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The National Center for Teacher Education

The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

DIRECTION: Read the following questions carefully and choose the correct answer. Write
the letter of your answer on the space provided.

_______1. What is the primary objective of providing immediate and temporary first aid
care while waiting for medical assistance?
A. To diagnose the exact nature of the injury
B. To administer long-term treatment solutions
C. To lessen pain, prevent further injury, and prolong life
D. To transport the patient to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible
_______2. When recalling first aid concepts and principles, which of the following is an
essential step to assess the scene before providing assistance?
A. Check for hazards
B. Apply direct pressure to a wound
C. Elevate the injured limb
D. Administer CPR immediately
_______3. What are examples of common conditions for which first aid procedures are
A. Insect and animal bites C. Haircuts
B. Dental check-ups D. Gardening tips
_______4. What expectations are there regarding first aid concepts, objectives, and
A. To replace professional medical care entirely.
B. To prioritize long-term medical treatment over immediate relief.
C. To alleviate pain and discomfort.
D. To delay seeking medical attention as much as possible.
_______5. Which statements support the understanding of the principles guiding
immediate and temporary care in first aid?
A. Providing pain relief is the primary objective of first aid.
B. The main goal of first aid is to prevent any further injury or harm.
C. Administering first aid aims to prolong life until professional medical
assistance arrives.
D. First aid primarily focuses on diagnosing and treating medical
conditions accurately.
_______6. What does it mean to manage heat-related conditions in first aid?
A. Apply ice directly to the skin
B. Encourage the person to drink hot beverages
C. Move the person to a cooler environment and provide hydration
D. Encourage vigorous physical activity
_______7. When analyzing first aid for a common condition, which statement is relevant
to assisting someone experiencing a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)?
A. Applying ice packs to reduce swelling
B. Administering an antihistamine medication
C. Calling emergency services immediately
D. Offering the person a glass of water
_______8. What assumptions underlie the analysis of first aid procedures aimed
atlessening pain, preventing further injury, and prolonging life?
A. Assumptions regarding the availability of medical supplies
B. Assumptions about the severity of the injury or condition
C. Assumptions regarding the level of training and expertise of the first
D. Assumptions about the accessibility of emergency medical services
The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela
_______9. What is the function of elevating the legs in first aid for common conditions?
A. To stop hyperventilation
B. To relieve heat-related conditions
C. To reduce swelling and improve blood circulation
D. To prevent choking
_______10. Which one of the following practices is essential for ensuring road safety?
A. Recognizing road signs
B. Reflecting on driving habits
C. Remembering traffic laws
D. Reasoning with other drivers
_______11. How can learners apply self-management skills and practices for road and
water safety?
A. By regularly attending swimming lessons and CPR training
B. By wearing appropriate safety gear such as life jackets and helmets
C. By memorizing emergency contact numbers and rescue procedures
D. By practicing mindfulness and staying focused on their surroundings
_______12. Where can individuals apply their safe management skills effectively?
A. In the workplace C. In social settings
B. At home D. During leisure activities
_______13. What does it mean to adhere to the concept of "defensive driving" in the
context of road safety?
A. Driving slowly to conserve fuel
B. Anticipating potential hazards and taking preventive measures
C. Aggressively overtaking other vehicles
D. Ignoring traffic signals and signs
_______14. Which of the following best defines the concept of "self-management skills
and practices" in the context of water safety education?
A. The ability to navigate through water obstacles without assistance.
B. The capacity to assess risks and make responsible decisions to ensure
personal safety in aquatic environments.
C. The skill of coordinating rescue efforts during water-related
D.The practice of maintaining proper hydration levels while engaging in
water activities.
_______15. What expectations are there for individuals regarding self-management
A. To consistently procrastinate tasks and responsibilities
B. To effectively prioritize and organize tasks based on importance
C. To rely solely on others for decision-making and problem-solving
D. To neglect personal well-being and stress management
_______16. Tell what would happen if a driver fails to yield at a stop sign?
A. The driver receives a monetary reward.
B. The driver is applauded for their actions.
C. The driver risks causing a collision.
D. The driver earns a safe driving award.
_______17. Tell how much change there would be if a learner applies self-management
skills and practices for both road and water safety?
A. Minimal change, as road and water safety are unrelated concepts
B. Moderate change, as self-management skills can enhance safety
practices in both road and water environments
C. Significant change, as self-management skills are not applicable to
water safety
D. Negligible change, as water safety primarily relies on external factors
rather than individual actions
The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

