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The Centaurs Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Asbolus and Chariklo.

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Th e A s t ro no my and Astrology of the Ce ntaurs

Chiron, Phol us, Nessus, A sbo l u s & Ch ari kl o

Cyl larus & Hyl onom e

Ni c k An th o ny Fi o renza

Ch iron - Ph olu s - Ne ss u s - As b ol us - Ch a r ik l o
Cy llar us & Hy lo nom e | Cen tau r Comp a ri so n Cha r t

Introdu c ti o n to th e Ce ntau r s

The Centaurs, generally

act as unique escorts
from one planetary realm
to another. For example
Chiron links the realms of
Saturn and Uranus.
Pholus links the realms
of Saturn and Orcus.
Asbolus links Jupiter and

Mythologically, unlike the

other Centaurs, Chiron
comes from a different
breed / stream of
consciousness. Chiron
was born of the union
between the Titan Cronus
and the beautiful Okeanid
(Oceanus) goddess-
nymph Phylira of Mount
Pelion. Cronus disguised
himself as a horse to
avoid being seen by his
wife Rhea during his
lovemaking with Phylira,
resulting in their
offspring Chiron, who
was half horse and half
human. Phylira (goddess The orbits of the Centaurs. Most nest between the Orbits
of beauty, perfume, of Jupiter and Neptune.
healing and writing, pure
honey, elixir of the gods,
protein of the future) abandons Chiron in a cave on Mount Pelion where he,
destined to is unique fate, studies with wise and knowledgeable Apollo where he
learned the art-sciences of music, harmonics, healing, and other related arts of
self-mastery. More on Apollo and associated art-sciences can be found at Lore of
the Lyre.

The rest of the family of Centaurs is the descendent of Ixion who mated with a
cloud, known as Nephele, (disguised by Zeus to be Hera due to Ixion's attempted
pursuit of Zeus' wife) mixing an elusive, mystical and magical element with the
somewhat manipulative nature of Ixion. Nephele gave birth to the benevolent but
outcast Centaurus. Centaurus then mated with the wild and free mares of Mt.
Pelion creating the race of the Centaurs. (Pelion is a mountain at the
southeastern part of Thessaly of Greece, forming the peninsula between the
Pagasetic Gulf and the Aegean Sea.)

Chiron, characteristic of both a comet and an asteroid, often called a "planetoid,"

although in early 1995 it was reclassified to a comet status due to a March '94
observation of two discrete ice-jets emanating from its surface, actually
acknowledging Chiron's rather unique and dynamic nature. However, this half
asteroid / half comet character has been found in a couple other Centaurs. The
Centaurs all cross the orbits of the larger planets, with the exception of Chariklo.
Since the Centaurs do not have their own strong orbital resonance, they generally
have unstable orbits (capable of changing over the time of one orbital round),
greatly influenced by the orbital resonances of the larger planets. The Centaurs
are rouge visitor's, believed to have entered into the realm of our outer solar
system, perhaps from the Kuiper belt (as one theory), and thus become influenced
by the larger planetary bodies and their orbital resonances. As example, Chiron's
perihelion synchronizes with Saturn's orbit while its aphelion synchronizes with
the orbit of Uranus.
The largest known centaur is Chariklo, which was discovered in 1997. It happens
to have a more circular orbit, unlike Pholus, Nessus and Asbolus, which have
highly eccentric orbits. Mythologically, Chariklo is Chiron's wife, a goddess-nymph
from Mt Pelion, not a Centaur (presented below). There are about 30 named
Centaurs. The first few and most prominent are:

(2060) Chiron, discovered in 1977

(5145) Pholus, discovered in 1992
(7066) Nessus, discovered in 1993
(8405) Asbolus, discovered in 1995
(10370) Hylonome, discovered in 1995
(10199) Chariklo, discovered in 1997

Illustration: The orbits of Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Asbolus and Chariklo. Note
Chiron's orbital resonance with the orbits of Saturn and Uranus; Pholus, with the
orbits of Saturn and Orcus; Asbolus with the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune; and
Nessus, a bit more radical, linking the orbits of Asbolus and Pholus with Ixion,
Neptune and Orcus. Chariklo lies within the orbits of Saturn and Uranus,
c ros sin g ne it h e r.


Chi ron's Orbita l Re sonance

wi t h Sa tu rn & Ura nu s

Chiron is ~246 km in diameter with an orbital period of 50.76 years. Chiron's orbit
is highly eccentric (0.38108) but is only slightly inclined to the ecliptic by
6.93457°. At its perihelion (closest point to the Sun), which is also near its North
Node, it lies just inside the orbit of Saturn. At its aphelion (farthest point from the
Sun), it lies close to the orbit of Uranus. Thus, two significant "orbital harmonic
resonances" occur, with Chiron linking Saturn and Uranus. For this reason, Chiron
is acknowledged to create a link between the realms of Saturn and Uranus—from
the old, established, concretized, stoic realm of Saturn to the new,
unconventional, radical, electrical, spontaneous realm of Uranus. As we move
outward in our solar (system's) consciousness, we move from Saturn to Uranus.
Uranus breaks us from the conformity of the past, opening us to new realms of
possibility. Thus Chiron escorts us in this process, often helping to create the way
across the Saturn-Uranus abyss. Conversely, Chiron helps to bring the new
Uranian revelations to the concretized world of Saturn. Chiron is believed to not
be native to our solar system but is a welcomed and needed visitor—suggesting
again its capacity to provide alternatives not previously considered.

A t t he t im e o f C hi r on ' s di sc ov er y, Ch ir o n wa s co n sid e r e d un iq ue w ith i ts orbi t-

c ros s in g na tu re . Ho we ve r, m a ny o f th e n e wly d isco ve r e d Ce ntau rs and D w arf
P lan et s a l s o c ro ss t he o r bi ts o f ea ch o th e r a n d / o r o th e r p la ne ts, thus they
also have a linking or bridging quality—all unique to each.

Chiron's role is often

associated with new
discoveries in the health
field and medicinal arts;
and classically, Chiron is
often called "the
wounded healer"
(Barbara Hand Clow; et.
al.), a term coined by
Carl G. Jung; having
been accidentally shot
with a poisoned arrow by
Hercules. Chiron works
with the subtle
resonances of
communication that make
not only neurological
functions possible, but
also medical and healing
modalities and
technologies that
incorporate subtle
resonances, those
transcendent to physical
(Radionics is a good
example). Chiron is found
to be significant in
astrological charts
associated with new
medical discoveries,
inventions, and new
technologies or
modalities in the heath-
care field; and is often
prominently placed in the
charts of people involved
with such discoveries and
of those involved in the healing art-sciences. Ref: "Essence and Application, a
View from Chiron" by Zane B. Stein

The German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen produced and detected X-ray
rad ia t i o n b e y o n d th e vi si bl e wa ve le n g th s in th e e le ctr o m ag ne ti c sp ectrum,
then called or Röntgen rays, when he was working with crystals. This occurred
at the time of his Chiron return in 1895, also at the time of Chiron's perihelion.
Of course many people had this configuration, but he also had very significant
k ey, a n e xa ct M a rs - P ho lu s co nj un ctio n in la te sid e r e a l S ag itta riu s conj oi ni ng
Vega of Lyra, trine to his Chiron. Vega and the high vibrational and visionary
s ta rs o f Ly ra a re a ss oc ia te d wi th h a r m o n ics o f lig h t, so un d an d ge ometry
applied in sacred proportion for healing and the awakening consciousness.
The placement of Pholus delineates a unique area of expertise, and transits to
P ho lus o ft en c or r es po nd t o an a br u p t b r e a kth r o u g h a fte r a lo ng p eri od of
d w e l l i n g w i t h s o m e t h i n g p e r p l e x e d o r u n r e s o l v e d . P h o l u s i s p r e s e n t e d b e l o w.

In the astrological chart, Chiron can indicate where personal healing is required,
where we must create and cross a vibrational bridge, where transmutation is
required, and where we will find our way from our Saturnian past to our Uranian
future, or to bring vibrational resonance of Uranus to change our calcified
Saturnian structure. It is always helpful to look at the placement of Saturn and
Uranus, and where they are in their synodic cycle, to help understand Chiron's
role in an astrological chart.

Chi ron's Discove ry

Chiron was discovered on November 1, 1977 by Charles Kowal at Palomar
Observatory from a photographic plate taken on October 18. IAU image data:
1977 10 18.38090 [Oct 18, 9:08:30 UT] RA 02 08 15.49, DEC +12 23 24.8, MAG
18.0.). An estimated time of discovery is around 10 AM LT. Astrologer Zane Stein
adjusts this to 9:56 AM PST (17:56 UT) based on a letter from Charles Kowal,
stating the time was a little before 10, along with extensive correlations (made
with astrologer Al H. Morrison) to events following the discovery and to Charles
Kowal's chart. The discovery was announced in IAU Circular 3129 on November 4,
1977. More details about Chiron's discovery, verification and its 1988 brightening
can be found at

At the time of discovery, Chiron was close to the ecliptic plane at 8° 29' sidereal
Aries at the Head of the Ram and conjoining Sheratan and Mesarthim of Aries.
Also conjoining are Alphirk (and Iota) of King Cepheus in the northern heavens;
Caph, the Queens hand; and the Pinwheel Galaxy M33.

Chiron, Sedna and Chariklo - A Special Relationship

Chiron also conjoins Sedna at the time of discovery (both retrograde implying in
inward healing process), and also note Chiron's beloved Chariklo (in the above
star chart) at the heart of Andromeda and conjoining the bound outstretched arms
of the entrapped Princess—both adding significant astrological insight, especially
regarding Chiron in the healing process of the reemergence of feminine principle
on Earth and within human consciousness. Chiron will once again conjoin Sedna
in 2035 conjoining the Hyades of Taurus.
Note: Chiron was at 09° 26" sidereal Aries in the October 18 image, less than
one degree from its location on the November 1 discovery date. It was further
in longitude earlier in time because Chiron was retrograde. Thus, it was also
in a tighter conjunction with Sedna, within a fraction of a degree (of course
unknown at the time).

Click on the chart for a larger image.

