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An incomplete nuclear family is a nuclear family wherein both parents are still
together but are currently not residing in one house. Incomplete nuclear families are
common nowadays, as reported by Rappler, that more than 2 Million Filipinos from
families have already worked outside the country.

A rapid increase of Filipino parents leaving the country and their families for
better job opportunities abroad. According to Tarroja & Fernando 2013 say that when
one parent is away, there is no effect of such towards their children’s academic
performance. Transnational migratory labor remains a primary method many Filipinos
use in an effort to gain financial security for their families.Children from OFW
families were reported to demonstrate greater internalizing and externalizing
problems when compared with children from homes in which both parents lived in the
home. Subsequent regression analyses showed that fathers who worked abroad may
contribute to mother behaviors and child outcomes in certain direct and indirect paths
(Harper & Martin 2013).

Overall, this statement conveys that family conflict has huge impact on the academic
performance of senior highschool students in the STI College Davao, So it is
important to help the families like these and help kids to cope better.

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