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LinkedIn is primarily used for:

a) Sharing photos and following celebrities
b) Building professional connections and networks
c) Posting funny memes and short videos
d) Sharing news articles and current events

What is the main focus of a LinkedIn profile?

a) Curating a collection of hobbies and interests
b) Showcasing professional experience and skills
c) Sharing creative content and following trends
d) Posting personal updates and daily activities

Which of the following is NOT a common feature on LinkedIn?

a) Following companies and industry leaders
b) Posting and sharing job listings
c) liking and commenting on photos
d) Joining industry groups and discussions

What does "InMail" refer to on LinkedIn?

a) A direct message sent to another LinkedIn user
b) A sponsored post promoting a company or product
c) A notification about a job application
d) A news update from a company you follow

LinkedIn is most beneficial for:

a) Casual browsing of entertaining content
b) Connecting with potential employers and recruiters
c) Sharing funny videos and going viral
d) Posting updates about your personal life


Pinterest is a social media platform that focuses on:

a) Sharing and following live streams
b) Creating and sharing visual content (pins) and collections (boards)
c) Posting and following short news updates
d) Sending private messages and disappearing chats

What kind of content is typically successful on Pinterest?

a) Long, detailed articles and essays
b) Eye-catching visuals, infographics, and DIY tutorials
c) Live video broadcasts and discussions
d) Personal updates and opinions on current events

A "board" on Pinterest is:

a) A private chatroom for a small group of users
b) A collection of pins (images or videos) saved by a user
c) A sponsored advertisement for a product or service
d) A live video stream about a specific topic

Who would benefit most from using Pinterest?

a) Politicians and news publishers
b) People looking for inspiration for hobbies, crafts, or fashion
c) Businesses promoting breaking news stories
d) Athletes and sports teams sharing live game updates

What can you typically do with a "pin" on Pinterest?

a) Like and comment, similar to other social media platforms
b) Save it to a relevant board you created
c) Directly purchase the product or service advertised in the pin
d) Start a private chat with the person who created the pin


Snapchat is known for its:

a) Long-form video content and documentaries
b) Disappearing photos and messages (snaps)
c) Public news feeds and profile pages
d) Extensive photo editing tools and filters

What is a unique feature of Snapchat communication?

a) Public comments and replies under posts
b) Snaps that disappear after a set time
c) Newsfeed posts that stay visible indefinitely
d) Option to edit and save incoming messages

What can you add to a snap before sending it?

a) Text boxes with lengthy written content
b) Filters, emojis, and drawings
c) Links to external websites or articles
d) All of the above

Snapchat is a popular platform for:

a) Sharing professional presentations and reports
b) Sending quick disappearing messages and photos to friends
c) Posting public updates about your daily activities
d) Following news channels and getting live updates

How can you save a snap you receive on Snapchat?

a) It's automatically saved to your phone's gallery by default
b) There is no option to save disappearing snaps sent by others
c) You can request the sender to send it again if you want to save it
d) Saving incoming snaps is a premium feature that requires a paid subscription


Instagram is a social media platform for:

a) Long-form written content and essays
b) Sharing photos and videos
c) Posting and following live discussions
d) Sending private messages and disappearing chats

Which type of content typically performs best on Instagram?

a) Lengthy text posts and blog entries

b) Visually appealing photos and short videos

c) Text-heavy infographics

d) Audio recordings and podcasts

e) Longwinded lectures in live streams

1. b) Building professional connections and networks
2. b) Showcasing professional experience and skills
3. **c) liking and commenting on photos (While possible, it's not a common focus) **
4. a) A direct message sent to another LinkedIn user
5. b) Connecting with potential employers and recruiters


1. b) Creating and sharing visual content (pins) and collections (boards)

2. b) Eye-catching visuals, infographics, and DIY tutorials
3. b) A collection of pins (images or videos) saved by a user
4. b) People looking for inspiration for hobbies, crafts, or fashion
5. d) Start a private chat with the person who created the pin (You can't directly chat
with someone through a pin)


1. b) Disappearing photos and messages (snaps)

2. b) Snaps that disappear after a set time
3. b) Filters, emojis, and drawings
4. b) Sending quick disappearing messages and photos to friends
5. b) There is no option to save disappearing snaps sent by others


1. b) Visually appealing photos and short videos

2. c) Stories are temporary photo and video updates that disappear after 24 hours,
while posts are permanent entries on your profile.
3. c) To categorize your post and make it discoverable by users searching for
specific topics.
4. d) All of the above


1. b) It has a character limit of 280 characters.

2. b) Sharing another user's tweet on your own timeline.
3. c) To mention another user's account in your tweet.
4. a) A topic that is being widely discussed by a large number of users.
5. b) Instagram is for photos and videos, while Twitter is primarily for text-based
Instagram (Continued)
What is the difference between a "story" and a "post" on Instagram?
a) There is no difference, they are both used for the same purpose.
b) Stories are private messages sent directly to another user, while posts are public.
c) Stories are temporary photo and video updates that disappear after 24 hours, while posts are
permanent entries on your profile.
d) Stories are live video streams, while posts are static images or short videos.

What is a "hashtag" used for on Instagram?

a) To tag a specific location in a post.
b) To directly message another user.
c) To categorize your post and make it discoverable by users searching for specific topics.
d) To create a private group chat with multiple users.

How can you interact with other users' content on Instagram?

a) By replying with lengthy text comments.
b) By liking, commenting, and sharing posts to your story.
c) By directly messaging the user about their post.
d) All of the above.

Twitter (Continued)
What is the main characteristic of a tweet on Twitter?
a) It can be any length of text, images, and videos.
b) It has a character limit of 280 characters.
c) It is a disappearing photo or video message.
d) It is a private message sent directly to another user.

What is a "retweet" on Twitter?

a) A reply to a tweet with your own additional thoughts.
b) Sharing another user's tweet on your own timeline.
c) Liking a tweet without adding any additional commentary.
d) Following another user to see their tweets in your feed.

What is the "@" symbol used for on Twitter?

a) To add a hashtag to your tweet.
b) To indicate a location in your tweet.
c) To mention another user's account in your tweet.
d) To create a private chat with another user.

What is a "trending topic" on Twitter?

a) A topic that is being widely discussed by a large number of users.
b) A sponsored advertisement promoting a product or service.
c) A private group chat on a specific topic.
d) A message sent directly to a specific user.

How is Twitter different from Instagram?

a) There is no difference, they function in the same way.
b) Instagram is for photos and videos, while Twitter is primarily for text-based content.
c) Twitter allows private messaging, while Instagram does not.
d) Instagram is for professional networking, while Twitter is for casual interaction

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