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“Penilaian Autentik Proses dan Hasil Belajar”


Meliana Eclesia Manurung (4172121028)

Class : Physics Education Study Program’17

Course : Authentic Assessment

Supporting Lecturer

Sabani,S.Pd., M.Si.






Praise and gratitude of the writer pray to God Almighty, because the writer
can still make this Critical Book Report (CBR) task just in time. This paper discusses
the "Authentic Assessment". The task is made to fulfill the task of CBR Authentic
Assessment course.

The author is aware that this task has many shortcomings and therefore the
authors apologize if there is a mistake in writing and the authors also expect criticism
and suggestions in this task so that at other times can make the task better.

Finally, the authors say thank you hopefully this paper can be useful for
writers and also others.

Medan, March 2020



FOREWARD ............................................................................................................ ii

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ iii

CHAPTER I : PRELIMINARY ............................................................................ 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Objective .................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Benefit ........................................................................................................ 2

CHAPTER II : SUMMARY OF BOOK ............................................................... 3

2.1 Identity of Book ......................................................................................... 3

2.2 Summary of Book ..................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER III : CLOSING .................................................................................... 10

3.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 10

3.2 Suggestion .................................................................................................. 10

REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 11


1.1 Background
In this Critical Book Review students are required to criticize a book,
and summarize it into a whole unit so that it can be understood by students
who carry out this critical book report, including understanding the
weaknesses and advantages of the book to be criticized. In this case I criticize
the book titled " Penilaian Autentik Proses dan Hasil Belajar " by Abdul
As for completing Critical Book Review assignments students are
required to summarize and analyze the book based on the facts in the book, so
students will become accustomed to thinking logically and critically and
responsive to the new things contained in a book. Critical Book Review
assignments are also a form of habituation so that students are skilled in
creating creative ideas and thinking analytically so that when making the same
tasks students become accustomed to and become more proficient in
improvement the task.

1.2 Objectives
a. Adding readers' insights about the meaning of the importance of the
Authentic Assessment.
b. Increasing reader motivation in getting to know more what is the
importance of learning Authentic Assessment.
c. Strengthening readers' understanding of how important it is to learn about
the Authentic Assessment
d. Complete the course assignments for Authentic Assessment course.

1.3 Benefits
a. To fulfill the assignments of the course Authentic Assessment.
b. Train the Author's capabilities in criticizing a book.
c. Growing creative thinking in comparing books that are one with others.
d. To increase knowledge and insight regarding Authentic Assessment.


2.1 Identity of Book

a. Title : Penilaian Autentik Proses dan Hasil Belajar

b. Author : Abdul Majid
c. Publisher : Pt Remaja Rosdakarya
d. Place of Publish : Bandung
e. Year of Publish : 2014
f. ISBN : 978-979-692-582-7

2.2 Summary
In the book entitled "Authentic Assessment of Learning Processes and
Results" by Abdul Majid consists of 9 chapters, namely: (1) Introduction, (2)
Basic Concepts of Assessment (3), Authentic Assessment, (4) Authentic Judging
and Curriculum Demands (5 ) Authentic Tasks and Assessment Rubrics (6) Steps
in Developing Judgments and Applying Criteria for Minimum Requirements (7)
Assessment Techniques, (8) Follow-up Programs and (9) Management and
Utilization of Assessment Results.


The introductory chapter discussed by the author is about what this book
is published for and what is the purpose of authentic assessment, the process and
learning outcomes. The author's goal is to find out the extent to which the level of
effectiveness of control required information about the state of students whether
there is a change, whether the teacher is functioning, whether the school supports
the implementation of educational programs so that the results can be achieved
optimally which can be obtained through evaluation, assessment, testing, and
measurement education that is valid, credible, comparable, and carried out
professionally and independently. what is discussed in this introduction is:

a) The demand for teacher competence in conducting assessments is in

mastering the characteristics of students, in charge of learning theories and
principles of learning that educate, communication with students and so on.
b) The theory underlying the evaluation and evaluation consists of Bloom's
cognitive domain, revised Bloom's taxonomy, Gagne's taxonomy, Merril's
taxonomy and CANGELOSI's knowledge domain.
c) The learning process and outcomes as objects of assessment are carried out
with an authentic approach that assesses student readiness, the process and
learning outcomes as a whole. While learning outcomes as an object of
assessment are carried out using tests, which relate to the purpose of education
and teaching which is a culmination of the learning process with the aim of
knowing the success of the education and teaching process in schools.


In this chapter, the basic concept of assessment is as an expected target of the
teaching and learning process and ways in which the objectives and teaching and
learning process can be achieved effectively. In order for the basic concept of
assessment to be carried out, what must be done is to carry out evaluations,
assessments, measurements and tests as explained in chapter 1.

The basis of assessment assessed is the psychological basis in terms of
students and in terms of educators. Then the basic didactic is also viewed in terms
of students and educators.
The purpose of assessment is to find out how far students can reach the level
of competence, can provide feedback to students and so on which are carried out
with certain principles namely validity, reliability, overall, continuous, and
educating. The function of this assessment is to be in line with the purpose of the
assessment which is to find weaknesses and shortcomings of the learning process
in students and teachers. The scope of this assessment are:
1. The cognitive domain
2. The Affective domain and
3. The psychomotor domain.


