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COMSATS University Islamabad,

Sahiwal Campus

Submitted By: Mahnoor Jannat

Roll No: SP22-BBA-036
Submitted To: Sir Khurram Abbas
Subject: Research Tools and Technologies
Date: 4th March, 2024
The research paper discuss the importance of sampling in research methodology, particularly
where it’s not feasible or practical to collect data from entire population. It outlines a structured
approach to conducting sampling, illustrated through stages:

Stage 1: Clearly define Target Population:

This involves identifying and defining the group or population that the researcher aim to study.

Step2: Select Sampling Frame:

A sample frame, which is a list of cases from which the sample will be drawn, is discussed.

Step 3: Choose sampling Technique:

The papers discuss the significance of selecting and appropriate sampling technique, which
depend upon research objective and the nature of population. Two broad techniques of sampling
techniques are highlighted:

1. Probability or Random Sampling.

2. Non-probability or Non- Random Sampling.

Probability Sampling:
Probability sampling ensures that each item in the population has an equal chance of being
included in sample. This mean that sample is the representative of the population, and stastical
inference can be made with greater confidence.

Different types of probability sampling techniques are discussed:

1: Simple random sampling

2: Stratified random sampling

3: Cluster sampling

4: Systematic sampling

5: Multi-stage sampling

Non-Probability Sampling:

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