_______18. Choose the best statements that apply to effective self-management skills.
A. Setting realistic goals and deadlines.
B. Ignoring personal responsibilities and commitments.
C. Procrastinating important tasks consistently.
D. Prioritizing self-care and well-being.
_______19. What statement is relevant regarding the impact of road safety measures on
accident prevention?
A. "Increased traffic congestion leads to safer roads."
B. "Strict enforcement of speed limits contributes to reducing accidents."
C. "Ignoring seat belt regulations has no effect on accident rates."
D. "Road safety measures are irrelevant in preventing accidents."
_______20. What's the relationship between water safety and the application of self-
management skills?
A. Water safety enhances self-management skills through practical
application in assessing risks and making informed decisions.
B. Self-management skills are irrelevant to water safety as they primarily
pertain to personal organization and goal setting.
C. Water safety relies solely on external regulations and does not involve
individual self-management.
D. Self-management skills and water safety are mutually exclusive
concepts with no inherent relationship.
_______21. Is there a better solution to enhancing road safety, water safety, and self-
management skills?
A. No, current practices are already optimal.
B. Yes, by implementing comprehensive education programs on safety
C. No, because accidents are inevitable regardless of preventive measures.
D. Yes, by reducing regulations and restrictions to promote individual
_______22. What is the best first aid approach for musculoskeletal issues/injuries?
A. Applying heat packs directly to the injured area.
B. Immobilizing the injured limb or joint.
C. Massaging the affected area vigorously.
D. Continuing strenuous physical activity to prevent stiffness.
_______23. What happened after applying first aid procedures for musculoskeletal
injuries related to physical activities?
A. The injured individual experienced immediate relief and returned to
normal activities.
B. The injured area showed signs of inflammation and required further
medical attention.
C. The injury worsened due to incorrect application of first aid techniques.
D. The injured individual developed secondary complications unrelated
to the initial injury.
_______24. What do you see as other possible outcomes in the context of administering
first aid for musculoskeletal issues/injuries?
A. Immediate relief of pain and complete healing.
B. Aggravation of the injury due to improper handling.
C. Accelerated recovery without further medical intervention.
D. Deterioration of the injury leading to long-term complications.
_______25. What statement is relevant to the analysis of first aid procedures for
musculoskeletal issues/injuries?
A. Understanding the anatomical structure of the affected area aids in
determining appropriate first aid interventions.
The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela
B. Knowing the personal medical history of the injured individual is
crucial for administering effective first aid.
C. Recognizing the psychological state of the injured person is essential
for providing immediate relief.
D. Identifying the weather conditions at the time of injury helps in
understanding the severity of the musculoskeletal issue.
_______26. In Thai classical dance, choose the best sequence of movements performed
by dancers?
A. Beginning with slow, graceful movements, gradually increasing in
speed and intensity.
B. Starting with complex footwork, followed by intricate hand gestures,
and concluding with dramatic poses.
C. Moving in a clockwise direction around the performance space,
following a predetermined pattern.
D. Starting with a ceremonial bow to the audience, followed by a series of
acrobatic flips and jumps.
_______27. In Thai classical dance, what cognitive skill is primarily utilized by dancers to
remember complex choreography?
A. Spatial reasoning C. Emotional intelligence
B. Logical deduction D. Creative visualization
_______28. In square dancing, what cognitive skill is primarily utilized by dancers to
remember and execute the sequence of calls in real-time?
A. Verbal reasoning C. Emotional regulation
B. Spatial awareness D. Attentional focus
_______29. Why is understanding the sequence of movements in the parasol dance
A. To showcase physical strength
B. To remember the dance steps accurately
C. To communicate with other dancers
D. To appreciate the music
_______30. In what sequence do dancers usually execute specific steps in the parasol
A. Stomp, twirl, spin C. Twirl, hop, stomp
B. Spin, clap, hop D. Clap, stomp, spin
_______31. During parasol dances, what cognitive skill is primarily utilized by dancers to
coordinate their movements with the rhythm and tempo of the music?
A. Emotional intelligence C. Spatial awareness
B. Verbal reasoning D. Motor coordination
_______32. Which cognitive process is engaged when dancers in parasol dances
memorize and recall the sequence of parasol movements during the
A. Attentional focus C. Logical deduction
B. Semantic encoding D. Social cognition
_______33. Which of the following best describes procedural knowledge in the context of
A. Procedural knowledge refers to the historical background and cultural
significance of Joget.
B. Procedural knowledge involves knowing the steps, movements, and
techniques required to perform Joget.
C. Procedural knowledge refers to the cognitive processes involved in
learning Joget.
D. Procedural knowledge is not relevant to the practice of Joget.
_______34. What do you see as possible outcomes in mastering the technique of
isolations in hip-hop dance?
The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela
A. Improved flexibility
B. Enhanced body awareness and control
C. Increased agility
D. Better understanding of musicality
_______35. Which dance style is characterized by its fast-paced footwork, intricate spins,
and vibrant costumes?
A. Irish step dance
B. Belly dance
C. Tap dance
D. Ballroom
_______36. In which dance style would you commonly find elements such as popping,
locking, and breaking?
A. Jazz dance
B. Ballet
C. Hip-hop
D. Contemporary dance
_______37. Which dance genre originated in Brazil and is known for its rhythmic
movements, acrobatics, and martial arts elements?
A. Samba
B. Waltz
C. Flamenco
D. Tango
_______38. Which of the following dance genres emphasizes fluidity of movement,
floorwork, and emotional expression?
A. Ballroom
B. Jazz dance
C. Contemporary dance
D. Breakdance
_______39. Which of the following statements best reflects the values inherent in Asian
dance, American dance, and European dance, respectively? (2 pts)
A. Reverence for tradition, harmony with nature, and spiritual devotion.
B. Innovation, individualism, and social activism.
C. Refinement, technique, and aesthetic beauty.
D. Fluidity of movement, cultural fusion, and social commentary.
_______40. How do our thinking about thinking (metacognition) shape how we embody
and express the values woven into Asian, American, and European dance? (2
A) By guiding performers to reflect on cultural nuances in movement
B) By encouraging dancers to explore personal connections to cultural
C) By fostering awareness of audience expectations and cultural contexts
D) By facilitating adaptation of dance techniques to reflect diverse cultural

"Integrity is Doing the Right Thing, Even When No One Is Watching."


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