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One of the most effective multimedia is an infographic. We support this conclusion for three reasons:

 Infographics convey information visually by combining text, images, charts, and graphics. This visual
appeal captures attention better than plain text, making it easier for audiences to grasp complex
concepts quickly.

 Infographics distill large amounts of information into edible, bite-sized pieces. By presenting highlights
in an engaging way, information is made accessible and understandable to a wider audience that does
not have the time or inclination to read long texts

 Combining text and images in infographics increases retention and memorability. Research shows that
people remember information better when it is presented in multiple formats. Infographics apply this
principle by adding text to relevant images and graphics, making the content more memorable and

Overall, the infographic’s ability to engage visually, facilitate communication, and leave a lasting impression
makes it an effective and versatile piece of writing that delivers information on text one of the various types.

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