Chi ron -Ea rth Harm onic Re sonance

A Chiron-Earth harmonic synchronization occurred from 1994 through 1997
centered near Chiron's perihelion of Feb. 14, 1996. This occurred when Chiron
was inside of Saturn's orbit. Chiron's perihelion harmonic (raised 15 octaves to
7.747 Hz) is very close to Earth's primary resonances which are between 7 Hz
and 8 Hz. This is also resonant to the alpha / theta brain-wave region—the
crossover point from relaxed attentive state to the creative intuitive dream state.
This cross-resonance was indicative of strong Chiron themes accentuating at that
time on Earth. This provided impetus to pursue a greater level of personal
healing, and it seems to have brought that theme into vogue for mass
consciousness. Prior to this time, alternative healing modalities, although
common, were not as popularized. This Chiron-Earth resonance also helped
humanity realize the need to find a way to create and cross a bridge from the old
paradigm to a new one, particularly regarding health and healing.
Chiron began moving from its aphelion near the orbit of Uranus and toward the
orbit of Saturn in 1970. During this process, Chiron inspired radical new
discoveries (from the realm of Uranus) to our manifest concretized world (Saturn).
Chiron entered the orbit of Saturn in late 1992, reached its perihelion in 1996,
and left the orbital bounds of Saturn in 2000. Chiron is now on its way toward the
orbit of Uranus and Chiron's aphelion (furthest point from the Sun), which it will
reach in 2021. In this process, Chiron makes way from the bounds and limitations
of our past structures in consciousness and established modalities of living, and
helps us to realize and integrate new alternatives and paths in life, as it inspires
us to break trail into a new and refined neurological resonance.

Chiron's path through the heavens during the time it

enters Saturn's orbit (1992) through when it leaves Saturn's Orbit (2000).

Some scien tif ic m e dical -re la te d d i scove r i e s of th e 1 9 9 0s.

Highly controversial:
Early 1990s: Genetically Modified Foods.
July 5, 1996: Cloning of an animal from a single cell via nuclear transfer (the
year of Chiron's perihelion).

One of the most significant advancements was The Human Genome Project
occurring throughout the 1990s, with the announcement that the human genome
had been sequenced in 2000, and with the results published in February 2001.
(just as Chiron crossed Saturn's orbit). The Human Genome Project | The
Human Genome Project History. This is exemplary of the Chiron's passage
inside Saturn's orbit. The Human Genome Project paved the way for far more
progressive advancements in the area of Genomics, Epigenetics and the
advancement of human consciousness, such as that more recently initiated by
Dr. Daniel Stickler and Dr. Mickra Hamilton: The Apeiron Center for Human

Chi ron's Perih elion

Chiron's Perihelion (February 14, 1996) occurs in mid-sidereal Virgo (14° 07'
Virgo) conjoining Porrima and Vindemiatrix of Virgo, Diadem of Coma and the
stars of Corvus. In the southern heavens is Alherem of Vela, on the sail of the
Chiron's perihelion delineates the area of his greatest influence. Vindemiatrix and
Porrima mark the centre of sidereal Virgo and embody the essence of sidereal
Virgo. Slightly past but between the two is Auva. This is also the exalted seat for
our winged messenger Mercury, significantly adding perspective and
understanding to the nature of the stars at this ecliptical longitude. Mercury is the
vessel by which these stars function in their highest expression, that is, through
the neurology of communication and logistics, and all that Mercury characterizes.

M er c u ry is a s ig n i fi ca nt i nd ic at or use d in a str o lo g ica l fo reca sti ng for

agricultural commodities. Its exalted location lying in the midst of sidereal
Virgo, sign of wheat and the harvest, explains why—something that is missed
i n t r o p i c a l s i g n - b a s e d a s t r o l o g y, w h i c h p l a c e s t h i s e c l i p t i c a l l o c a t i o n i n t h e
tropical sign of Libra.

Porrima, just two degrees north of the ecliptic expresses through the more
transcendent nature of the mind—our higher brain centers that activate a greater
perceptual capacity, often associated with clairvoyance and telepathy. Porrima
impels us to have foresight to see future or remote probabilities. Vindemiatrix,
just north of Porrima, classically the Harvester or star of the harvest, the grape-
gatherer and vintager, and in India it associated with widowhood. "This star is
said to confer great powers of thought and an exacting, severe nature" (friend and
siderealist Andrés Takra). I tend to associate all of these stars, Diadem of Coma,
Porrima, Auva and Vindemiatrix, and those of Corvus with neurological function,
the human spinal column, subtle energy flow through cerebrospinal fluid, with
attunement and timing, and with health and nutrition in general, that of crops,
esp. roots and stems, and of our biological terrain (the internal environment of the

E art h 's c or e r ec ei ve s ce le st ia l or i gin a tin g " Evo lu tio n a r y In te ll ig en t Instructi on"

and re-radiates this intelligence, translating it into radially distributed
gravitational waves—long waves that emanate from Earth's core outward
toward the surface. The human spinal column is a highly-tuned vertical
antenna that resonates to and receives Earth's gravitational emanations.
These vibrations culminate in the cranial structure that reflects them to the
pineal gland in the center of the brain. The pineal gland is a "neuroendocrine
transducer" that converts gravitational and magnetic signals into chemical
hormonal responses that control, via the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland.
The pituitary is the master control center of the brain that governs the rest of
the neurological system. This information not only governs our biological
c yc le s b ut a ls o e xp r es se s in to o ur ce llu la r str u ctu r e —e ssen ti al ly in to the
m ol ec u l a r ma t ri x o f th e ce ll i n a "DNA Illu m in a tio n Se q u e nce " tha t is
res po n s ib le f o r o ur ev ol ut io na r y awa ke n in g . T h e p itu ita ry is al so th e
a d m i n i s t r a t i v e c e n t e r f o r l o n g - t e r m m e m o r y, a n d h e n c e , t h e r e m e m b r a n c e o f
s upp re ss e d e x p e r ie nc e, e ve n pr e -in ca r n a tio n a l, a n d h e nce su pp orting the
emergence of soul-level awareness. The pineal gland is also the counterpart
to the pineal or third eye chakra, that of inner vision. Perceptual information
p e r c e i v e d b y a f u l l y a c t i v e p i n e a l , i n c l u d i n g o c u l a r, i n s t a n t a n e o u s l y r e -
e x p r e s s e s t o t h e n u c l e u s o f e v e r y c e l l i n t h e b o d y, t h u s c r e a t i n g w h o l e b o d y

North is Diadem of Coma Berenices, the jeweled crown above Virgin's head.
Ornate Crowns in antiquity were designed with specific metals, jewels, and
geometries to accentuate the wearer's telepathic and clairvoyant capacities, and
for their communion with transcendent realms of consciousness. Diadem brings
emphasis to natural materials geometry and technologies that facilitate
attunement to our transcendent soul awareness and guidance. Diadem also
delineates the capstone to human spinal column, articulating the resonant
structure of the human skull, the brain and pineal gland, and its illumination or
awakening of inner vision, the doorway to suprahuman perception and
intradimensional travel.

Lying just south of

Porrima is Corvus the
Raven Messenger.
Corvus is of high
intelligence, ingenuity,
imagination, insight and
adaptability. The brains
of Ravens are among the
largest of any bird
species. They are
problem solvers,
inventors and are highly
opportunistic. Corvus is
the keeper of secrets and
a knowledge holder, but
The Antennae Galaxies in Corvus conjoining Diadem of is also a prophetic
Coma. One of the first images from the new VIMOS revealer—the oracular
facility, obtained right after the moment of "first light" on "raven messenger bird"
February 26, 2002. It shows the famous "Antennae to those who are so
Galaxies" (NGC 4038/9). Credit: ESO attuned, and who ask and
listen. Corvus implores
us to pay astute attention
to the signs or messages naturally expressing through the world around us
moment-by-moment and to adapt accordingly. The signs found in the simplest of
life experience can have meaning if we are willing to be attentive to them. In fact,
we can even ask to receive guidance, or information about future or remote
events, simply by briefly holding the intent to inquire and then letting it go and
listen. It is the sincere projection of clear intent that vibrationally elicits a
response from the world around us. Corvus is a protector as well, of both the
animal and human worlds, and will forewarn of approaching danger to avert
unnecessary mishaps, as well as to affirm fortuitous opportunities, meetings or

Also lying in Corvus and conjoining Diadem is The Antennae (of the Ark), the
Spiral Galaxy NGC 4038/9. Julius Schiller (c.1580-1627) combined Crater and
Corvus as the "Ark of the Covenant." Although the Ark may be considered a
technological transceiver for extraterrestrial communication or intradimensional
travel, teleportation, levitation or transmutational purposes, all of these stars in
this area of Virgo also have to do with our personal attunement, alchemy, and our
capacity to become superconductors of consciousness, the illumination of the

In the southern heavens is Vela, the sail of the Argo. Alherem, of Vela, means
sanctum and sacred, or "the sanctuary." Its alternate Latin name, Peregrini,
means "wanderers," as in the Argonauts search for the Golden Fleece. Alherem is
a binary star system. The main star is a yellow-white giant, with remarkable
magnetic activity. A huge solar flare emerged from it in March 1998 (just a few
months after Chiron's discovery) that brightened the star by a factor of two in
ultraviolet light, and lasted for an amazing two days (Jim Kaler). Alherem impels
us to refine our intuitive abilities to attune to the subtle magnetic forces and
currents in nature, and those steered by our intent, that coalesce events in our

The essence of this zodiakal area, comprised by all of these conjoining entries,
expresses through the higher mental capacities associated with the ability to for-
sense future probabilities and to perceive remote or non-local events in space
and time. This prophetic ability is with specific purpose, not only for
communication, but action. This is much more than receiving simple impulses of
premonition, and is not only associated with ill-fated events, but is about how our
attentiveness and experience "extends" or reaches from the past, through the
present, and into the future. This implies the ability to sense future events just
around the corner. The purpose of such eves-dropping into the future provides
advantage in how to take appropriate action in the present so that we can prepare
and steer our course "to meet" future events to come that are already
precipitating from the realm of probabilities, set in motion by our past actions and
steered by our intent.
There are a few key points of significance here. One indicates Chiron is not only
about healing the wounds within, but is also about education regarding the
healing process and healing in general. It also brings emphasis to neurology, to
the mind and brain, and to refined neurological processes as well as to subtle
energy communication such as that transcendent to thought. It brings emphasis to
nature, to the natural world, and thus to natural modalities and technologies that
facilitate health, healing and learning. It also stimulates our perceptual capacity
to get behind the chatter of mind, to deeper levels of intuitive awareness. In this
light, it emphasizes techniques such as meditation, Zen practices, nutrition,
alchemy and associated art-sciences.

Chi ron's No des

Chiron's South Node and Chiron's North Node bring insight into how Chiron
interacts with the Earth plane, that is, it delinetates a primary energetic current
we are faced with when addressing Chiron in our experience.

Chi ron's So ut h Node

Chiron's South Node (04° 17' Aries) conjoins Alrisha of Pisces, Cassiopeia-A, the
Andromeda Galaxy M31, and Mirach of Andromeda.