Authentic assessment is a process of collecting, reporting and using
information about student learning outcomes by applying assessment principles.
Authentic assessment was developed because traditional assessments that had
been used ignored the real world context and lacked holistic student abilities.
Authentic assessment needs to be done because this assessment is a direct
assessment and direct measurement. According to authentic assessments assessing
a written test is invalid because it does not measure what you want to be assessed.
Performance needs to be assessed when activities are underway. Traditional
assessment refers to forced measures such as multiple choice tests, entries, true or
false, matchmaking and so on.
The types of authentic assessments are:
a.) Project appraisal is a group assignment that deals with real life contexts.
b.) Performance appraisal, by looking at student participation specifically with
the process and aspects to be assessed.
c.) Portfolio assessment, which is a collection of student work assignments in a
certain period or time that can provide assessment information.

d.) Written assessment, in the form of a description or essay that demands
students are able to understand, remember, apply and analyze.


Authentic assessment is related to the demands of the curriculum very closely,
especially in the 2013 curriculum. Because this assessment can illustrate the
improvement of student learning outcomes, both in the context of observing,
reasoning, trying, building networks and others, allowing students to show their
The assessment approach used is the benchmark reference assessment (PAK).
PAK is an assessment of competency achievement based on the minimum
completeness criteria (KKM) reported by the teacher by reviewing the syllabus as
a reference in making the design and assessment criteria at the beginning of the
semester. The implementation and reporting of assessment by the education unit
is by coordinating daily tests, class improvement tests, midterm tests, and final
The development of the 2013 curriculum is part of a strategy to improve
educational achievements based on a juridical, philosophical, empirical, and
theoretical foundation.


This chapter discusses authentic and rubric assessment tasks. Authentic tasks
are: (1) Meaningful for students and teachers, (2) Arranged together and involve
students, (3) Demanding students to analyze information and draw conclusions,
(4) Students must work and do.
In authentic assessment there are 4 steps that must be considered, namely (1)
Identifying standards, (2) Selecting an authentic task, (3) Identifying criteria for
tasks and (4) Creating standard criteria or rubrics.

A rubric is a scoring device that explicitly states the expected performance for
assignments given to a student's work. Many benefits are obtained when the
teacher uses rubric, namely:
1. The teacher can improve the quality of learning by giving focus,
emphasis and attention as a model for students
2. Students can use the rubric as a tool to develop their abilities
3. The teacher can use rubric for other similar activities.\


The steps taken in analyzing the graduate competency standards are: (1) SKL,
KI, KD leveling, namely by reading the substance of graduate competency
standards (SKL), reading SKL and KI subjects, compiling basic competencies and
others. (2) determination of indicators of achievement of learning outcomes,
which are formulated using operational words with due regard to the development
and ability of students. Assessment must influence each other with learning
activities and objectives. Preparation of assessment instruments with written test
descriptions that are developed must be accompanied by answer keys and scoring


The process assessment of learning activities can be done in various ways,
namely using observation sheets and assessing interactions that occur in the
classroom. For example, assessing the density of time in attendance, readiness
with completeness of learning, agility in following assignments, activeness in
learning, interest in learning, cooperation with teachers and so on.
Attitude competency assessment technique is an activity designed to measure
students' attitudes as a result of a program which is the application of a standard
or system of taking opinions about attitudes, namely by looking at attitudes
towards subject matter, attitudes towards teachers, attitudes towards the learning

process, and attitudes related to the norm. This assessment can be done with self-
assessment observation techniques, peer-to-peer assessments and journals.


A follow-up program to the learning process can be done by:
a) Completed Learning, which aims to motivate students to achieve mastery of
individual competencies using indicators set by the educator. The concept of
complete learning can be implemented with several models that have
procedures in implementation, one of which is to determine the learning
objectives that must be achieved.
b) Remedial program, given to students to improve their learning achievement so
as to achieve the specified completeness criteria. Reedial learning should be
given by paying attention to the learning difficulties of each student. The
teacher can divide the level of difficulty in remedial into three levels, namely:
mild difficulty level, moderate difficulty level, and severe difficulty level. The
implementation of the remedial program is carried out using the method of
providing specific guidance and assigning specific tasks or treatments. The
teacher must also be able to pay attention to the problem of time and material
in conducting remedial activities.
c) Enrichment program, which is an activity that is intended for students who
have high academic abilities, which means they are students who are
classified as fast in doing their jobs. The purpose of this prigram is to better
master learning material.
d) The acceleration program, the acceleration program is an effort in meeting the
needs of intellectual gifted students. This program can be carried out with
students entering school at a younger age, students being promoted to higher
classes and more.

In managing the results of the assessment that must be considered in
designing the assessment is to use reference criteria, the planned system is a
sustainable assessment system. The results of the assessment are analyzed for
follow-up, must be adjusted to the learning experience, and increase the
recapitulation of the results of the assessment and management of the assessment
results. In this management what is seen is the achievement of knowledge, skills
and attitudes.
Utilization of the results of the assessment is very useful for students who do
remedial, students who need enrichment, schools and teachers. Reporting learning
outcomes from a series of activities should detail the learning outcomes of
students, provide clear information, and guarantee accurate information.


3.1 Conclusion
Overall this book is very good. This book gives a lot of broad insights to
increase the level of understanding of the reader. The author also wants to
develop authentic assessments so that teachers do not focus too much on
standardized tests, because according to authentic assessments standard tests are
less efficiently used to evaluate, measure and assess students. Using authentic
assessments is considered more beneficial because this assessment is direct and
clearer because it is assessed from what students do. Where authentic assessment
consists of a variety of assessment techniques that measure students 'skills
directly related to the results and processes used to produce students' responses to
the acquisition of attitudes, skills and knowledge available.

3.2 Suggestion
This book is worth reading because it contains educational knowledge and
explains authentic assessment.


Majid, Abdul. 2014. Penilaian Autentik Proses dan Hasil Belajar. Bandung : PT
Remaja Rosdakarya Offset


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