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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________
Teacher: MA’AM SHERILYN O. DE ASIS Section: _____________________
Test I: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
1. Explaining a concept using a ___________ can be very helpful for it simplifies the learning process and
allows for better understanding.
2. Aristotle‘s model of communication is more focused on _________________ than interpersonal
3. ______________________’s model of communication is also known as the Telephone Model for this is
based on the experience of using the telephone back in the 1940’s.
4. __________________ claims that communication can take place if and only if there is an overlap between
the field of experience of the participants in the communication process.
5. Eugene White’s model of communication says that communication is ______________ and
______________, without a beginning or end.

Test II: Read each item carefully then choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.
____1. Which is an example of regulation and control?
A. “It’s nice to meet you.”
B. “Clean your room, then you can play basketball.”
C. “Where can I find the library?”
D. “Seychelles is one of the world’s smallest countries.”
____ 2. Which of the situations shows social interaction?
A. A parent tells her child to finish answering the module.
B. Joy invites Yolly for a coffee.
C. Rachel tells her friend not to lose hope.
D. The teacher introduced Conditional Probability to her class.
____3. Which one has different function?
A. “We pray for those who mourn.”
B. “Thank you for coming into my life.”
C. “Keep quiet.”
D. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”
____4. The health secretary is sharing the data on the number of covid cases in the country with the viewers,
“There are 500 who recovered from covid19 as of yesterday.” What function of communication is shown in the
A. control B. motivation C. social interaction D. information
____5. The teacher tells Nocel that he is doing great and keep it up. What function of communication is shown
in the situation?
A. control B. motivation C. social interaction D. information
____6. The teacher gives a lecture on Plate Tectonic Theory to her students. Arni can hardly understand the
lesson because he is suffering from migraine. What is the noise in the communication process?
A. lecture B. Plate Tectonic Theory C. students D. migraine
____7. Which element of communication answers “What was Jhay’s answer to to the question?”
A. barrier B. channel C. feedback D. decoding
____8. What element of communication is shown when Emmanuel wrote an email to Skycable.
A. barrier B. decoding C. feedback D. medium
____9. Which situation is the best example of Aristotle’s model of communication?
A. A parent is talking to his child over the phone.
B. Peter is watching TV Patrol.
C. The students are planning for their cheering competition.
D. The teachers are holding their general faculty meeting.
____10. Which model considers the emotional aspect of the message?
A. Aristotle’s Model of Communication B. Berlo’s Model of Communication
C. Helical Model of Communication D. Eugene White Model of Communication
____11. The child is crying because he is hungry, and his mother gives him milk signifies the communication
between them. After a couple of years, the child tells his mother that he wants bread because he is hungry. This
situation is an example of what model?
A. Aristotle’s Model of Communication B. Berlo’s Model of Communication
C. Helical Model of Communication D. Eugene White Model of Communication
____12. In Shannon and Weaver’s Transmission Model, what element is considered as a dysfunctional factor?
A. noise B. transmitter C. channel D. feedback
____13. What model demonstrates a one-way process of communication in which one person, the sender, gives
a message or speech to a person or group of people for a certain effect?
A. Aristotle’s Model of Communication B. Transactional Model
C. Shannon – Weaver’s Model of Communication D. Interactive Communication Model
____14. Jocelyn is in a hurry. She sees to it that she has to be in the meeting place ten minutes before her boss
A. chronemics B. proxemics C. paralanguage D. haptics
____15. I feel uncomfortable if a stranger stands too close to me.
A. chronemics B. proxemics C. paralanguage D. haptics

Test III: Write T if the statement is TRUE and write F if it is FALSE. Use a separate sheet of paper.
_______________1. There will be order and peace in the world without communication.
_______________2. Along with the extensive revamp in most aspects of human life, ways of communication
also change.
_______________3. Schramm Model is the most complicated example of human communication process.
_______________4. In the interaction model, communication is a one-way process.
_______________5. Communication is merely successful when conflict was absent in the process.
________________6. Concreteness in communication creates positive impact to the audience.
_______________7. Clearness helps in eliminating confusions among the audience.
_______________8. Grammar mistakes eliminate negative impacts among the receivers.
_______________9. Rapport is created when considering the background of the receivers.
_______________10. Communication becomes effective when it is supported by facts, figures, and examples.
_______________11. As a speaker, you have to use technical words in order to impress the audience.
_______________12. Complete message is important to the process of communication particularly with the
_______________13. Giving positive remarks shows interest in a conversation.
_______________14. The expression “So, are you saying that…” asks for repetition.
_______________15. Use polite expressions when asking for clarifications.
_______________16. You must use appropriate speaking volume, pitch rate, proper enunciation, stress, and
acceptable pronunciation.
_______________17. Accept the ideas of the sender even without full understanding of the message.
_______________18. The speaker should know his purpose before he speaks.
_______________19. You must pay attention only in verbal cues.
_______________20. To limit distractions, stay beside the basketball court.
Read every speech context below. Then, identify if it is
Intrapersonal or Interpersonal. Write INTRA for intrapersonal and INTER for

__________1. You are telling yourself, “I can do it”, before you present your slides to
your audience.

__________2. You and your friends are chatting about the effects of pandemic to
ordinary citizens.

__________3. You realized that you left your assignment at home and you felt worried
because your teacher is now coming to your classroom.

__________4. You were so engrossed about the projects and you felt like quitting.
__________5. Your classmates are busy discussing about the increasing number of
COVID victims.

Test IV: Directions: Identify the function of communication used in each of the following situations. Choose
the answer from the list below.

A. regulation/control B. social interaction C. motivation

D. information E. emotional expression

____________________1. The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
____________________2. Ross greets Rachel; then they start talking about their plans for the
____________________3. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a
complicated life.
____________________4. Monica shares her personal frustrations with Chandler.
____________________5. The Geometry teacher lectures about Mathematical concepts.
____________________6. Sheila delivers her valedictory speech.
____________________7. The President delivers his last State of the Nation Address.
____________________8. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an
____________________9. The city mayor presents his strategies to execute the plans in a public
____________________10. A tourist guide orients a group of tourists about a heritage site.

Test V: Identify the types of speech according to purpose in the following ways used by a speaker. Write
whether the situation is Informative Speech (IS), Persuasive Speech (PS), Entertainment Speech (ES) in the
blank provided before the number.

__________ 1. A project proposal on Proper Waste Disposal

__________ 2. A humorous story or an anecdote
__________ 3. Incorporating drama by using narration
__________ 4. A news story about a distribution of relief goods
__________ 5. A political campaign

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