Pisces is the constellation of the two fishes—a dual sign. One fish swims
westward, horizontally along the ecliptic plane, with its head, marked by "the
Circlet" of stars lying upon the Aquarius-Pisces cusp. The western fish articulates
our primordial autonomic (sleeping) nature, and our unconsciously reactive
participation in the cycle of mortal life. It is of our inherited genealogies that we
are born into and the behavioral patterns they express. The eastern fish leaps
upward, vertically from the ecliptic plane, seeking a greater freedom at the shores
of sidereal Aries. The eastern fish articulates our desire and capacity to ascend
from our inherited past and its ideologies, and our effort to awaken from
submersion in the tumultuous psychic emotional entrappings of the human world
articulated by southern Cetus, to become more than we have been.

Alrisha (Kaitain), Alpha Pisces, a very close pair of bluish-white stars, is the knot
of the ribbon tying the two fishes of Pisces together. Alrisha lies across the cusp
of sidereal Aries-Pisces, on the shore of sidereal Aries. Alrisha ties our primordial
past, articulated by the horizontal fish swimming westward towards earlier Pisces,
with our desire to rise from it, articulated by the upward leaping fish on the cusp
of Aries. Alrisha is the bond—as in glue—that ties our past with our future. Alrisha
creates a neurological tension that seeks resolution. This very same tension
imparts the motive to aspire to become more than we are.

Alrisha reveals our need to embrace our past to rise into our future, as they are
inseparably bound. People sometimes negate or reject the past, or place blame
on their existing experience, the people in their lives or the places in which they
live in order to make a change. Yet this inner emotional denial only denies us the
change we truly seek, it leaves us only to face the same issues in yet another
guise. To unconditionally accept and embrace our past and the lessons it has
provided frees us from the chains of the past to create the destiny we truly desire.
The Andromeda Galaxy, M31, was first viewed as a
nebulous cloud in the heavens, but with the advent of
powerful telescopes, its majesty beauty became visible as
o u r n e a r e s t g a l a c t i c n e i g h b o r. T h i s m a r k e d t h e t i m e f o r
humanity to see its own greater potential, to realize we
c a n b e c o m e mu c h m or e t han w ha t in th e p a st w as me rel y
a n o b s c u r e n e b u l o u s n o t i o n . E v e n m o r e r e c e n t l y, w e f i n d
that the beautiful and nearly perfect shaped Andromeda
Galaxy, composed of hundreds of billions of stars, has two
n u c l e i ( c e n t e r s o f f o r c e ) f o r m i n g t h e h e a r t o f t h e g a l a x y,
articulating an exquisite spiraling expression of life from
the unified masculine and feminine principles. Spiral type
galaxies in general articulate the flow of spiritual and
physical forces spiraling into evolutionary expression. The
A n d r o me da G ala x y exe m p lif i es t he id e a l fo r h u ma n ity, th e
m a s cu li n e a nd f em i ni ne po la r it i es o f life to e xpr ess i n thei r
full majesty and glory, spiraling together in beauty and
perfection. It brings inspiration to visibly express and
demonstrate our unification in its greatest potential and
form, to become all that we can be. This mosaic merges
330 individual images taken by the Ultraviolet/Optical
Te le sc o p e a boa r d NA SA 's S wif t s pacecraft. It is the
highest-resolution image of the galaxy ever recorded in
the ultraviolet. Image Credit: NASA/Swift/Stefan Immler
( GS F C ) an d Er in G r an d ( UM C P)

Conjoining Alrisha is Mirach, Beta Andromeda, is a massive red star, with a

magnitude identical to Alpheratz, Alpha Andromeda. Mirach also has a companion
star, although very faint, about 60,000 times dimmer. Mirach, which lies north of
Alrisha, is the sash or chord of the Princess Andromeda, also marking her loins.
Mirach signifies a bond of strength and is a star of betrothal and union, of those
destined by desire and choice to be together. These are bonds of the soul, those
that were established before this lifetime, bonds that are enduring, and which
often manifest with an outward declaration of commitment to their union. Mirach
indicates partnerships that make it possible through committed union for two to
become or achieve something greater than either can be or do alone.

Mirach and Alrisha can express as a bond of strength or they can express as
bond of emotional entanglement and dependency. Emotional clarity determines
which. This articulates the difference between inter-dependency and co-
dependency. Either way, there is impetus for achievement.

The Super Nova Remnant Cassiopeia-A in the northern heavens embodies the
over-theme of Cassiopeia, the soul of the queen. Cas-A creates the need to see
opportunity for attainment (articulated by the beautiful and conjoining Andromeda
Galaxy M31) rather than opposition impeding it, and to have the courage to do the
inner work required to claim it. In typical Cassiopeian style however, this can
express as an explosive temper tantrum of outrage or anger when feeling
deprived or a victim of our position or environment in which we may find
ourselves, or victim to other forces attempting to manipulate and control our
freedom or birthright. However, this is ultimately due to not having dealt with our
own emotional issues to start with. Cas-A offers a powerful opportunity for
transformation if we are willing to surrender any bitter attitudes that we deserve
something or some position, and to shift our focus from why we are being denied,
deprived or hurt to appreciating that which we do have and the beauty that is.
This acceptance is that which allows bestowal of the beneficence due our greater
essence of being. Cas-A is the strongest radio source in the sky. The multi-
spectral forces of Cas-A create a sub-conscious drive to seek attainment beyond
the limits we currently experience, to express our full potential.

Chi ron's So ut h Node Sum mary

Chiron's South Node stars especially bring emphasis to the requirement to
embrace our emotions and our experience with unconditional acceptance rather
than righteously blaming why we feel the way we do and the circumstances of our
life experiences outside of self, defending why we are wounded with judgmental
mind (arrogance, righteousness, denial). As Chiron's South Node energetic, this
is fundamental to realize and actualize as a prerequisite to work with the subtle
energetic principles and wisdom offered at Chiron's North Node.

Chiron's South Node also emphasizes that any discordance within self stems from
long-established energetic currents, generally which extend beyond this lifetime.
They may even be inherited genomic and epigenetic patterns not of our own
making, but those that have formulated over eons, but nonetheless are ours to
address. It also indicates that committed, or what may seem destined,
relationships in this lifetime are also based upon long-established soul-level
bonds, and we may be co-participating not only to support our mutual attainment
and to manifest our greater potential, but to also support the healing and
evolution of discordant patterns inherent to collective consciousness.

Chi ron's No rt h Node

Chiron's North Node (04° 17' Libra) primarily conjoins Theta Carinae and
Miaplacidus of Argo Navis, and Centuarus X-3.

The legs of the Virgin extend into the sidereal sign of Libra in our modern image
of the supine Virgin. They extend to mid-sidereal Libra, where we then arrive to
the clutches of the Scorpion, our modern scales of Libra. I coined the phrase
"Under the Skirt of the Virgin" to delineate this area of the of the zodiak, the first
half of sidereal Libra, to mythically articulate the long obscured secrets hidden
within this part of the zodiak. This embracing mythical image, and the individual
star themes creating the qualities of sidereal Virgo and Libra, and those now
hidden—under the skirt, reveal the truth about the evolutionary process of the
soul, and of that which is required to ensure a healthy pure birth and our
attainment of evolutionary freedom from perpetual re-birth and entrapment in the
Clutches of the Scorpion, in the karmic currents of the past established on Earth.
The mythical image of this entire area of the zodiak articulates the Virgin giving
birth into the Chelae of the Scorpion, into the reincarnational process of soul
growth. The first few degree of sidereal Libra mark the thighs of the Virgin, which
are about intimacy and mutual support. North is the staff of Bootes and his right
foot marked by Zeta Bootes. Bootes is consort and protector of the Virgin,
protector of the Virgin principles and ensuring the save birth and healthy
evolution of souls. South is the Centaur, the principal constellation in this area of
the heavens, the wise and benevolent teacher of self-mastery.

Theta Carinae lies slightly south of the Galactic Equator on the keel of the Argo,
Theta emits a peculiar spectrum, showing it to be a silicon-rich star, a peculiar
chemical anomaly. It has an estimated luminosity of about 22,000 times that of
our Sun. Theta also has an obscure name, "Vathorz Posterior" (of Old Norse-Latin
origin), which means "Succeeding One of the Waterline," referring to the Galactic
Equator upon which the Argo sails. Theta Carinae is the prominent member of the
Theta Carinae Star Cluster, a bright open cluster of about 60 stars. The Theta
Carinae Cluster is sometimes referred to as the Southern Pleiades due to its
resemblance. Slightly north of Theta Carina, along the galactic equator, is a giant
stellar nursery surrounding the nebula NGC 3603, one of most compact clusters
of young, massive stars in our galaxy.

Miaplacidus along with Theta Carinae (Vathorz Posterior) and the Theta Carinae
star cluster, Upsilon Carina and Omega Carina form the Diamond Cross of Argo
Navis. It, like the Southern Cross, does not have a central star in the center, thus
forming a diamond more so than a cross. You must be south of 20° north latitude
on Earth to see it. The Diamond forms the keel and hold of the Argo. Theta
Carinae and the Theta Carinae Star Cluster are of secret knowledge, record
keeping, scribing, and the articulation of intelligence regarding navigational
matters and transcendent evolutionary currents of the soul. Theta Carinae
embodies the Gnostic wisdom of art and sacred architecture as it relates to
healing and evolutionary fulfillment of the soul, which transcends an incarnational

Miaplacidus, Beta Carina, is the

second most important star of the
Argo, after Canopus. "Mia" is of
greater universal flowing waters of
Source and "Placidus" is of grid-
navigational-mapping. Miaplacidus
involves the navigational mapping of
cosmic evolutionary currents—
evolutionary intelligence and how it
expresses in time and space.
Miaplacidus is of Astronomical-
Earthgrid mapping, navigation, inner-
dimensional travel, and related art-
sciences and environments that
support our greater evolutionary
Conjoining Syrma is the Supernova SN journeys in life. Living at or traveling
2007af, a recent and stunning revelation to the right locations at the proper
found under the skirt of the Virgin: in The times in our lives is of significance to
Pu rpl e R ose o f Vi rg o, a ba rr ed s pi ra l be in proper (space-time) harmony.
galaxy (slightly smaller than our Galaxy). The purpose of sacred geometry,
The supernova is the bright object seen naturally tuned architecture, and the
sl ig ht l y belo w an d to th e r ig ht o f t he
art-sciences involving harmonics and
galaxy's centre. Image Cerdit: ESO PR
resonance are all of significance here
P ho to 16/0 7
—many of the art-sciences that have
been obscured, suppressed or lost to
humanity—including the integrated
knowledge of astronomy and astrology and its application in cartographical
mapping on the Earth in space and time.

Conjoining Syrma, which I dub the "Star of Atlantis," lies under the skirt of the
Virgin and marks the knee of the Virgin. Syrma resonates with issues relating to
frozen genetic coding and the resultant crystallized emotional patterning incurred
due to devastating or cataclysmic events of the past, especially incurred from the
controlling use of resources to obtain power over others. Syrma provides
inspiration for personal change and transformation, and articulates our need to
unlock our frozen genetic coding and crystallized cellular makeup that keeps us
stretched out of the present. Syrma alignments can bring deep-seated emotional
patterning to surface awareness so we may clear it, especially suppressed grief
and issues related to the use of power. Syrma also inspires the application of art-
sciences that can aid in this process, freeing our selves from epigentic
conditioning and behavioral patterns passed on through generations.

