—goblin server

Gogo—goblin bouncer

High Hope—hobgoblin performer

Ingus—goblin server

Jahndis—hobgoblin enforcer

Kuller—hobgoblin enforcer

Lhupo—goblin dj at Club Cragmaw

Lightning—hobgoblin performer

Lockbox—goblin server

Mog—goblin bouncer

Porgy—Lhupo’s pet grick

Queen Grol—bugbear, boss of the Cragmaws

Reefy—goblin server

Reml—goblin bouncer

Sazzin—hobgoblin performer

Snoss—hobgoblin, Grol’s bodyguard

Sobby—goblin server

Spitzer—goblin bouncer

Spruce Bringstein—Queen Grol’s needle blight bitch

Shadow—goblin performer

Stagger—goblin server

Targor—hobgoblin enforcer

Tira—goblin server

Umo—goblin performer

Vanilla—hobgoblin performer

Vyerith—drow, friend/ally of Queen Grol and Neznarine

Yegg—goblin bartender

Yona—blink dog enforcer

Zahna—hobgoblin enforcer

Wave Echo Cave

Anthony Proudhon—ghoul, dad

Bierson Proudhon—ghoul, teenage boy

Darcy Proudhon—ghoul, adult daughter

Frankie, Geraldo, Baba, Rayray and Mickey—5 quickling’s in Neznarine’s service

Gundren Rockseeker—dwarf businesswoman, friend of the party

Joze, Don & Punch—3 Cragmaw bugbears in Neznarine’s service

Khorys Tissin—ghoul, friend of the Proudhons

Lissa Proudhon—ghoul, Darcy’s wife

Melody Proudhon—ghoul, mom

Mormesek—wraith in Wave Echo Cave

Neznarine Shaitana—drow, the Spider Queen, the antagonist

Nina Proudhon—ghoul, little girl

Nundra Rockseeker—Gundren’s younger sister, kidnapped by Neznarine

Pantera Jonquil—ghoul, friend of the Proudhons

Robert, Jimmy, John Paul, & John—Neznarine’s 4 pet giant spiders

Sphex—spectator in Wave Echo Cave

Setsubo—flameskull in Wave Echo Cave

Tharden Rockseeker—Gundren’s older sister, now deceased

Vhalak—doppelganger, Neznarine’s most trusted ally

Wallace Proudhon—ghoul, grandpa

Zelda Proudhon—ghoul, grandpa’s girlfriend

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