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Faculdade de Economia e Gestão

Curso de Gestão de Recursos Humanos

Trabalho de campo da disciplina de Inglês
1° Ano, 2024

ACTIVITY I: Trabalho de campo da disciplina de Inglês

Assignment (academic paper)

Dear student, did you notice that today, the most important department that an organization has, is
undoubtedly, Human Resource Development Department. Therefore, as a future human resource
professional for national or multinational organizations, you will have to administer and manage systems
to foster effective decision-making abilities in employees. For this reason, choose an organization that
you are familiar with and write about its biggest problem you observe concerning the human resource
management and suggest possible solutions to mitigate the problem.

NOTE: The length of your paper should be of 1000 to 1500 words or 4 pages.

Please refer to the structure of the papers at UnISCED

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