The hold of the Argo (the Diamond), expressing through this area of zodiak and
conjoining Syrma of Virgo, is also associated with long-established wealthy and
powerful clandestine secret societies or orders.

Centaurus X-3 is an X-
ray emitting pulsar with a
period of 4.84 seconds, a
frequency at the very low
end of the Delta
brainwave region, which
also resonates with
Mercury's rotation
harmonic and Neptune's
orbital period harmonic.
Centaurus X-3 consists
of a rotating neutron star
(the pulsar) in a 2.087-
day orbit around a giant
or supergiant star labeled
V779 Cen (also called The Giant Nebula, NGC 3603 (conjoining Theta Carina).
Krzeminski's Star). The Thousands of sparkling young stars nestled within the
regular disappearance of giant nebula NGC 3603. This stellar "jewel box" is one of
the neutron star caused the most massive young star clusters in the Milky Way
by its orbit around its Galaxy. NGC 3603 is a prominent star-forming region in

companion star blocks the Carina spiral arm of the Milky Way, about 20,000
l i g h t - y e a r s a w a y. T h i s i m a g e s h o w s a y o u n g s t a r c l u s t e r
the pulsar's X-ray
s ur r ou n de d b y a va s t re g ion o f d us t a n d g a s. Th e i m a g e
emissions for 0.488 days,
r ev e al s st ag e s in t h e lif e c y c le o f sta r s . Th e n e b u la w a s
thus producing isochronic
first discovered by Sir John Herschel in 1834. The image
envelopes of the
s pa n s ro u g hly 17 li g ht -y ear s . I ma g e C r e d it: N ASA, ESA,
pulsating x-ray
and the Hubble Heritage
emissions. The X-ray
emissions also flicker at
rates of between 100 and
2,000 times per second, which are the fastest known X-ray variations of any
neutron star. (Data from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer). Centaurus X-3 lies
exactly on the galactic equator above the Theta Carinae Star Cluster, and about
1° north of NGC 3603. Cen X-3 adds to the theme of Theta Carinae and
contributes significantly to the theme of early sidereal Libra and the Diamond of
the Argo.

Cen X-3 imparts a transcendent guiding neurological impulse that incites a natural
attraction toward harmony and beauty that is life promoting at a deep meditative
level of consciousness. Here we may find unique events or portals occurring in
space and time that can change our evolutionary experience and destiny if we are
willing to transcend logistical mind and function from deeper levels of awareness,
much like lucid dreaming. Opportunities presented here allow us to walk away
from the mundane, from what is established in our lives, from what seems to
make sense to onlookers. They require a leap into the void with the knowing there
are subtle but greater soul-level currents that can carry us to our fulfillment.
Learning to move in intimate trust and harmony with these forces is a key dynamic
of this part of the zodiak.

Also conjoining Cen X-3 are Rho and Omicron Centaurus. Rho (ρ), Omicron (ο),
Delta (δ) and Pi (π) extend from Muhlifain and create the hind legs of the
Centaur, which lie over and protect the secrets held in the Diamond of Carina.
Muhlifain, the third brightest star of the Centaur, is of secrecy and protection, and
indicates there is a double meaning, that one thing said exoterically reveals the
opposite esoterically, or that one thing conceals another. This is also a key
principle in the healing process where at the epitome of a healing crisis, at the
point of revelation, there occurs a phase conjugation (or flip) in consciousness
where we realize what we were projecting externally is the opposite of what was
occurring internally, that is, what we project outside of self onto others and life
experience is actually how we feel about ourselves.

Chi ron's No rt h Node Sum mary

Chiron's North Node stars bring emphasis to establishing greater inner harmony
and wholeness within self and in our relationships through deep inner healing
work. They impel us to address long-standing crystallized genomic patterns, both
personal and collective (Chiron's South Node) through wholistic healing and
developmental art-sciences such as meditative and associated techniques,
architectural environments incorporating sacred proportion and resonances, and
with other related art-sciences that may have long been obscured, as well as with
new advancements of these art-sciences. Chiron's North Node impels a discovery
process transcending thought into the depths of consciousness to trace energetic
currents that transcend this lifetime.

Chi ron in Summ ary

Chiron acts as a bidirectional neurological messenger between Saturn and
Uranus and the resonances they create within self. This can be from
established, structured and crystallized patterns (Saturn) to radical new
possibilities (Uranus) that break us from the conformity of the past, and to
bring epistemological revelations and new levels of self-awareness into
concretized form or into demonstrable applicability. Prominent alignments with
Chiron can indicate involvement in health-care or healing modalities, or with
discoveries and new technologies applied in these areas, especially those that
use natural but unseen forces. Chiron is associated with the introduction of
new medical and healing technologies or methodologies to humankind, as well
as education (learning and teaching) about wholistic modalities that support
healing and whole body awareness, including meditative techniques and
associated disciplines. Chiron emphasizes consciousness development that
brings forth our unique attributes that may have been suppressed or squelched
by societal conformities. Chiron impels us to honor our uniqueness. Chiron also
influences information flow within our neurology and subtle energy
communication throughout the body. Chiron also incites the capacity to access
and heal soul-level patterns as well as genomic and epigenetic patterns that
extend beyond this lifetime. Chiron impels us to cultivate metaphysical non-
reasoning perceptual abilities like clairvoyance and telepathy, and to trust in
those abilities.

Classically, Chiron has been dubbed "the Wounded Healer," which means our
wounds are that which heal us. Chiron's natal chart placement reveals areas in
our lives where we need to seek deeper levels of harmony and wholeness
through an inner healing journey. Chiron impels us to get in touch with, face
and heal our wounds, a process of unconditionally embracing our wounds with
the willingness to feel any emotion attached to those wounds rather then
defending why we are wounded with judgmental mind. All wounds are cellular
memory patterns that block us from becoming healthy and whole, and from
expressing our full potential. Defending "why" we are hurt, unhealthy or
wounded results in nothing more than further suppressing those unhealthy
cellular patterns, creating more chronic conditions, often leading us to seek
quick band-aid fixes or temporary feel-good patterns of behavior that merely
mask and suppress the symptoms. This process of being unconditionally willing
to dive below the surface of symptomology and feel, whatever the emotions
may be, allows those very wounds to become the means, the elixir, that allows
our inner transmutation into a refined vibrational resonance. This is a process
of how to bring oneself through what is commonly called a Healing Crisis. (See
the "Emotional Tone Scale History & Healing" section on the " Emotional Tone
Scale" web page to learn more.

Pho l u s

Pholus was discovered

on Jan 9, 1992 by David
Rabinowitz. After this
time a number of other
asteroids were discover
in this area of our solar
system—bringing the
realization that Chiron
was just one Centaur.
Pholus was the second
most important of the
Centaurs after Chiron,
hence the name given to
the second Centaur

Just as Chiron embraces

the orbits of Saturn and
Uranus and is consider a
key or bridge between
the two planets due to
their harmonic orbital The orbits of Pholus, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, Orcus and Pluto
resonances, Pholus'
aphelion also
synchronizes with
Saturn's orbit, but it extends beyond the orbit of Uranus, crosses that of Neptune,
and harmonically resonates with Orcus's orbit—Pluto's compliment. Pholus thus
links the realms of Saturn and Orcus while passing through Uranus and Neptune.
Pholus does not cross Pluto's orbit at its aphelion, but does bring us to Pluto's
door—just as Chiron brings us to Uranus's door. Due to Pluto's elliptical orbit,
Pluto's distance from the Sun ranges from 29.65596 AU to 49.30336 AU. Pholus'
aphelion lies within Pluto's orbital range at 31.98338 AU, still creating a strong
harmonic resonance with Pluto.

More significantly, Pholus does cross the orbit of Orcus at the exact time of its
aphelion—shown in the detail below. Orcus' orbital range is 30.323 AU to
48.05147 AU. The distance at the location in the orbit of Orcus where Pholus'
aphelion occurs is 32.13568 AU, creating an almost exact resonance with Pholus'
aphelion at 31.98338 AU.

Orcus has a nearly identical orbital size, orbital period (year) and inclination as
Pluto. However, the orbital plane of Orcus is tilted in the opposite direction from
Pluto's. Orcus is clearly Pluto's counterpart or compliment and is just as
significant as Pluto. Mythologically, Orcus is the god of oaths and is punisher of
those not living true to their soul oaths. The orbital parameters of Orcus
suggest that Orcus invites us to adjust our tack in life and to redirect the use of
our personal will, to lift ourselves beyond the judgmental segregations of life
and apply our personal efforts for the greater nourishment of humanity. Orcus
also invites us to apply our daily activities in-line with our true soul's purpose—
to live true to soul purpose and undaunted to achieve our greater ideals in life.
More about Orcus.

In light of the above, Pholus may help to lead us from the conforming bounds and
limitations of our past, to make the radical changes in our lives, to pierce the veils
obscuring our more transcendent soul purpose, and to awaken to our unique
purpose and live it. Conversely, Pholus may also help us to then ground and
concretize that purpose in the world. Pholus would seem to help us refine our
sense of responsibility to one living true to soul's oath. Upon this journey, guided
by Pholus, we may also confront the fear and loneliness encountered when
leaving the apparent safety of our past established karmic patterns and choosing
to live true to live our uniqueness in the world. Pholus may be our ideal new
psychedelic (mind expanding) drug.
The Myth of Ph ol us
Pholos (Pholus) was an Arkadian Centaur who lived in a cave on Mount Pholoe in
southern Greece on the Peloponnesos peninsula. Pholus, considered a wise and
gentle Centaur, guards the centaurs' vineyards (and their wine). Pholus was
mortally wounded by an unexpected coincidence, being punctured by a poised
arrow he was removing from a Centaur. As the story goes, Pholus was hosting
Hercules who was traveling through the region while searching for the
Erymanthian boar. After coercing Pholus to open a sacred vessel of wine he was
keeping for the other Centaurs, the rest of the Centaurs became angry and
arrived to Pholus' cave. Hercules slew many of the Centaurs with his poisoned
arrows while others fled. Pholus removes one of the arrows from a Centaur to see
what made the Centaur die, and accidently allows its poisoned tip to puncture
himself, which also kills Pholus. (There are minor variations to this legend.)

Robert v. Heeren und Dieter Koch, suggests that Pholus brings an unusual ability,
or an unexpected experience or gift catalyzing profound or radical change. I add
that the unusual or unique ability delineated my the placement of Pholus in a
natal chart is generally of a perceptual nature, or due to a heightened perceptual
capacity, in a certain area. Pholus, amongst several things, has to do with one's
vision. This includes transcendent inner vision (associated with the Pineal) as
well as with our physical eyes, ocular pathways and associated brain function.

