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1. Olive oil is made from olives. Olives are a fruit.

2. It’s a part of culture and a souvenir, too.
3. Olive oil is a fat. We can use it for cooking, but also as a
cosmetic. It’s not only food – it has many uses.
4. In antiquity, it was used as a form of birth control.
Aristotle wrote about it.
5. Olive oil production is costly, that’s why real olive oil
can’t be very cheap.
6. Olive oil is cold-pressed. It’s always extra virgin.
7. It has a golden color. It is vivid green.
8. It is slightly bitter and spicy. You shouldn’t feel acidic
taste = it shouldn’t taste sour, it shouldn’t be rancid
(taste of spoilt fruit, rancid butter, old cheese, mold), it
shouldn’t taste like nothing, it shouldn’t be tasteless.
9. It should be stored in a dark place in a dark bottle.
10. Olive oil is very healthy. It contains antioxidants. It
can reduce glucose levels. It contains a lot of vitamins. It
helps with digestion, can help lose weight.

11. 1kg of olives = circa 70ml of olive oil

12. Olive oil is produced in other countries, like Spain
or Greece.
13. Olive oil used to be a currency, a way to pay taxes.
14. Olives are picked from late autumn till early winter.
15. It’s a main ingredient in Mediterranean cuisines.
16. It’s one of the most often adulterated food
17. You can’t cook olive oil. It should be used in salads

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