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Lesson Planning Form

Name of Activity – Share the ball.

Originating Idea
Children are fighting over toys a lot.
Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
(Highlight one of the Categories)
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social Studies
KDIs – # 15. Conflict resolution: Children resolve social conflicts.

Ball, small traffic cones

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
Opening statement
I have noticed that we have been struggling to share while we are playing outside. I have an
activity today that can help us learn some patience and to share with our friends. We will take
these cones and a ball and pass the ball from one cone to the other but the catch is we only have
3 cones and one ball. We have to share and make sure that everyone gets their chance to get the
ball on the cone and pass it. We have to come up with ways to pass the extra cone to the next
person before it is time for them to get the ball. You can only pass the ball into a cone. If you
pass it to someone who does not have a cone, you’re out for one turn.

Middle of Activity – (what will the children be doing/saying – how will you transition from
the teaching to the children doing – should read like a script but can be brief)
Early Extension:
Children will pass the ball from one cone to the next. They may forget to pass their cone
to the next person. Or may pass the ball before the next person has their cone. The
teacher will say “What do you have to do with your cone? How can you get it there?”
Children will pass the ball from one cone to the next. They will pass their cone to the next
person. They might run quickly to the next person or try to roll the cone.

Later Extension:
Children will pass the ball from one cone to the next. They will pass on their cone and
might do it in a new way. They might offer help to other children by saying something
like “Don’t forget to pass your cone.” Or “We could move closer together.”
End of Activity
Now that we have passed the ball around a few times, do you think we worked out getting the
ball around? What could we do next time to work together and get it to everyone faster, so they
do not have to wait long for their turn?
Follow-up Ideas -
Read “One Big Pair of Underwear”

Repeat the activity with 2 groups and see which one can work together and solve a problem

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