Based upon the myth of Pholus along

with its orbital cross-resonances with
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Orcus and
Pluto, it would seem that Pholus offers
healing aid, through unexpected
events (Uranus) or in a shroud of
confusion or commotion perhaps
involving psychotropics (Neptune) and
/ or helping one to make passage
through veils and illusions (Neptune)
to fulfill their soul oath, or greater life
purpose (Orcus); and if need be, to
ultimately discard that which is
superfluous to one's greater purpose
or life journey (Pluto).

Roman Bronze of Hercules and Pholus on Fitting with the above, I had a personal
a black-figured hydria (Greek urn to carry experience at the moment of a Sun-
water) 520–510 BC, Louvre Museum Pholus conjunction and the death of a
loved one (my mother) that Pholus
gently and compassionately helped,
one who was "mortally wounded" in a serious debilitated state for a many year
period, make passage instantly in a seemingly mysterious or shrouded way. This
was obscured to everyone except to a couple of us observant to such mysteries. It
occurred in a way that would not otherwise have without an "apparent" confusion
surrounding a mistakenly introduced medicinal agent (the arrow alone is not
sufficient), which clearly facilitated what otherwise would have been a prolonged
and painful death. This passage was clearly in the greater interest of the souls
involved (Orcus)—and in this case, freeing the mortal lives of two eternally
entwined souls. The Sun-Pholus conjunction was sextile to Chiron-Nessus, which
were transiting her natal Juno, with the sextile creating a Yod to her natal Pluto.

The Pholus-Saturn-Neptune-Orcus-Pluto orbital relation may also suggest

seemingly fated events, but with reasons obscured until after they occur, reasons
that may yield a greater revelation, ideal, dream, vision or dissolution into the
unknown. Pholus may help us cross from the concretized world of Saturn and
cross the veiled / hypnogogic dream world of Neptune to enter the realm of our
souls' true purpose (Orcus); and if so required, bring us to the door of ultimate
transcendence offered by Pluto—certainly this Centaur's journey.

Transiting Pholus to a natal planet can bring about an instant metaphoric

transformation to a very long-standing condition, often catalyzed my some
mysterious agent or experience. Pholus transits are definitely something to watch

The Di scover y of Ph olu s

Pholus was discovered (Jan 9,
1992) while retrograde just as it
was passing its north node in
early sidereal Cancer conjoining
Tegmine of Cancer, Talitha of
the Great Bear, magical Alpha
Monoceros of the Unicorn,
Aludra, the pure one of the
breed, of Canis Major, and
Ahadi Puppis of the Argo.
Pholus has an orbital inclination
of 24.7°.

The discovery chart of Pholus

suggests its arrival into our
awareness brings the
unexpected, fortuitous, and magical (Alpha Monoceros). Pholus acts in a unique
way, like that of a black sheep, white stallion, the pure one of the breed (Aludra).
Pholus imparts a caring and nurturing force, and is especially protective of family
and its home environment.
The No des of Phol us
Pholus' nodal axis brings insight into
how he interacts with the Earth plane.
A planet's nodal axis is created by the
intersection of the planet's orbital
plane and Earth's orbital plane (the
ecliptic). A planet's South Node is
where in the ecliptic the planet moves
from north to south across the ecliptic
plane during its orbit. A planet's North
Node is where the planet moves from
south to north across the ecliptic
plane. A planet's nodal axis can be
thought of as the planet's energetic
current of expression on the Earth
Plane. The South Node stars articulate
what are internally inherent attributes
in this axis of expression, where as the
North Node stars articulate how those
attributes are expressed externally in
the world. It impels us to take the
South Node's energetic and to express
it or expand upon it in its
complementary form, that revealed by
the North Node, thus synthesizing the
two energetics into wholeness.

Pholus' South Node lies in early

sidereal Capricorn at 04° 24.5',
conjoining Alpha and additional stars
of Indus in the southern heavens.
North is Altair and Tarazed of Aquila, and Eta Aquila, on the wing of the Eagle,
Alpha and Beta Sagitta (the missile of Zeus), Anser (Alpha) Vulpecula, and in the
far north is Alberio of Cygnus.

This zodiacal area is both militaristic and shamanistic in character. It imparts a

deep-respect for the land and for Gaia (Earth as a living conscious entity), with
appreciation for natural beauty. It is of hermetism, esoterism, magic, and various
areas of esoteric knowledge and science, also of covert technologies as well as
the secret places and orders associated with them. Here we find the keepers of
sacred knowledge and sacred ways, and the stewards of sacred places (fitting to
Pholus' south node energetic). It can also be clandestine in nature, of ornate
cloaks, secrecy and covert actions driven from personal motive, but is also of
those with global vision and focused purpose.
Pholus' North Node lies in early in
sidereal Cancer at 04° 24.5',
conjoining Samoht (Alpha) Monoceros,
Aludra of Canis Major, Ahadi Puppis of
Argo Navis, and the minor stars
Tegmine of Cancer and Anwar al
Farkadain of Ursa Minor in the far
northern heavens (not shown).

Monoceros, the Unicorn, is of a

species not common to Earth—one
magikal and mystical. Samoht, Alpha
Monoceros, is an Egyptian star name,
actually older than the constellation
Monoceros. Samoht means "one who
has traveled from afar." Alpha
Monoceros brings fortuitous situations,
experiences or involvements quite out
of the ordinary, which often appear
unexpectedly. They may manifest while
traveling or appear to come from
another time or from a distant location.
The spiral of the Unicorn's horn
embodies its magic, but for it to
manifest in our lives, we must live in
the power of our uniqueness, not in
denial of it. Alpha Monoceros invites
us to be open to the unexpected and
unique; and to relate to such
experience without need to fit the
experience into mass consensus or the

Aludra, Wezen, and Adhara, a triangle

of stars known as the Virgins, lie under
latter sidereal Gemini and early
Cancer. They create the hindquarter of
Canis Major. Although of this Sirian
constellation, Aludra and Wezen are a
pair of their own class. They lie much
further in distance than the other stars, thus being of their own realm.

Aludra served Hipparchus to make his famous astronomical reckoning about the
precession of the equinoxes. Aludra, a supergiant star, is the only star of the
constellation that lies across the Gemini-Cancer cusp. Aludra is the singular of Al
Adhara, the Virgins—hence, a pure one of the breed. This is the white stallion,
the black sheep, the unique person that does not fit in. An Aludra-type individual
seems strikingly unique in some way—out of the ordinary, an old wise soul, an
exceptionally unique person, often with an unearthly beauty or who is very
attractive and warm-hearted. The synthesis of Samoht and Aludra can manifest as
unexpected opportunistic meetings with very unique people, often fleeting
opportunities that must be seized in the moment.
Just south of Aludra is Ahadi of Puppis, another supergiant star, which shines
with the luminosity of 19,200 suns and with a radius estimated to be about 290
times our Sun. Ahadi means "having much promise," and being of the Argo, this is
in reference to our greater evolutionary journey and its fulfillment. Ahadi imparts
a soft, yet powerfully optimistic demeanor. Also worthy to note is the Lynx, which
lies north, and further north is the fore part of the Great Bear, her head and
forepaw Talitha, articulating an exceptionally caring and nurturing energetic.

Pholus Nodal Axis Summary

Pholus' early Capricorn South Node deliniates his shamanistic character. Pholus
is very much at home in privacy, seclusion and in sacred places of power, places
strategic to his purpose. He is intimately perceptive of the subtle energetics of the
land and life. Pholus is well adept in all areas of esoteric science, what might be
considered the magical and mystical aspects of the natural world. He has an
aesthetic appreciation for the elegance of natural form. He is exceptionally
cunning and strategic in motive, and applies his knowledge with expansive vision
and specific purpose.

Pholus early Cancer North Node indicates that he applies his shamanistic
adeptness to protect those he cares for, especially family and home environment.
He will intercede unexpectedly in out of the ordinary situations when there are
threats to his family, which he can intuitively perceive and see with Eagle-like
vision. He may appear to aid with diplomacy, but behind his gentle persona is a
capacity to apply his mystical talents with ferocity and definitive efficacy.

The Pho lu s- Ch a rikl o-Ear th Or b i ta l Pl a n e Cro s s i n g

Pholus' South Node conjoins Chariklo's North Node and Chariklo's South Node
conjoins Pholus' North Node. This indicates Chariklo and Pholus both interact on
Earth in a complimentary way, they have a unique relationship and it ties their
energetic qualities together through their Earthian expression. This is a triple
orbital plane crossing, which means the axis created by the crossing of their
orbital planes occur at the same location in space where both planes cross
Earth's orbital plane (the ecliptic). Chariklo is presented below.

The Cu rre nt Jo u rney of Phol us & Ch i ro n

Pholus has an orbital period of 90.94 Earth Years, almost twice that of Chiron.
Pholus reaches its aphelion (its furthest point from the Sun, reaching out to the
orbit of Orcus, in 1938 and 2032. Pholus reaches its perihelion (its closest point
to the Sun), reaching inward to the orbit of Saturn, on Sept 27, 1991, just prior to
reaching its North Node. Perihelion occurs at 29° 25; sidereal Gemini, conjoining
Pollux of Gemini, Procyon of Canis Minor, and Wezen of Canis Major.

Pholus has recently left the orbit of

Saturn in early 1993—curiously just
as Chiron enters Saturn's orbit (late
1992), and in the same area of
Saturn's orbit—shown in the
animation to the right. Due to this as
well as the orbital crossing of the
other Centaurs, we can see how the
family of Centaurs inter-relate.

Pholus crosses Uranus' orbit in 2003;

then crosses Neptune's orbit in 2018,
it enters the influence of Orcus and
Pluto by 2030 and reaches its P h ol us & Ch ir o n as t h ey c ro ss th e o r b i t o f Sa tu rn
aphelion and Orcus' orbit in 2037.
Thus, Pholus is currently aiding us to
leave the realm of Saturn, has broke through the conformity of the past and into
new opportunities as it crossed Uranus' orbit (in 2003), and is now on its way to
break through the obscuring veils of illusion and inspire new visions as it crosses
Neptune's orbit (in 2018); and to access the true path of the soul embodied by
Orcus and to touch upon the profound transformation offered by Pluto.

