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v. 3, n.

87, 2023



Science Ana Luiza Oliveira Abras da Silva

``Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais``
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais

Ana Luisa Dias Neves

``Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais``
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais

Vitória Chrissie de Oliveira Pinheiro

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais

Emanuelle Severino Gontijo Boucinhas

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais

Sâmia Soares Pereira

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais

Salete Maria de Fátima Silqueira

``Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais``
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais

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mons Attribution License. Attri-
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International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.1593872317105

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Among health quality of life of students.
students, there is great pressure to seek Keywords: Mental health; Health Sciences
academic excellence to the detriment of Students; COVID-19; Quality of life; Student
quality of life. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Health.
there was a long isolation followed by the
sudden return to greater social coexistence, INTRODUCTION
which strengthened the problem, reflected in During the Covid-19 pandemic, there was
the increase in cases of depression and anxiety an undeniable statement of the difficulties
within universities. This study aims to describe experienced by healthcare professionals on the
the process and consequences of health science front line. However, at the same time, among
students returning to the academic context health students there was a huge demand for
after the pandemic. METHODOLOGY: This the quality of learning.
study is an experience report. To support this, Due to the application of control and
a literature review was carried out on the topic prevention measures taken by health
“Mental health among health students in the authorities to limit the movement of people,
post-pandemic scenario”, using the PICOS and thus transmission, non-essential
strategy. 10 articles in Portuguese, English commercial sectors, such as schools and
and Spanish between 2019 and 2023 were universities, were closed. Health courses
selected, based on relevance. One additional have therefore undergone an emergency
article was selected, resulting in 11 articles. restructuring, with a large part of the course
The databases used were Scielo and Virtual load being taught remotely, including practical
Health Library. RESULTS: Reports from content, inherent to medical practice. It
students highlighted the social pressures is known that, in this context, there is an
generated by the belief that they must already explicit pressure when it comes to the search
master medical knowledge, with ignorance at for academic excellence among medical
the beginning of training seen as synonymous students, with an increased intrinsic demand
with future professional inefficiency, in in this emergency scenario, given the change
addition to describing a competitive academic in teaching models and the impossibility of
space that strengthens self-demand. Many certain classes. Furthermore, the difficulty in
students arrive at the course in good health, accessing the internet has affected not only
but, due to the high demands, they develop health students, but the country as a whole,
mental disorders. Others arrived already contributing to low performance.
weakened by the course entry process. Added Furthermore, even outside the pandemic
to this were the impacts of the Covid-19 scenario, high demands are a reality within
pandemic on the well-being of academics, health courses, to the point where students
such as distance learning for an indefinite leave quality of life in the background, thus
period due to isolation, which generated creating a fine line between what is considered
anxiety and uncertainty regarding the future, ideal behavior and which constitutes mental
causing mental illness. CONCLUSION: health neglect. While it is possible to live in
The psychosocial consequences left by the society without major harm to academic life,
Covid-19 pandemic add up to intense self- the tendency is to neglect one’s own well-being.
demand and external pressure for high There have been major changes during and
university productivity. All of this contributes after the Covid-19 pandemic. The succession
to stress, depression and anxiety, affecting the of a long period of isolation and the sudden

International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.1593872317105

return to greater social coexistence, without a self-destructive and stressful thoughts, which
period of adaptation, worsened the problem. affect the mental health of these individuals.
This situation was significantly reflected in In this sense, a study was carried out with
the increase in cases of depression and anxiety academics in the health field:
among university students. The study aims “In this research it was observed that
to identify the impacts resulting from the approximately 50% of health students had
pandemic and analyze the mental health of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress,
health science students in the post-pandemic ranging from mild to very severe severity,
context. and more than 20% had severe symptoms of
these conditions”. (Freitas et al., 2023, p.10)

METHOD Such data materializes the ideas outlined

The present study is an experience report. above and reveals the seriousness of the issue
To support this, a literature review was carried in question. This entire situation exposes the
out on the topic “Mental health among health mental health of medical students as a delicate
students in the post-pandemic scenario”, using and recent approach, which affects individuals
the PICOS strategy. We selected, in order of before and during their academic training.
relevance, 10 articles over a period of 5 years
(2019 - 2023) and the addition of 1 article from ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION AS A
2005 (for citation purposes) in the Virtual RESULT OF CUMULATIVE STRESS
Health Library and Scielo databases, in the Many students arrive at higher education
languages English, Portuguese and Spanish, with good quality mental health, but, due to the
totaling 11 articles. high demands and due to the factors exposed
above, they develop mental disorders. Others,
RESULTS in the period of preparation for entrance
Reports from healthcare students exams aimed at competitive courses, such as
highlighted the social pressures generated by Medicine, already show signs of damage and
the widespread belief that academics must neglect mental health.
already master medical knowledge, with lack “To enter university is wrapped in a positive
of knowledge at the beginning of training being expectation about building the future.”
seen as synonymous with future professional (Demenech et al., 2023, p.20)
inefficiency. With this, the perception is built These expectations are placed on young
and incorporated that as an apprentice and as people throughout high school, and in
a professional, the doctor must have all the the subsequent years of college entrance
knowledge possible and never make mistakes. exams. The selection process to enter health
This mentality contributes to students’ courses is permeated by scenarios similar
exhaustion due to the attempt to achieve this to those observed in higher education:
illusory ideal, fostering a feeling of constant competitiveness, due to the limited number of
dissatisfaction and academic insufficiency. places, and self-demand to achieve approval.
Furthermore, many interviewees reported This generates a history of anxiety and stress
a competitive and unempathetic academic that is added to the new pressures suffered in
space that creates uncomfortable situations, in higher education, with health students often
addition to an environment that is intransigent already having a previous history of mental
to errors, which strengthens self-demand and disorders. Therefore, mental health, already
perfectionism. All these points presented feed neglected in previous years, is aggravated by

