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Critical Journal Review

Title of jurnal: The Relationship Start Speed, Acceleration and Speed Performances in


Name : Yesohaya Divina Br Kaban

Nim : 4223141025
Class : BESP 2022
Strata : S-1
Subject : General Physisc

Submitted on 15 May 2023

Department of Biology
Yildiz, S., Ates, O., Gelen, E., Cirak, E., Bakiei, D., Sert, V., Kayihan, G. (2018). The
Relationship Start Speed, Acceleration and Speed Performances in Soccer. Universal Journal
of Educational Research. 6(8):1697-1700. doi:10.13189/ujer.2018.060810
The author’s reason for chosing this book is because the book entitled “The Relationship
Start Speed, Acceleration and Speed Performances in Soccer” is because the book contain
material that is aligned with the topic of discussion in general physics courses at TR. In
addition, the contents of the material and knowledge material written are quite complete. The
book also describes the material well and is easy to understand, so it would be a shame if the
book was not reviewed. So, from there, the author chose the book to be used as review
material in this critical book review.
Motion describes a change in a object’s position, direction or location. Speed, velocity and
acceleration all describe the motion of an object relative to some other point. This point is the
frame of the reference.
Speed is one of the parameters that directly influence performance. Speed can be
described the ability to cover a distance accelerating from one point to another in high
velocity as well as a product of the mathematical results of stride length and frequency. Stride
length, during consecutive steps distance between heels and same foot. Stride frequency
(rate) during a running number of steps each foot. Stast, push off, acceleration and maximum
velocity are phases of the speed (Yildiz et al 2018). Speed is us ed to measure how fast an
object moves. It is calculated by the distance an object travels divided by the time it takes the
object to travel that distance. The formula for speed is S= d/t, where s represents speed, d
represents distance and t represents time. Motion often occurs at varying speeds. In these
situation, average speed can be calculated if the distance travelled and the time elapsed are
Velocity is measured in the same units as speed, but the direction of motion is also
given. Direction may be described example like left, right and others. Velocity said to be a
vector quantity, meaning both magnitude (distance from one point to another) and direction
are specified. Speed said to be a scalar quantity, meaning it is a number with no indication of
direction. An arrow on a grid often represents a vector quantity. The length of the arrow
ndicates the magnitude, and the point of the arrow shows the direction.
If the speed of a moving object changes, its velocity also changes. The reverse
statement, however it is not true. But velocity can change while speed remain unchanged.
This is true because a change in direction at constant speed is a change in velocity. For
example, a car turning a corner at constant speed is changing it’s the velocity.
Acceleration and deceleration describe velocity’s change in the unit of time.
Acceleration, change of rate of velocity. Acceleration is the rate of velocity change during a
certain period of time. Since the unit for velocity has time in the denominator for example
like m/s and the velocity is divided by units of time for example like (s) to calculate
acceleration, the unit of time is given in the denominator twice. S, the unit for acceleration
are m/s^2, which is stated as meters per second per second or in the other hand meter per
second squared. In everyday usage, acceleration is usually thought of as change in speed.
However, it is important to remember that acceleration is change in velocity. So, even if an
object is moving at a constant speed, if it change direction, the object is accelerating.
Critical Evaluation

A critical evaluation of the The Relationship Start Speed, Acceleration and Speed
Performances in Soccer is as follow:
1. Strength “
a. The material presented in this book is quite easy to understand because it uses
everyday language. The material that has explained also easy to understand. The
author of this book presented with kindly
b. The material contains diverse and varied information so that there is a lot of
important information in this journal
c. The material has many references so that the coverage of the material is quite
d. Complete journal identity, has the volume, issue also DOI address

2. Weakness:
a. in the abstract there is no explanation of the purpose of conducting research,
b. In the conclusion is quite less good. Beacuse the contents of the journal
conclusiondo not certain the entire contents of the journal and its objectives
Overall, the book with title the The Relationship Start Speed, Acceleration and Speed
Performances in Soccer worth to reading especially to add insight and knowledge about
mechanis, khususly motion, speed and acceleration at soccer. But there is still to be improved
to make this bok more attractive to readers such as the structure of the format for writing the
contents of the journal. Once again, this book is good to read especially readers who want to
add his or her insight about mechanic.
From this book the author can conclude that the ability of start speed, acceleration
and speed are affected ny various factors. To gain the capabilities of the athletes,
exercises that the require vertical force production sucah as olympic weightlifiting
and essential movement pattern including exercises squat, deadlift, improvig angkle
ROM and poymetric exercises which will shorten the time of stretch-shortening cycle
should be added to the training programs.
This book need sto various quality improvemnets. For example the format for
writing the contents of the journal to get more sistematic information
To keep up with the times, it is necessary for this book to use the latest sources of
the literature studies, so that presentation of the material does not lag behind
important information.

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