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Name of Demo Teacher: Leandro Peter Joshua C. Taton Date: April 6, 2024
Name of Evaluator/s: Evangeline Jamisola Grade given by evaluator: __97%______
Grade Level: 7 (Seven) Topic: Translating Verbal Phrase into Algebraic Expression


-securing the students’ data -motivational activity: let the students explain
themselves first how they came up with their
-giving classroom rules at the beginning of the answers before taking the stage to explain the
class and associating students to read the proper way.
classroom rules
-use English as the medium of instruction
-clear instructions
-monitoring students inside the breakout rooms
-good classroom management (gives other
students a chance to recite)
-good questioning skills
-wise choice of using the website of classroom
screen to still feel the physical classroom
-good board work (left to right)
-good work in transitioning
-very good for mastery of content
-good that he emphasized the “5 less than 8”,
however, he should also emphasized the “5 less
8” and made the students observe their difference
in their algebraic translation.
-very good of technology integration in
-very calm and natural

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