The Passa ge of Ph olu s throug h Op h i u c h u s

Pholus enters sidereal Scorpio in late 2004 and it will enter sidereal Sagittarius in
2015. Its passage is north of the ecliptic, first through Serpens, under the head of
the Serpent, and then moving through the body of Ophiuchus throughout the rest
of this entire period. Thus Pholus imbues the essence of Ophiuchus and lies
prominently under the auspices of more northern Hercules. Pholus may be more
in home territory as he passes through transformational Ophiuchus. Pholus
conjoins Yed Ophiuchus, the hand of death, and Dschuba, the head of the
Scorpion in 2006, a stellar environment inviting us to take responsibility for our
entrapments in life. That which must die here is victim consciousness, a primary
step in the process of learning to claim a greater level of self mastery in life.
Pholus conjoins Zeta Ophiuchus and Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion in 2008.
Pholus conjoins Ras Algethi, the head of Hercules, in 2011; Sabik of Ophiuchus in
2012; and Ras Alhauge, the head of Ophiuchus in 2014—a climatic time in its
journey. Pholus conjoins Cebalrai, the shoulder of Ophiuchus and the sting of the
Scorpion in 2016, after which it will enter sidereal Sagittarius, beginning its
journey over Galactic Centre and the Gate of God by 2018. This is a powerful and
potent journey for this Centaur, and subsequently for its influence in our lives—
one about learning self-mastery in life; especially regarding our personal
transmutation and metamorphosis while in the very primal and carnal forces of
nature governing life and death.

Pholus and Ixion begin a new synodic cycle in 2012, in sidereal Scorpio. Pholus
and Saturn begin a new synodic cycle in late 2017, in early sidereal Sag, at the
Gate of God.

Ne ss u s
Nessus, the third
Centaur, was discovered
on April 25, 1993 also by
David Rabinowitz.
Nessus has an orbital
period of 122.99 years
with a 15.642° orbital
inclination. The eccentric
orbit of Nessus extends
from between the orbits
of Saturn and Uranus and
across the orbits of
Neptune, Orcus and
Ixion, with its aphelion
lying between the orbits
of Neptune and Pluto.
Nessus inspires our need
to radically sever from
the constructs in
consciousness solidified
from past experience and Nessus with Déjanire
Guido Reni. 1621, Bologna, Italy
to lift our veils of illusion,
Image Credit: Musée du Louvre/A. Dequier - M. Bard
to relinquish our denials,
and to spiritualize our
past experience and
awaken to the growth gained in the context of our soul's incarnational purpose.

Considering its orbital crossing with its grandfather Ixion, we have a theme
associated with tyranny and sexual abuse, with suppression and denial issues
(Ixion). However, since Nessus reaches out to the orbits of Neptune and Orcus (in
the confluence of these orbits)—and synthesizes with these orbital resonances,
Nessus may impel us to to look through the emotional veils shrouding issues of
abuse and to spiritualize them (Neptune), and to see them from the perspective of
soul's incarnational purpose (Orcus)—thus helping to place such experience into
the greater context of the soul's incarnational process of growth.

Melanie Reinhart relates Nessus to issues surrounding sexuality, death, revenge

and jealousy. Although Nessus may appear to have a disrespect for morality, a bit
on the wild side, he also may teach us to embrace our sensual and sexual nature,
to enjoy this abundance in life, rather than denying it or shutting ourselves down
to it due to erroneous beliefs of wrongfulness or emotions of unworthiness.

Abuse comes in many forms, from psychological to physical, and does not
necessarily imply abuse of a sexual nature. Mere neglect, diminishment or
abandonment of a child can be forms of abuse that can leave a child with feelings
of inferiority, separateness and fearful of intimacy throughout their lives. The
placement of Nessus in one's chart does not necessarily indicate abuse, it may
simply delineate our psychology about or emotional response to abusive people or
abusive situations. It may reveal where we feel we have been abused, diminished
or neglected whether it was intentional or not, or it may indicate how we abuse or
disrespect ourselves, in whatever form. Nessus is of deceit and betrayal, so the
first thing to consider with a natal Nessus placement is how we deceive and
undermine ourselves. Beneath this may lie the deeper cellular patterns to uncover
that formulate such behavior.

The Di scover y of Ne ssus

Nessus appeared (was discovered) at 9° 57' sidereal Libra conjoining Syrma, the
knee of the Virgin, which I dub the "Star of Atlantis," and which lies "under the
skirt of the Virgin." To learn more about this part of the heavens, see the
"Astronomical Truth of the Virgin." Here we find secrets about the intimacies and
harmonies of healing and sexuality, secrets totally suppressed, covered by
religious dogmatic belief structures. Nessus' revelation here supports us to unlock
crystallized belief structures and the assumed griefs or guilts that limit uninhibited
sensual palpitation of life in all of its abundance.

Syrma inspires our transmutation by unlocking what has been frozen in

consciousness due to past traumatic experience so we can move onward into our
evolutionary fulfillment. Syrma inspires the use of healing artsciences to unlock
crystallized patterns held within our cellular makeup, to bring emotional patterning
(suppressed grief, resentment, anger, etc.) to surface awareness so we may free
ourselves from the resultant biological conditions and behavioral patterns that
keep us frozen in the past. The unconditional willingness to embrace all
experience is key—to allow such inner transmutational movement.

Ness u s No des & Per ihe li on

Nessus' North Node lies at 06° 21' sidereal Aries, conjoining Mirach of
Andromeda and Mira Ceti. Nessus' South Node lies at 06° 21' sidereal Libra,
conjoining Muhlifain Centauri and Miaplacidus Carina. Perihelion occurs on Feb 9,
1992 at 27° 26' sidereal Virgo, conjoining Eta Carinae of Argo Navis.

Asb o l u s

Asbolus was
discovered on April 5,
1995 by James V. Scotti
and Robert Jedicke at
Kitt Peak Observatory

Asbolus' aphelion lies

just inside the orbit of
Neptune and its
perihelion lies close to
the orbit of Jupiter. Thus,
Asbolus does not exactly
link the orbits of Neptune
and Jupiter, but it is
close. Asbolus does cut
through the orbits of
Uranus and Saturn—all
of which provide insight
into the nature of

A unique feature about

the orbit of Asbolus is
that its eccentricity is Phi
resonant. This means
that the length to width
ratio of its orbit is very
close to a Phi resonance. A s bo lu s ' pe r i he li o n is 6 . 843 6 AU , wh e r e a s Ju p ite r 's
Asbolus eccentricity is orbit (at the location of Asbolus' perihelion) is 5.14834
0.61877 (Phi is A U— a bo u t 1 . 7 A U a w ay fr o m J up i te r. ( 1 AU
1.6180339887...). This ( as t r o no m ic a l u n it ) i s t h e dis t a nc e be tw e e n Ea rth a n d

suggests that Asbolus the Sun (Earth's average orbital radius), which is 150
m ill io n ki lo me t e r s or 9 3 m i l l io n mi l e s.)
has an orbital
characteristic that is
quite in harmony with the
evolutionary process of growth common to nature. This also indicate Asbolus
imparts an ability to perceive underlying order and harmony of life and when that
order is disturbed.

As b olus Node s & Pe r ih el i on

North Node 11° 02' sidereal Pisces
Conjoining Stars: Theta and Eta Cepheus; Eta Horologium; Alpha, Gamma and
Delta Reticuli; and Alpha Lacerta.

South Node 11° 02' sidereal Virgo

Conjoining Stars: Zaniah Virgo, Turais Carina and Phi Velorum of Argo Navis.

Perihelion occurs on July 31, 2002 at 02° 10' sidereal Capricorn conjoining Alpha
& Beta Indus. Perihelion is 16° 28' south elciptical lattitude, south-east of Theta

As b olus Sum m ary

Orbital star alignments suggest that Asbolus lives in a state of "perpetual intuitive
attentiveness" (aphelion stars), able to see events from a distance (like remote
viewing) specifically attentive to events where misdeeds are occurring, or where
that which is private is being violated. Asbolus, the seer, responds as a protector
of that which might be considered sacred to a specific group or culture, especially
regarding the their revered possessions, including the protection of land and
sacred or private sites (perihelion stars), places that are tuned to natural
resonances, those in sacred proportion. Asbolus, with a strong sense of right use
of will and awareness of the longer term ramifications of actions (South Node
stars), will intercede without hesitation into scenarios where psychic-emotional
confusion or disturbance exists to stop such violation or disorder.
Asbolus imparts a contemplative capacity to transcend surface thought and
emotion to apprehend the deeper hidden or secret workings and causal nature
underlying externalized form and expression (North Node stars). This can impel
exploration into spiritual, esoteric or occult matters, or into psychological
underpinnings driving behavior. The attention to disharmonious disturbance can
impart a tendency to focus upon and point out what is wrong, why things do not
work, the negative side of things, although the intent is to help reestablish order
and harmony.

Asbolus' orbit (cutting through Saturn and Uranus), and with its perihelion close
to that of Jupiter, suggests a radical nature able to cut through or penetrate
structure and form with a mobilizing force to break up that which may be stagnant
or in stasis.

Cha ri k l o

Chariklo (10199) (pronounced Kha'riklo) was discovered on February 15, 1997

2:51 UT (Feb 14, 7:51 PM MST) by James Victor Scotti of the Spacewatch
Program at Kitt Peak Observatory in southern Arizona.

K it t P e a k Co or d i na te s: 3 1. 95 99 ° N, 111 .5 9 9 7 ° W ( 3 1 °5 7 ′54 "N 111°3 5′57"W),

A lt it ud e: 6 ,8 83 f ee t ( 2, 09 8 m ) .
Chariklo is surrounded by a circular equatorial ring system, composed to two
dense and narrow rings, observed at ESO's La Silla Observatory on June 3,
2013 and published in the journal Nature on 26 March 2014. (ESO: Chariklo's

This artist's impression shows how the rings might look from close to the surface of
Chariklo. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada/Nick Risinger

Chariklo is the largest known Centaur object orbiting between Saturn and
Uranus. It has an orbital period of about 63 years, and thus the ~age of its
astrological return in a natal chart. Its orbital inclination is 23.365°, more like
that of Pholus (24.7°), compared to Chiron's 6.935° inclination. Chariklo has a
milder eccentricity as well, at 0.17445, which means its orbit is more rounded,
meaning a less-extreme aphelion-perihelion distance (13.8 AU to 13.1 AU),
thus having a more gentle and stable orbital resonance. Astrologically, this
imparts a softer, well-balanced, and stable quality. She also does not cross the
orbit of Saturn like Chiron does, nesting comfortably within the orbits of Uranus
and Saturn, thus neither getting entrapped and calcified in thought or concept,
nor being a radical extremist, she can embrace both perspectives with impartial
understanding. Her higher inclination, like Pholus, imparts a unique perceptual
capacity, able to see things from a oblique perspective.
The Myth of Ch a rikl o -
Chi ron's w ife
In Greek myth, there are
two nymphs with the
name Chariklo,
sometimes confused to
be one and same.
Chiron's wife was a
goddess-nymph of Mount
Pelion in Magnesia
(northern Greece), the
legendary homeland of
Centaurs, born of Apollo
(god of music, truth and
healing, son of Zeus and
Leto), and she was the
mother of Karystos
(Carystus). The other is a
nymph of Thebes in
Boeotia. This Chariklo
was the wife of the
Spartan, Everes. She
was a close friend of the
goddess Athena. This
seems to be the more
popular story, one about
how Tiresias accidently
saw Athena (or Athena Mt. Pelion lies at the southeastern part of
and maidens) nude while Thessaly, in the peninsula between the
bathing. Tiresias was Pagasetic Gulf and the Aegean Sea. Thebes is
stricken blind by Athena, in Boeotia, in Central Greece, about 50km from
abiding the law of Athens. More about Pelion.
Cronos. At Chariklo's
plea to restore his sight,
Athena, unable to, instead turned Tiresias into a prophet by giving him the ability
to understand the voices of the birds. The asteroid (10199) was however named
after Chiron's wife, born of Apollo, not after the Thebian nymph. Ref:

One thing we can look at through mythological legend is the commonality between
the lineage of Chariklo and Chirion. Like Chariklo, Philyre (Philyra), the mother of
Chiron, was also an Okeanis goddess-nymph of Mount Pelion.

