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Part 1

1. How many people (THÊM ARE THERE) in your family? There are
5 people in my family.

2. What is your hobby? I am keen on reading book (BOOKS).

3. What did you do last night? I watched (A) movie with my friend.

4. How do you go to work? I usually go to work by car.

5. What kind of music do you like? I am a big fan of pop music.

Part 2 : Please tell us about the last time you listened to music . Write in
sentences . Use 20-30 words .

Absoulutely, (ABSOLUTELY) the last time I listened to that music was

last night, I listen to music so i can fall asleep easily and sleep better.

Part 3 : You are a member of a music club . You are talking to three
other members in the music club chat room . Talk to them using
sentences . Use 30-40 words .

A : Hi ! How often do you listen to music ?

Absoulutely, (ABSOLUTELY) I am a big fan of music so I listen to music

everyday. I usually listen to it not only in the morning but also in the
evening. Music make me feel comfortable and relaxed

B : I plan to give my son music lessons but he doesn't like it . What

should I do ?

I think everyone has their own preferences and we should respect that .
So if your son doesn't like music lessons you give , you should find out
what your son's hobbies are and then nurture and develop his interests .

C : Do you agree that music is important in culture?

I completely agree with this opinion . As you know , each country has its
own typical music and it partly shows the culture of those countries . You
can even learn about different cultures through their music .
Part 4 : Câu lạc bộ âm nhạc của bạn tổ chức buổi hòa nhạc vào buổi
tối , do đó những người dân xung quanh phàn nàn . Hãy cho chúng tôi
một vài gợi ý để giải quyết vấn đề trên.

1. Viết bức thư cho bạn của mình , bày tỏ suy nghĩ và cái bạn muốn làm
. Viết khoảng 50 từ

Dear Phuc,

How are you these days? I hope all good things will come to you. As you know,
I have been joining the photography club for 2 months. I am writing this letter
to let you know about the notification: The neighbor who lives nearby the
club's concert venue complains about the noise in the evening. To be
honest, I felt it (BỎ IT EM NHÉ) very sad and (BỎ AND) when heard that
news. Do you have any recommendations about this news?



2. Viết email cho quản lý clb . Bày tỏ cảm xúc và bạn nghĩ clb nên làm gì
trong tình huống này . Viết từ 120-150 từ

Dear manager,

I hope this reaches you in the best health. My full name is Luong Hong Ngoc. I
have been a member of a club for 2 months. I am writing this email to express
my opinion about the notification that I received from our club. According to
the news, The neighbor who lives nearby the club's concert venue
complains about the noise in the evening . To be honest I feel (FELT) so
sad when I heard that news. The issue (IS) better: I know a very large venue
not far from here , and suitable for my club . People around will not be
bothered with noise. I hope that my suggestions are useful for you to keep all
members satisfied. (EM CHÚ Ý DẤU CHẤM, PHẨY VÀ HAI CHẤM NHÉ)

I look forward to hearing your response.

Kind regards,

Luong Hong Ngoc.

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