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Technology & Livelihood Education Reviewer:

Lesson 1: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

Identified Common Competencies Of Successful Entrepreneurs

(Manu, Nelson, and Thiongo 2005)

16 Competencies:
1. Hardworking - the ability to work for long hours when necessary.
2. Self-Confident - believe in yourself.
3. Building for the Future - to build a secure job.
4. Profit Oriented - interest in generating money.
5. Goal Oriented - the ability to set realistic goals or targets.
6. Persistent - being relentless and determined.
7. Coping with Failure - any business, success is not guaranteed.
8. Responding to feedback - to keep track of his/her performance.
9. Demonstrating Initiative - take the initiative.
10. Willing to listen - an active and willing listener.
11. Setting Own Standards - Setting standards of performance
12. Coping with Uncertainty - much more uncertain than employment.
13. Committed - total commitment from the entrepreneur.
14. Building on strengths - build their venture upon the strength/s.
15. Reliable and has Integrity - being honest, fair, and reliable
16. Being a risk taker - the ability to take measured or calculated risks.

NICHE = a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment.

KARTEL = a private organization

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