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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo


First Quarter Summative Test

Name: _________________________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________ Score:

I. Multiple Choices: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following refers to the sender and receiver of the message?
A. participants B. channel C. feedback D. context
2. Which of the following does NOT show communication?
A. face-to-face C. phone conversation
B. organizational meeting D. sleeping in the room
3. Ana wants to surprise her best friend Gloria on her birthday. What part of the process of communication is this?
A. The speaker encodes an idea.
B. The speaker generates an idea.
C. The speaker transmits a message
D. The speaker decodes the message.
4. Anton was looking for a job. While walking, he saw an announcement posted on the wall about a vacant job and he stopped
to read it. This shows that he__________.
A. encodes the message C. generates an idea
B. decodes the message D. provides feedback
5. Billy talked to Candy on the phone about their assignment in their Oral Communication subject. When suddenly, his brother
played their stereo in full volume. What could be the effect of this noise to their conversation?
A. Candy could still understand Billy’s message.
B. Billy could still clearly deliver his message to Candy.
C. Both Billy and Candy could hardly understand one another.
D. Both Billy and Candy could decode each other’s message.
Jenny got a low-grade on her performance task in the subject Oral Communication. She felt sad and alone. She did not even
participate or give any response to her friend’s conversations.

6. What is the barrier that affects the behavior of Jenny in not conversing with her friends?
A. emotional C. noisy environment
B. use of jargon D. lack of confidence
7. How could her friends cheer her up?
A. They will invite her to buy her favorite ice cream in 7/11.
B. They will make jokes and show her funny faces to make her smile.
C. They will give her hug and tell her that they are willing to help her to improve her grades.
D. They will sing a song to cheer her up and ask her to sing along with them to release negative vibes.
Albert discussed to Jun the details about the tasks on their module. Rynz, their older brother, started to play his electric
guitar in a loudly.
8. What could be the effect of the guitar’s noise on Albert and Jun’s discussion?
A. They can still work even though there’s noise.
B. Albert and Jun could still manage to concentrate.
C. It helps them to do their task faster since they love music.
D. Albert and Jun could hardly concentrate working on their module.
9. If you were Albert and Jun, what will be the best thing to do to avoid breakdown in communication?
A. They will put on their earphone to avoid disturbance.
B. They will just ignore the noise created by the electric guitar.
C. They will join their brother instead of working on their module.
D. They will inform their brother that they are working on their module.
Samy was not able to take her second summative test because her mother was sick. She sent an excuse letter to her adviser,
but she knew that this will affect her grade if she totally missed it. When she returned to school, she went to her teacher and
asked permission if she can take the summative test during the homeroom time. Her teacher allowed her to take the test
because she had a valid reason for missing it.
10. How is communication attained in the situation?
A. The message is complete, clear, concise, and casual.
B. The message is complete, clear, concise, and courteous.
C. The message is complete, clear, concise, and congruent.
D. The message is complete, clear, concise, and complacent.
II. Identification. Identify the given situation to the corresponding answers given inside the box. Write your answer on the
space provided before each number.
Formal Style Entertaining Small Group Interactive Model Locutionary Act Linear Model
Casual Style
Persuasive Extemporaneous Speech Manuscript Speech Dyad Communication Public
Communication Transactional Model
Consultative Style Non-Verbal Communication Interpersonal CommunicationVerbal Communication Memorized Speech
______________________1. It is a planned and prepared speech which is delivered with the help of short notes and clear outline.
______________________2. This speech is delivered with little or no preparation.
____________________3. It is characterized by memorized text.
____________________4. A speech that is delivered word for word. Most used by political figures and media personalities.
____________________5. It involves talking to oneself or a communication process.
____________________6. It involves talking to one or a limited number of people.
____________________7. It is an interpersonal communication that takes place between two persons.
____________________8. It is an interpersonal communication involving three or more (as large as 15) people.
____________________9. It involves communicating to a wide group of people.
____________________10. It is a type of speech act which refers to the actual act of uttering.
____________________11. A model that is considered as a one-way process where the sender is the only source of the message
and the receiver doesn’t give feedback or response.
____________________12. It deals with the exchange of ideas and messages which takes place in both ways-from the sender to
the receiver and vice-versa.
____________________13. It deals with the exchange of ideas and messages which takes place in both ways-from the sender to
the receiver and vice-versa.
____________________14. It aims to persuade or convince people to change the way they think or do something.
____________________15. This is a type of speech given as an intermission number in a program, a kind of after dinner talk and
a toastmaster’s speech.
____________________16. It refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a message.
____________________17. It refers to an interaction where gestures, movements, and expressions are used to convey and
represent meanings.
____________________18. A style that is a conversational way of talking used among friends.
____________________19. A style that is used among people who do not share common experiences or meaning.
____________________20. A style that is used only for imparting information. The speech is well-organized and the grammar
and diction are correct.
II. True or False. Write FORDA if the statement is True and write FERSON if the statement is False. No score for those who
can not follow instruction. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
______________1. ”A student asking for a sick leave” is a type of Persuasive speech.
______________2. “A lawyer talking about the cybercrime law” is a type of Informative speech.
______________3. “A professional talking about his achievements” is a Demonstration speech.
______________4. “A vendor asking a customer to buy his products” is an Entertainment speech.
______________5. “A teacher lecturing about types of speech styles” is a Persuasive speech.
______________6. “A researcher reporting the outcome of his research” is an Information speech.
______________7. “A mother teaching her daughter how to sew her torn skirt” is a type of Entertainment speech.
______________8. “An old man asking a teenager to help him carry his luggage” is Persuasive speech.
______________9. “A student being asked by his teacher why he is always absent” is a Demonstration speech.
______________10. “A father telling his children his most unforgettable experience during his childhood” is a type of
Entertainment speech.
______________11. Non-verbal cues enhance and emphasizes the message of your speech, thus making it more meaningful,
truthful, and relevant.
______________12. Using non-verbal cues can communicate feelings, attitudes, and perceptions without you saying a word.
______________13. Only Verbal communication can sustain the attention of listeners and keep them engaged in the speech.
______________14. When using non-verbal cues it gives the audience a preview to the type of speaker you are.
______________15. Delivering your speech without actions makes you appear more dynamic and animated in your delivery.
______________16. Mastering non-verbal cues serve as a channel to release tension and nervousness.
______________17. Through actions while speaking helps make your speech more dramatic.
______________18. Eye contact can build a connection with listeners.
______________19. Changing of actions while speaking makes you an ineffective speaker.
______________20. Non-verbal cues don’t help you vary your speaking style and avoid a monotonous delivery.

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

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