International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.1593872317105

the instability experienced during the period The excellence of this and other projects
of entry into quarantine and its subsequent developed during the pandemic, in order to
return to activities and demands, without due alleviate the impacts of social isolation on the
preparation. teaching of health sciences, is undeniable.
However, these mechanisms cannot be
IMPACTS OF THE PANDEMIC ON compared with the quality of face-to-face
THE WELL-BEING OF ACADEMICS classes, especially laboratory classes and
In addition to this situation, the impacts consultations, with students in the initial
of the Covid-19 pandemic on the well-being periods being more neglected in this aspect.
of academics were added. In different case Thus, with the sudden return of activities, new
reports, students reported that the indefinite pressure arose for the need to “make up for
absence from curricular activities due to lost time” among students.
social isolation measures generated anxiety Furthermore, there is a correlation in
and uncertainty regarding their professional the development of these three conditions,
and personal future, causing psychological depression, chronic anxiety and panic
illness. syndrome. Returning to the concept of
It is known that depression is a silent anxiety:
condition. Thus, many relapsed at this time of “Anxiety has psychological and physiological
greater uncertainty, considering both the fear components, being characterized by
of infection by the virus and the possibility sensations of anticipation, fear or
apprehension associated with excitement
of a decrease in academic performance. The
and autonomous reactivity. Although
current context forced universities to make depressive symptoms may be present, they
teaching more flexible, presenting online tend to be secondary or less severe, being
classes with content that must have been characterized by affective manifestations
taught in the laboratory, reducing contact and of inadequate intensity or frequency. Panic
discussion between classmates, which is also disorder, a specific type of anxiety disorder,
of immense importance for the construction is characterized by recurrent, unexpected
panic attacks followed by at least a month
of knowledge. Despite the development of
of persistent worry about having another
several strategies to mitigate the impact of attack or its consequences.” (Montiel et al.,
social isolation on teaching, as occurred at 2005, p.33)
``Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do
This way, the three conditions correlate.
Norte`` (UERN), several gaps in experience
Thinking about the anxiety generated by
and learning remained that could not be filled
academic pressure, depression directly related
through these alternative routes.
to social isolation, and panic attacks related to
“This involves the development and the fear of infection and the sudden return to
implementation of a strategy whose
social life.
objectives were to encourage the
permanence of medical students on the It is important to avoid generalizations,
course, during the period of suspension of knowing that each individual has had a unique
curricular activities at UERN, and to provide experience facing the loss of relatives, friends
learning opportunities, by remote means, and unique difficulties during the pandemic.
with the capture of credits in activities However, a correlation can be observed
complementary, through participation in
between these three variables, which must be
institutionalized research and extension
actions”. (Felisberto at al., 2020, p.3)
evaluated in depth in future studies.
Furthermore, in this scenario, several

International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.1593872317105

projects were developed at universities in an in-depth analysis of the consequences
order to listen to students regarding their on the mental health of students in the long
needs, such as the “Escuta Solidária” project term. During the pandemic period, there
developed at ``Universidade Federal de was a major change in the view of healthcare
Fortaleza`` (Unifor). professionals, who began to be seen as
“This subproject, named “Solidarity “heroes” due to the various risks to which they
Listening”, aimed to reduce the implications were subjected. The perspective of the role of
of the Covid-19 pandemic, offering a health professional may have led students to
psychological assistance to students who, imagine the possibility of dealing with similar
in times of crisis, were faced with the risk of demands in the future. Furthermore, this
contagion from the disease and experienced
process affected the professional development
psychological problems related to the
disease. uncertainty regarding returning of these students, highlighting, once again, the
to classes, the feeling of insecurity, the cumulative and silent bias of depression and
workload associated with the period of anxiety. Given these hypotheses, the need to
confinement, etc.” (Correia, 2023, p.3) develop future studies analyzing subsequent
This way, we can see a movement towards impacts on the professional lives of these
intervention in the face of the problem. academics is evident.
However, there is a significant demand for
other mechanisms that improve the quality of CONCLUSIONS
life in the academic field, in order to reduce The psychosocial consequences left by
these impacts and difficulties experienced by the Covid-19 pandemic add up to intense
students. self-demand and external pressure for high
university productivity. All of this favors
DISCUSSION the high incidence of stress, depression and
In view of the deterioration in the quality anxiety in academics. This set of factors is
of life of students in the health area in the associated with damage to the mental health
post-pandemic period, there is a need for of students, affecting their quality of life.

International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.1593872317105

ANAIS DO I SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO de sAúde mentAl nA medicinA - Editora Pascal

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International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.1593872317105


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