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“Dynamics of a double mathematical pendulum with variable mass in

dimensionless coordinates”


Group III

Margaretha Panjaitan (4171121017)

Meliana Eclesia Manurung (4172121028)

Class : Physics Education Study Program’17

Course : Laboratorium Orientied for High School Physics

Supporting Lecturer

Muhammad Kadri, S.SI., M.Sc.





We express our gratitude for the presence of God Almighty, who gave His grace and
guidance so that we can complete the preparation of this Dynamics of a double mathematical
pendulum with variable mass in dimensionless coordinates CRITICAL JOURNAL
REVIEW. In making this paper, the author got many obstacles and challenges but with the
support of various parties, the challenge was overcome. Therefore the drafting team would
like to thank the parties who helped in completing this paper. For that, the authors convey
their gratitude to colleagues and all parties who have provided assistance, especially to
Process and Achievement Physics lecturers, Muhammad Kadri, S.SI., M.Sc.

The author is aware that this paper is far from perfection both in terms of its constituents and
contents. We really expect criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of the
next paper.

Finally, the hope of the author of this paper can provide benefits to readers and all of us.

Medan, November 2019


1.1 Background
This Critical Journal Review assignment is the material for our Course assignments in
semester 5 Laboratorium Orientied for High School Physics Courses. This task is not only
as an assessment material in related subjects but also as training material for students to
summarize, resume, and assess the strengths and weaknesses of a journal. It should be
emphasized that in the preparation of this Critical journal Review assignment, the author
does not intend to search for weaknesses in journal or compilers

1.2 Objectives
a. To find out the contents of a journal in a concise manner.
b. To develop critical thinking skills.

1.3 Benefits
a. Have high professionalism in assessing journal learning materials.
b. Develop and sharpen the ability to analyze journals.

Identity of Journal

Title : Dynamics of a double mathematical pendulum with variable mass in

dimensionless coordinates

Name of Journal : Journal of Procedia Engineering

Doi :

Volume : 177

Number : 27

Year : 2017

Writter : Rafal Kwiatowski, Tadeusz J Hoffmann, Andrzej Kolodziej

A. Background
The journal presents an analysis of the dynamics of a double mathematical
pendulum with variable mass. In the analyzed system, with time, under the
influence of gravity, the mass of the upper member of pendulum decreases and the
mass of the lower member of pendulum increases. The total mass of the system
doesn’t change. For the analysis introduced dimensionless time and dimensionless
parameters, which allows the presentation of the equations of motion in
dimensionless form. It has been shown that the change of mass in the system has a
significant impact on the dynamics. The increase in mass of the lower member
reduces the amplitude of vibration of the pendulum. The numerical calculations
were performer in Mathematica package.
B. Objective
The objective of this journal is an attempt to describe the mathematical
phenomenon of mass exchange between the members of the double pendulum, in
dimensionless coordinates and its impact on the dynamics of the whole system

C. Result and conclusion

The study aims to analyze the impact of changes in the initial tilt of the lower
member of the double pendulum(ß) on the dynamics of the system. Initial angle ß
for the first simulation is 0,1 and for the second simulation 0,2. Other initial
conditions of the system are shown in table 1.

e size of the amplitude of the vibration decreases constantly during the studied
period of time, from the initial set value of 0.1 to 0.05 for the first and of the initial
set point size of 0.2 to 0.1 at the end of the course for the second simulation. The
generalized velocity of the lower member of the pendulum, for both simulations
reaches a maximum at the start of the test. For the first simulation 0.1 and for the
second 0.2. Then the generalized velocity amplitude value for both simulations is
gradually decreasing to 0.03 for the first and 0.06 for the second simulation. The
main and most important conclusion of the study is to confirm that the
phenomenon of mass flow can be used for vibration damping.

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