Okeanos (Oceanus) was the primordial god of the great life-giving river of the
heavens. Okeanos and his wife Tethys "the Nurse," (caregiver) birthed the
Potamoi, the gods of rivers, and the Okeanides (Oceanids), the goddess-nymphs
who presided over Earth's fresh water. The Oceanids consisted of the Nephelai
(Cloud-Nymphs), Aurai (Breeze-Nymphs), Naiades (Spring and Fountain Nymphs),
Leimonides (Pasture Nymphs), and Anthousai (Flower Nymphs). The Oceanids
provided care over the life giving and healing elements, especially the elixir of
life, water.

The name Philyra, or Philyre, is composed of Phi and Lyra (Lyre). Phi is the
golden mean and numerical progression that is natural to life and all that is
beautiful and grows in perfect proportion. Lyra is the lyre of Hermes, the musical
instrument tuned to perfection, which could heal and awaken consciousness. In
this sense, the name implies one in perfect attunement, one who embodies such
awareness and knowledge, and who could bestow such a resonance. Today,
Philyra, as a Greek girl's name, means "Lover of Music."

Philyra cared for and taught those who were unique in some way, like Chiron, who
were abandon or shunned by society. In some legend, Philyra and Chariklo both
reared the young Achilles and other proteges of Chiron in Philyra's cave, Chiron's
dwelling on Mount Pelion. Chariklo was the foster-mother of many other great
heroes in addition to Achilles, including Asclepius, Aristaeus, Ajax, Aeneas,
Actaeon, Caeneus, Theseus, Jason, Peleus, Telamon, and Perseus. Chariklo bore
Chiron three daughters, Melanippe (Hippe), Endeïs, and Ocyrhoe, and one son
Carystus. This suggests Chariklo has a Philyra-like quality, one who cares for,
rears and protects those who are outcast or different and with exceptional

Chariklo clearly imparts a benevolent and graceful character, and unique

perceptual abilities. Born of Apollo, she has knowledge in the healing art-
sciences, that of harmonics and resonance. In consort with Chiron, she holds a
sacred spatial resonanace that allows us to look within and heal ourselves to
bring forth the exceptional beings we are.

Char i k lo's Discovery

Chariklo was discovered in Cancer conjoining Praesepe M44. Conjoining from the
south is Zeta Monoceros (the Unicorn). Further south is Azmidiske Puppis of the
Argo. North are Upsilon and Theta of Ursa Major, forming the foreleg of the Great
Bear, which leads to Talitha, the front foot.
Cancer, commonly the crab today, is also the Egyptian Scarabaeus, an image that
articulates the theme of humanity's emergence from darkness, dogma, and
delusion and its reawakening back to light. The Scarab is an appropriate mythical
figure here because the beetle emerges from its snuggle in its own dung, where it
matures. This theme also applies to our individual emergence from the family nest
or from the collective consciousness that we co-create. The Scarab is a symbol of
regeneration, transformation and re-birth, of being self-created, or self-made, to
rise from itself—hence humanity's association with the beetle's emergence.

Praesepe, the Bee Hive star cluster (M44) in mid-Cancer contains about 1000
members. It is one of the closest open clusters and is visible to the naked eye.
Praesepe is from the Greek Phatne, which means manger, also called the crib.
Praesepe embodies the essence of the Scarab theme, articulating the protective
and nurturing environment of home and family, and also supporting the birth,
awakening and transmutation from darkness into light. Praesepe, with some
aspects or transits, can impel emergence, migration, new beginnings, shedding
old skins, skeletons, and cocoons. This is emerging out of the family nest, finding
new paths and directions, or leaving behind old dwellings and the structures of
consciousness they represent, or getting out of the collective dogma and the
darkness it creates.

The foreleg of the Great Bear is composed of Upsilon, Phi and Theta, with Theta
being the primary star of the leg and that which conjoins Chariklo. The leg
extends to the forefoot of the Great Bear, marked by Talitha (Iota) and Kappa of
Ursa Major, which I dub to be the protectress, guardian, and nurturer of humanity.
This duo is also the Chinese "High Dignitary." Although minor stars, they should
not be taken lightly, as they hold a principal office within the Bear. Of the Great
Bear they are associated with the global scene and world powers. They inspire us
to become a caring and nurturing force for each other, an enabling force that
responsibly supports our emergence from darkness, dogma, and delusion,
emergence from the limits and bounds created by selfish, fearful or controlling
beliefs, a force that supports us to move into freedom and in greater personal
Click on the chart for a larger image.

Interestingly, Chariklo is just past its South Node and Chiron

is just past its North Node. Chariklo's North Node conjoins
Pholus' South Node / Chariklo's South Node conjoins
Pholus' North Node. This indicates Chariklo and Pholus both
interact on Earth in a complimentary way, they have a
unique relationship and it ties their energetic qualities
together through their Earthian expression. Only aspects
involving Chariklo are shown in the discovery chart. Note
Chariklo's opposition to the Jupiter-Uranus-Ceres
conjunction, capstone to the Grand Trine Kite. Also note the
Yod to Juno (considering Chiron and Chariklo mythical
relationship), and Juno's T-Square to the Chariklo / Jupiter-
Uranus-Ceres opposition. Juno conjoins the exceptionally
beneficent stars of the King and Queen, those impelling the
offering of aid and support. Juno's prominence brings
significant emphasis to covenants in relationships, and to
ensuring the full expression and fulfillment of those
relationships. The Moon creates a second Grand Trine,
interlocking with the other Grand Trine, thus forming the
Star of David, a geometric configuration of exceptional
stability and articulating the unity of the masculine and
feminine, and of spirit and form, the spiritual and physical.

Theta Ursa Major, although unnamed, is a significant star of the Great Bear. It is
a triple star system and is one of the brighter stars easily seen standing out in the
Bear. Theta moves in the opposite direction in the heavens, along with Dubhe,
compared to the other primary stars of Ursa Major, except it has a much faster
proper motion than Dubhe. Just 40,000 years ago (not long in stellar time), Theta
was just north of Merak, in direct line with Dubhe. Dubhe is the principal and
overseeing star in this area of the heavens. Dubhe impels us to pursue a greater
vision beyond the accepted political-religious-big-business dogmas of the human
world that keep humanity in darkness and delusion. Dubhe impels those whose
interest is the greater welfare and nourishment of the people to take a stand
against the totalitarian elite whose intent is in dominating, suppressing and
controlling humanity. At a personal level, Dubhe impels us to emerge from our
own personal belief structures and limiting life patterns that keep us bound in life
scenarios that are less than those we truly want. Theta, in concert with Dubhe
and the theme of the foreleg and Talitha, brings impetus to take a stand against
any forces attempting to harm or interfere with one's personal domain, and its
protective boundaries (Praesepe), especially regarding one's intimate personal
relations (family).

S ee " Pe rsp ecti v es in S pace & Ti me: T he Pr oper M otion of the Sta r s o f Ur s a M aj or " t o s e e
the movement of Theta and the additional stars of the Great Bear.
The Argo's Aplustre. Uranographia, Johannes Hevelius 1687. There
w a s a l s o a n a u t i c a l f i g u r e h e a d o n t h e A r g o ' s p r o w. S u c h a f i g u r e i s
k now n as a "N e p t u ne' s an g el. " I n t h e c a s e o f t h e A r g o , in a d d i ti o n to
the Aplustre carving, Athene placed an oak beam from the oracle of
Zeus at Dodona into the prow, which of course, as an oracle, could
s pea k and g ui d e t he s hi p t hou g h it s pe r ils o n it s way to o b ta i n th e
golden fleece from Colchis.

Azmidiske, Xi Puppis of Argo Navis, the Akkadian starship Ma, marks the aplustre
of the stern of the Argo, along with the bright star Tureis, Rho Puppis. Azmidiske
is a supergiant star estimated to be about 120 times the diameter of our Sun and
about 8300 times more luminous. Azmidiske is an exalted star holding the
signature of the mission of the Argo, the emblem of the mission of the soul. The
ornately sculptured aplustre on ancient ships held an energetic, like a talisman,
for the purpose the ship was built, embalmment of the ship's spirit or life force. It
also acts as a shield, imparting protection upon its mission, which Azmidiske and
Tureis exemplify. Azmidiske reveals a transcendent soul purpose for what is
gestating in our lives, a transcendent force impelling us forward to fulfill that
mission. Azmidiske imparts the need to trust and have faith in the subtle unseen
currents at work in our lives, in the mission of our souls. When invoked,
Azmidiske can bring a sense of undaunted conviction and protection through life's
incarnational sojourn.

Chariklo's placement in her discovery chart indicates she imparts a protective and
nurturing quality for family and covenant relations, especially for those who are
unique, progressive and radical, who may not fit into the status quo. With
neutrality and truthfulness she addresses the established, conservative,
patriarchal authority for those she cares for to ensure the fulfillment of their soul's
greater purpose or mission on Earth. Her prominent conjunction with Azmidiske
indicates she holds an energy, establishes an energetic resonance, for others to
ensure their personal healing, awakening and evolutionary fulfillment. This is
significant to consider for Chariklo's placement in a natal chart.

Char i k lo's Pe rihe lion

Chariklo's perihelion lies at 20°
39' south of the ecliptic in
Crater, expressing into sidereal
Virgo at 4° 43', conjoining our
North Galactic Pole (NGP) the
Coma and Virgo galaxy clusters,
home to our Super Galactic
Center (SGC). Chariklo reached
her perihelion on January 28,
2004. Chariklo's perihelion
delineates the area of her
greatest influence.

