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The group recommends proceeding with ACA 3, which is the Development of zero-waste

volunteer program. There is a growing trend of stakeholders being inclined to invest in

organizations that exert efforts to pursue and combat the most significant social and
environmental problems. This trend has made several companies shift their focus on creating
programs that lessen environmental impacts while boosting engagement with the community.
Some of the companies that are contributing to these social and environmental problems are:
Unilever with reward-based procurement of food packaging that significantly reduces wastes
and IKEA that uses sustainable raw materials and recycles 91% of its waste and transforms it
into energy. The Development of a zero-waste volunteer program by Starbucks is heavily
inclined and influenced by the SET Management Approach as it focuses on promoting
sustainability with the help of stakeholders. This program does not just advertise the zero-waste
approach, but also engages and influences suppliers and partners to do the same.
Starbucks is a staple name amongst households which means that it already has a
reputation and image that is equal to quality products and services. Due to its popularity, some
coffee shops replicate what Starbucks does as they believe that what Starbucks does can give
them the same popularity and success. With this influence, any program that Starbucks lays out
to stakeholders can and will also be replicated by small businesses. It is important for suppliers
and partners of a large organization to share the same vision with other organizations within
their supply chain, as this promotes and enhances the commitment that these organizations
have to each other. A vision that is shared by two organizations within a supply chain increases
partnership value and drives exponential financial growth. And since the program is exchanged
with a reward system, it will encourage more people to join, hence, promotion social inclusion
within the community.
Starbucks is a billion-dollar company that offers products globally. With that being said, it
is obvious to state that Starbucks also shares a significant amount of waste from its food waste
and packages. The zero-waste volunteer program incentivizes people to engage in an
ecological movement that significantly reduces waste. The zero-waste volunteer program will
decrease the amount of waste in the community and encourages small businesses to large
global organizations to do the same. Having partners and suppliers that is engaged with the
zero-waste program will create ripples that will change the entire perception of waste
management and encourages better resource allocation within the supply chain.

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