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1. What would you do if you woke up one day and everyone had disappeared? Why?

If a woke one day and everyone had disappeared, I would be so afraid, one of my biggest fears its to
be alone and if I didn’t have people close I think I would be really sad, although, I think it would be
funny to enjoy of somethings that we can´t enjoy day by day, so I would go to different places,
rather expensive places.
If I woke up one day and found everyone had disappeared, I'd first try to assess the situation calmly.
I'd check if there are any signs of where people might have gone or what could have caused their
disappearance. If it seemed safe, I'd explore the immediate surroundings to gather more
information. Then, I'd probably try to establish communication through various means, like
broadcasting messages, checking for internet connectivity, or trying to contact any emergency
services that might still be operational.
The reason for this approach would be to understand the situation better, find out if anyone else is
around, and try to figure out what caused the sudden disappearance of everyone. It would also be
important to ensure my own safety and well-being while trying to solve the mystery.

2. What would you do if you could solve any mystery or conspiracy theory in history? Why?
If I could solve a mystery theory of the history, I would solve the case of colmenare, that has been a
important enigma in Colombian for many years, so if I had the opportunity to investigate a mystery
definitely it would be the case to show the truth and finish with that unfair.
3. What would you do if you could erase one embarrassing or regretful memory from your past?
If I had the opportunity to erase a shameful moment from my past, I wouldn't do it, since everything
happens for a reason and the past is the past, you know? But if I could, I would regret not having
taken advantage of opportunities from the past, I wouldn't have missed so much time on people and
things that didn't make sense.
If I could erase one embarrassing or regretful memory from my past, I would carefully consider
which memory has had the most significant impact on my well-being and personal growth. Once
identified, I would reflect on why that memory continues to cause distress or regret, and how its
removal might positively affect my present and future.
However, it's important to acknowledge that our experiences, both positive and negative, shape who
we are. While erasing a painful memory might provide temporary relief, it could also deprive me of
valuable lessons learned and opportunities for growth. Instead, I might choose to confront the
memory, learn from it, and strive to make amends if necessary. This approach allows me to integrate
the experience into my life story, fostering resilience and self-awareness.
Ultimately, the decision to erase a memory would depend on its impact on my mental and emotional
well-being, as well as its potential to hinder my personal development. If the memory continues to
cause significant distress and impedes my ability to thrive, I might consider seeking support from a
therapist or counselor to process and cope with it effectively.
4. If you could have a conversation with your past self, what advice would you give yourself? Why?
If I could give advice to my past self I would tell him many things, although at this moment I am
young, I would like to have made more use of my time in the past, for example I would tell him to
learn as much as possible and if he had the opportunity to work would take advantage, I would also
tell him to take great care of people and learn to evaluate who would be useful for his life and who
would cause him problems.
Take Risks: I would advise taking more risks and stepping out of my comfort zone. Growth often
comes from pushing boundaries and trying new things, even if they seem scary at first.
Value Relationships: I would emphasize the importance of nurturing meaningful relationships with
family, friends, and mentors. Investing time and effort into building strong connections can bring
immense joy and support during both good times and challenges.
Live in the Present: I would remind myself to live in the present moment and not get too caught up
in worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Mindfulness and gratitude can enhance overall
well-being and happiness.
Follow Passions: I would encourage pursuing passions and interests wholeheartedly, even if they
don't seem practical or lucrative at the time. Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment is
essential for a fulfilling life.
Seek Help When Needed: I would emphasize the importance of seeking help and support when
struggling with mental health challenges or difficult situations. Asking for help is a sign of strength,
not weakness.

5. If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would you choose and why?
If I could have a fictional character as a best friend, that character would definitely be Mabel from
the Gravity Falls series, since it is one of my favorite series and this character has a very fun
personality, I am sure that we would get along very well and we would do many things. Things
Sense of Humor: Despite her serious and studious nature, Hermione also has a playful side and a
witty sense of humor. Having a best friend who can make me laugh and lighten the mood during
tough times would be invaluable.
Overall, Hermione Granger would make an excellent best friend due to her intelligence, loyalty,
courage, and shared interests. Plus, who wouldn't want to have a friend who can perform a perfect
Wingardium Leviosa when needed?

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