Astrologically, the Super

Galactic Centre can be thought
of as the spiritual mother center
from which life emerges and
spiritual nourishment and
guiding wisdom expresses. It is
the source of maternal instinct
and impels us to trust that
instinct as the first and most
powerful force. SGC inspires us
to become pure vessels for the
expression of our spiritual
essence, to become one with
that essence, and to live from
soul awareness in the here and
now, moment-by-moment, true
to the heart of the Virgin

The North Galactic Pole (NGP)

is the northern point of the polar
axis around which our entire
galaxy spins. The North Galactic Pole lies ~30° north of the ecliptic nesting
between Gamma and Beta of Coma Berenices. The NGP defines a principle
geometric relationship between our ecliptic plane and our galaxy. The ecliptical
longitude of the NGP is always square to the Galactic Equatorial Nodes (Gate of
God and Gate of Man) of Earth's Precessional Cross. This is also the current
ecliptical location of the anti-Vernal Point of the precessional cross.
Astrologically, the North Galactic Pole brings confidence, stability, and guidance
for the greater evolutionary fulfillment for all souls. It impels us to create an inner
spiritual alignment to live in integrity toward this purpose.
Markeb, on the sail of the Argo, is of applied knowledge and intellect in
navigational matters regarding the evolution of the soul collective. The stars on
the sail of the Argo are of refined subtle energies or currents at work that function
at the level of the soul's greater evolutionary journey—those transcendent to the
dramatics of the external terrestrial world. Markeb means a vehicle of some sort.
It is also the South Pole Star of Mars, the foundation of dynamic creative action,
and also that regarding survival issues in the history of life in our solar system.
These alignments are another indicator of Chariklo's capacity to be perfectly
centered to hold a spiritual resonance or space for others.

Chariklo's Perihelion Summary

Chariklo's perihelion indicates one of a spiritual mothering quality toward those

she cares for, ensuring their capacity to access and claim the cup of fulfillment,
the Chalice of the Holy Grail (Crater). Her greatest influence is to inspire us to
seek our spiritual essence and to establish an inner alignment and stability based
in the durative nature of our souls, that which precedes birth into human form.
She inspires us to become pure vessels for the manifestation and expression of
our soul awareness, to embody that resonance and to realize we are souls
expressing through physical form rather than identifying ourselves as beings
separate from our soul essence. She impels us to attune to and live from our
greater soul awareness and spiritual guidance in the here and now through
demonstrable action with consideration for the long-term transcendent effects for
the durative timestream of the souls that we are.

Char i k lo's No des

As mentioned above, Chariklo's discovery occurred very near her South Node.
Chariklo's nodal axis brings insight into how she interacts with the Earth plane,
and as mentioned in the Pholus section, Chariklo's Nodes are in direct
compliment to those of Pholus. Their nodal axes conjoin by just under 1°.
Chariklo's South Node lies in early in sidereal Cancer at 05° 23.65', conjoining
Samoht (Alpha) Monoceros, Aludra of Canis Major, Ahadi Puppis of Argo Navis,
and the minor stars Tegmine of Cancer and Anwar al Farkadain of Ursa Minor in
the far northern heavens.

Chariklo's North Node lies in early sidereal Capricorn at 05° 23.65', conjoining
Alpha and Beta Indus in the southern heavens. North is Altair and Tarazed of
Aquila, and Eta Aquila, on the wing of the Eagle, Alpha and Beta Sagitta, Anser
Vulpecula, and Alberio of Cygnus.

The character of these stars and associated star charts are presented above. See
"The Nodes of Pholus".

Chariklo's Nodal Axis Summary

In contrast to Pholus's secretive and shamanistic character, Chariklo's South

Node deliniates an open, warm-hearted, caring and nurturing demeanor, a
persona often showing up unexpectedly in unique ways and in out of the ordinary
situations, in seemingly magical meant-to-be encounters. Her presence is soft and
uniquely attractive, with an optimistic and ambassador-like quality. She has an
inherent impetus to nurture and protect the sanctity of others and those being
reared in the care of others.
Chariklo expresses her South Node energetic (through her North Node) into
Pholus's domain, often in sacred places of power or in places that are private and
secluded, such as hermitages or retreats. She may also express into areas
involving esoteric art-science, or even addressing dominating factions with covert
manipulative controlling intent. Here she acts in a shamanistic capacity. She may
apply her nurturing ambassador-like quality with strategic motive for a specific
purpose, especially to protect the sanctity of one's personal space and that of
others and their choices to live outside the societal norm, as well as sacred
places of specific purpose and places of privacy for spiritual healing.

The Chiro n-Ch ar ikl o Syn od i c Cycl e

Chiron and Chariklo conjoined throughout 1949 during their retrogrades (shown
as the dotted white lines in the star chart), conjoining the stars forming the right
leg of Ophiuchus, Al Niyat (σ and τ) and Antares of Scorpio. Their synod occurred
on May 23, 1949 15:42 UT, initiating the current synodic cycle. The Chiron-
Chariklo cycles are rather long, with this being about 257 years. We are currently
in the first quarter of this cycle. We will reach the 90° point in 2042. Entries
specifically setting the theme of this cycle include Al Niyat (σ), and two high
energy X-ray sources, Scorpio X-1, and Hercules X-1.
The stellar energetic here impels a transmutational process and the opportunity to
physically and emotionally demonstrate our choice to walk the higher path of self-
mastery and self-responsibility. It impels us to embody this capacity in our
neurology such that this action becomes unquestionably natural. It impels us to
create the space or resonance in our lives for this inner metamorphosis and to
demonstrate this transmutation in our relations and in how we participate in the
world. Without embracing this inner metamorphic shift, we will continue
experience a greater sense of unrest and agitation if motive to act is based from
personality interest alone. It impels an emotional maturing, to embrace the
emotions we experience as our own doing rather than blaming how we feel
outside of self and upon others in anarchic rebelliousness—a prerequisite to self-
mastery—and to establishing a healthy neurological flow in self and in the
collective populous.

Ultimately, if we pursue a level of personal metamorphosis and self-mastery

beyond the common person, we experience an inversion of our perception of the
world. This inversion is from seeing self as being entrapped and suppressed by
forces that seem to be outside of self, bound by our 3-d realmspace, to
establishing the capacity within self to express outwardly through the will of intent
so as to direct those forces creating our lives—from the inside out—to
consciously steer our creative power to manifest a new reality for ourselves. This
inner metamorphosis is not something done from how we think. It is about spatial
dimensionality, allowing a perceptual awakening within self, such that we totally
shed our limiting and previous human mold.

Chariklo and Chiron conjoined in 1949.

(They will not conjoin again until 2206.)
Chiron and Pholus conjoined in 1955.
Chariklo and Pholus conjoined in 1961.

00:00 01:12

The Paths of Chariklo, Chiron and Pholus 1950-1996. To play the video slower, pause the
play button and drag the play head where you like.
Cy llaru s & Hy l on om e

Cyllarus (52975) Discovered 1998 Oct. 12 by Nichole Danzl

at Kitt Peak.

Orbital Period 133.44 yrs. Inclination: 12.65°

Perihelion: 16.2 AU (Aug 17, 1989)
Aphelion: 35.96 AU

Hylonome (10370) Discovered 1995 Feb. 27 by David Jewitt

and Jun Chen at Mauna Kea
Orbital Period 126.14 yrs. Inclination: 4.144°
Perihelion: 18.9 AU (July 4, 1995)
Aphelion: 31.4 AU
Centaur History and Lineage:
Addit ion al Re fe re nces

For additional material about the Centaurs see the works of Zane Stein, Mark
Andrew Holmes, Melanie Reinhart and Eric Francis. You will often find additional
references to other astrologers as well in their articles that offer more Centaur

Zane Stein about Pholus | about Nessus | about Chariklo

Zane Stein about Cyllarus & Hylonome

Mark Andrew Holmes about Chariklo

Mark Andrew Holmes about Cyllarus | about Hylonome

Melanie Reinhart about Chiron

Eric Francis about Pholus | about Nessus

Ce ntau r Or b i ta l Param e te r s


kilometers INCLINATION Eccent rici ty PERIO D PERIOD
years hours

Discovered on November 1,
Chiron ~246 km 6.93457° 0.38108 50.7149 5.918
Orbits between Saturn and

Discovered January 9, 1992

185 ± 16 km 24.7004° 0.57143 91.85 9.98 Orbits between Saturn and

Discovered on April 25,

60 ± 16 km 15.643° 0.51906 122.58 na 1993

Discovered on April 5, 1995

Asbolus Orbits between Jupiter and
84 ± 8 km 17.615° 0.62147 76.88 8.9351
8405 Neptune
phi resonant eccentricity

Discovered on February 15,

~273 km 23.365° 0.17445 63.033 7.004 1997
The largest Centaur known

- 4.144° 0.24815 126.14 na Discovered on Feb 27, 1995

- 12.65° 0.37752 133.44 na Discovered on Oct 12, 1998

Ce ntau r Nod e s & Pe ri h e l i o n

C E N TA U R Per ihelion Peri heli on Date North Node NN Date South Node SN Da te

Chiron 1 4 ° 0 7 ' Vi r g o Feb 12 1996 04° 13.6' Libra Apr 20 1997 04° 13.6' Aries Feb 28 2027

Pholus 29° 25' Gem Sept 11, 1991 04° 24.5' Cancer Dec 26 1991 04° 24.5' Cap Jun 2 9 2 04 1

Nessus 2 7 ° 2 6 ' Vi r g o Feb 9 1992 06° 21' Aries Aug 17 2061 06° 21' Libra Dec 10 1992

Asbolus 02° 10' Cap July 31 2002 11° 02' Pisc Nov 29 2005 11° 02' Virgo Se p 15 20 71

Chariklo 0 4 ° 4 2 . 7 ' Vi r g o Jan 28 2004 05° 23.65' Cap May 2 2021 05° 23.65' Can Nov 3 2058

Hylonome 0 9 ° 1 6 ' Vi r g o Jul 4 1 99 5 0 3 ° 1 4 . 4 5 ' Vi r g o Feb 10 1994 0 3 ° 1 4 . 4 5 ' P i s c e s Se p 21 20 54

Cyllarus 29° 19.6' Aqu Aug 17 1989 26° 57.4' Aries Oct 3 1999 26° 57.4' Libra Jun 11 196 0

Si d er e a l Lon g itu d es : Galact ic Ayan amsa ( add 0° 16' f or Fagan- B ra dl ey )

A ll para me t e r s ba se d on 2 01 7 JPL Da ta ( Ep o ch 2 0 0 0 )

Th e Mai n As te ro id s : Ce re s, Jun o, Pa l l a s & Ve s ta

D wa rf Pl an et s of th e Ku i p er Be lt
Ret ur n to In trod u cti o n

Lun ar Plan ne r Arc h i ve & Ar ti cle s

Lun ar Plan ne r Hom e Pag e
Ear th's Pre ce ss io n al Cro ss

©2001-2018 Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved

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