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The city was bustling with activity.

People rushed by on their way to work, the sound of cars honking

filled the air, and the smell of food from street vendors wafted through the streets. A group of students
were walking to school, laughing and chatting. They passed a large park with tall trees, a playground,
and a pond filled with ducks. The students stopped to watch the ducks waddle around, quacking and
splashing in the water. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the park, sending leaves flying

As they continued on their way, the students saw a man playing guitar on the sidewalk. He was
surrounded by a small crowd of people who were listening to him play. The man was very talented and
the music he played was beautiful. The students stopped to listen for a few minutes, then continued on
their way to school.

Finally, they arrived at the school gates. The school was a large, brick building with tall windows and a
playground in the back. They could hear the sounds of children playing and laughing from inside. The
students made their way to their classroom, where their teacher was waiting for them.

"Good morning, class!" the teacher greeted them with a smile. "Today, we're going to have a spelling
test on some of the words we've been studying this week."

The students took out their pencils and listened as the teacher read out the list of words.

1. bustling

2. activity

3. honking

4. vendors

5. playground

6. pond

7. waddle

8. quacking

9. splashing

10. gust

11. sidewalk

12. crowd

13. talented

14. beautiful

15. gates

16. brick

17. windows
18. classroom

19. studying

20. pencils

The archaeologist carefully brushed away the dirt from the ancient artifact. The artifact was a small,
intricately carved statue that had been buried for centuries. The archaeologist was excited to uncover
this piece of history, and couldn't wait to share his findings with the world.

As he worked, he heard a rustling in the nearby bushes. He looked up and saw a group of monkeys
playing in the trees. They were chattering and swinging from branch to branch. One of the monkeys
stopped and looked down at him curiously. The archaeologist smiled and continued his work.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. The archaeologist stumbled and nearly fell, but managed to catch
himself. He looked around and saw that the nearby volcano was starting to erupt. He quickly packed up
his tools and made his way back to the safety of his camp.

Back at camp, he sat down to write in his journal about his findings. He wrote about the artifact, the
monkeys, and the eruption. He also wrote about his love for archaeology and how he couldn't wait to
discover more about the past.




















The entrepreneur had a vision for a new business. She spent months researching the market and
developing her product. Finally, she was ready to launch her business and began marketing her product
to potential customers.

The entrepreneur was determined to make her business a success. She worked tirelessly, managing her
finances, hiring employees, and networking with other business owners. Despite the challenges, she
persevered and her business began to grow.

One day, the entrepreneur received an invitation to speak at a business conference. She was thrilled at
the opportunity to share her experiences and knowledge with others. She prepared a speech that was
both inspiring and informative.

As she stood on the stage, she felt a surge of confidence. She looked out at the audience and began to
speak. Her words flowed smoothly and she knew she was making an impact. When she finished, the
audience erupted into applause.

After the conference, the entrepreneur was approached by several people who were interested in
investing in her business. She was grateful for the support and knew that this was just the beginning of a
successful journey.

1. entrepreneur

2. vision

3. researching

4. developing

5. launch

6. marketing

7. potential

8. determined

9. tirelessly

10. finances
11. employees

12. networking

13. challenges

14. persevered

15. invitation

16. conference

17. experiences

18. knowledge

19. inspiring

20. impact


The astronomer peered through the telescope, studying the stars and planets. She had always
been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and spent most of her days exploring the
vastness of space.

As she gazed at the sky, she noticed a bright, glowing object moving across the horizon. She
quickly adjusted the telescope and focused on the object. It was a comet, a rare and beautiful
sight that only appeared every few years.

The astronomer was thrilled to witness the comet and began to take notes and photographs of
it. She also shared her findings with other astronomers around the world, who were equally
excited by the discovery.

As the days passed, the comet moved closer to Earth. People all over the world gathered to
watch it as it streaked across the sky. It was a moment of wonder and awe, a reminder of the
incredible beauty and mystery of the universe.

The astronomer continued to study the comet, making new discoveries and uncovering its
secrets. She knew that this was just one of many wonders that the universe had to offer, and
that there was always more to explore and discover.

1. astronomer

2. telescope

3. studying

4. planets

5. fascinated
6. exploring

7. vastness

8. gazed

9. glowing

10. moving

11. horizon

12. comet

13. rare

14. beautiful

15. photographs

16. discovery

17. closer

18. streaked

19. wonder

20. uncovering

The entrepreneur had a vision for a new business. She spent months
researching the market and developing her product. Finally, she was ready to
launch her business and began marketing her product to potential customers.

The entrepreneur was determined to make her business a success. She worked
tirelessly, managing her finances, hiring employees, and networking with other
business owners. Despite the challenges, she persevered and her business
began to grow.

One day, the entrepreneur received an invitation to speak at a business

conference. She was thrilled at the opportunity to share her experiences and
knowledge with others. She prepared a speech that was both inspiring and

As she stood on the stage, she felt a surge of confidence. She looked out at
the audience and began to speak. Her words flowed smoothly and she knew
she was making an impact. When she finished, the audience erupted into

After the conference, the entrepreneur was approached by several people who
were interested in investing in her business. She was grateful for the support
and knew that this was just the beginning of a successful journey.

1. entrepreneur
2. vision
3. researching
4. developing
5. launch
6. marketing
7. potential
8. determined
9. tirelessly

Note: Each correctly spelled word will carry 1 mark. Good luck on the test!

another one please

Here's another passage with challenging spelling words for a grade 6 spelling


The astronomer peered through the telescope, studying the stars and planets.
She had always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and spent
most of her days exploring the vastness of space.

As she gazed at the sky, she noticed a bright, glowing object moving across
the horizon. She quickly adjusted the telescope and focused on the object. It
was a comet, a rare and beautiful sight that only appeared every few years.

The astronomer was thrilled to witness the comet and began to take notes
and photographs of it. She also shared her findings with other astronomers
around the world, who were equally excited by the discovery.

As the days passed, the comet moved closer to Earth. People all over the
world gathered to watch it as it streaked across the sky. It was a moment of
wonder and awe, a reminder of the incredible beauty and mystery of the

The astronomer continued to study the comet, making new discoveries and
uncovering its secrets. She knew that this was just one of many wonders that
the universe had to offer, and that there was always more to explore and

1. astronomer
2. telescope
3. studying
4. planets
5. fascinated
6. exploring
7. vastness
8. gazed
9. glowing

Note: Each correctly spelled word will carry 1 mark. Good luck on the test!

a spelling test for grade 3 in a passage form

Sure, here's a spelling test for grade 3 in a passage form:


The sun was shining brightly as the children ran and played in the park. They
laughed and shouted as they chased each other, enjoying the warm summer

As they played, the children noticed a butterfly fluttering nearby. It was a

beautiful butterfly, with wings that shimmered in the sunlight. The children
followed the butterfly as it flew from flower to flower, sipping nectar from
each one.

Suddenly, one of the children saw a bee buzzing around the flowers. She knew
that bees could sting and warned the others to be careful. They watched as
the bee collected pollen from the flowers and then flew away.
The children continued to play, running and jumping and having fun. They
were happy to be outside, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. They knew that
they would remember this day for a long time to come.

1. shining
2. children
3. played
4. park
5. laughed
6. shouted
7. chased
8. summer
9. butterfly

Note: Each correctly spelled word will carry 1 mark. Good luck on the test!

another one please for grade 4

Sure, here's a spelling test for grade 4 in a passage form:

The old oak tree stood tall and proud in the center of the park. Its branches
reached high into the sky, providing shade for those who sought refuge from
the hot summer sun.

As children played games and families picnicked beneath its boughs, the oak
tree stood silently, watching over them. It had been there for generations,
witnessing the growth and change of the surrounding community.

But as time passed, the oak tree began to show signs of age. Its bark became
rough and cracked, and its leaves turned brown and brittle. The community
rallied together to save the beloved tree, raising funds for its care and

Thanks to their efforts, the oak tree was able to recover and continue to thrive
for many years to come. It remained a symbol of strength and perseverance, a
reminder of the importance of preserving the natural world.

1. oak
2. tree
3. center
4. park
5. branches
6. sky
7. shade
8. hot
9. summer

Note: Each correctly spelled word will carry 1 mark. Good luck on the test!

another one pleae for grade 4 . ensure that the tested words are not repeated
in the passage
Sure, here's another spelling test for grade 4 in a passage form with non-
repeating words:


The river flowed steadily through the meadow, its waters sparkling in the
sunlight. Along its banks, wildflowers grew in a riot of colors, their petals
swaying gently in the breeze.

As the river meandered its way through the countryside, it encountered a

rocky outcrop. Here, the water rushed and tumbled, creating a frothy white
cascade that was both beautiful and powerful.

Nearby, a family of otters played in the water, their sleek brown bodies diving
and surfacing with ease. They were a joy to watch, and the children who had
come to the river for a picnic couldn't help but laugh and smile as they
observed the playful animals.

Further downstream, the river widened and deepened, becoming a tranquil

pool that reflected the clouds in the sky. It was a peaceful spot, perfect for
fishing or simply enjoying the beauty of nature.

As the day drew to a close, the sun began to set over the river, casting a warm
orange glow across the landscape. The children gathered their things and
made their way back home, grateful for the wonderful day they had spent by
the river.
1. river
2. meadow
3. sparkling
4. sunlight
5. wildflowers
6. petals
7. swaying
8. breeze
9. countryside

Note: Each correctly spelled word will carry 1 mark. Good luck on the test!
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