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Each of us contributed a great deal of effort to this project, both separately and together. It would not
have been possible, though, without the generous assistance and support of many people. We
gratefully thank each and every one of them; in particular, our lecturer, Prof. E. O. Olakanmi, the
group mentors, and the teaching assistant for the class deserve our appreciation for their guidance,
continued monitoring, and presentation of vital project information. We are grateful to the other
members of our team for their kind support and encouragement in completing this project. We would
also want to express our sincere gratitude to the engineering workshop assistant and the teaching
assistant for their valuable time and assistance.

The Rube Goldberg machine project is designed to raise a flag. This machine was constructed out of
waste materials like cardboard boxes, string ropes, throwaway cups, and wood. The creation of this
system, which consists of six processes and components, involved generating a lot of ideas and
choosing the best one while adhering to certain material science, engineering graphics, and statics
concepts that were covered in class. Using a quantitative analysis of each component as a guide, we
continued to make revisions to the basic design and test the creative idea several times until
everything worked as intended.

PROBLEM STATEMENT.................................................................................................................................................
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT KNOWLEDGE....................................................................................................
CONCEPTUAL PLANNING.............................................................................................................................................
DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................................................................
DESIGN PROCESS.......................................................................................................................................................
MODEL DESIGN(S).....................................................................................................................................................
Design 1.............................................................................................................................................................
Design 2.............................................................................................................................................................
Design 3 (chosen idea)......................................................................................................................................
Modifications to chosen idea....................................................................................................................................
Model selection criteria............................................................................................................................................
Statics principles involved in major steps of operation...........................................................................................
Material selection.....................................................................................................................................................
ASSEMBLY DRAWING....................................................................................................................................................
ADOPTED FOR EACH COMPONENT..........................................................................................................................
CHANGES MADE TO MODEL DESIGN FEATURES DURING CONSTRUCTION.............................................
SELF REFLECTIONS.......................................................................................................................................................

Construct a Rube Goldberg device that can raise the Botswana flag without requiring human
intervention. Statics-definable principles should govern how the machine's parts function.

● To design and build a Rube Goldberg machine with at least 5 statics components that ends
with a flag being raised.

★ Apply the principles (force vectors, moments, structural analysis, friction, moment of inertia,
centroids) and tools (equations of equilibrium, and free body diagram (FBD) of STATICS in
the design and fabrication of a rube Goldberg machine
★ Demonstrate competence to identify, assess, formulate and solve convergent and divergent
engineering problems creatively and innovatively.
★ Demonstrate competence to apply knowledge of mathematics, materials science, engineering
graphics and sustainable development to the design and fabrication of a rube Goldberg
★ Demonstrate competence to perform creative, procedural and non-procedural design and
synthesis of components, systems, engineering works, products or processes in regard to the
design and fabrication of a rube Goldberg machine
★ Demonstrate competence to design and conduct investigations and experiments on a rube
Goldberg machine.
★ Demonstrate competence to use appropriate engineering methods, skills and tools, including
those based on information technology in presenting findings on design and fabrication of a
rube Goldberg machine

The Rube Goldberg Machine concept was inspired by cartoonist Reuben Lucius Goldberg. Rube
Goldberg was a cartoonist, engineer, and inventor from the United States who lived in the twentieth
century. He is most recognized for his cartoons illustrating sophisticated technologies and machines
addressing simple problems. One well-known cartoon, for example, illustrates a self-operating napkin
that performs the simple operation of wiping a person's mouth using a series of levers, pulleys, and
connections. The apparatus includes weighing scales, clocks, a parrot, and a rocket.

A Rube Goldberg machine consists of a series of responses that are triggered one after the other until
the final event occurs. It is a machine that has been purposely over-engineered to execute a simple
task in a sophisticated way. A well-calculated swinging object or a ball rolling down a ramp are
examples of simple activities that will set off a reaction in a Rube Goldberg contraption. The most

important thing is that each step's event must trigger the next step's event, and so on.

The project's goal is to create a Rube Goldberg machine that raises a flag. This design's primary goal
will be to bring theoretical statics lessons into practice. Because the Rube Goldberg machine has so
many steps, it will aid in the acquisition of a deeper understanding of physics foundations as well as
the ability to evaluate the utility and relevance of a range of devices encountered in daily life. The
process of conducting research and exchanging ideas to ensure that the design meets the criteria of the


Sustainable development is defined as development that meets present needs without endangering the
ability of future generations to meet their own. The fundamental goal of this project was to ensure that
the machine we designed took into account the economic, environmental, and social constraints of
sustainable development. The main goals for this machine were to use locally available materials
without jeopardising the effectiveness of the planned component. The economic, environmental and
social impacts are discussed below concerning the sustainable development knowledge:
ECONOMIC IMPACT: If the project were to be marketed, it would be extremely profitable because
to the low input cost. This is because the machine was built from recyclable everyday scrap materials,
saving non-recyclable and non-renewable elements that are commonly used in modern construction,
resulting in sustainability and inexpensive project costs.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Considering recyclable and reusable materials such as cardboard,
disposable cups, and so on are employed in the project, the machine's design is environmentally
friendly. The materials are also biodegradable since they do not harm the environment when they are
disposed of. Pollution from the materials used is considerably decreased because the materials used
and reused are recyclable, making the project environmentally friendly in general.
SOCIAL IMPACT: The project could be used to erase poverty and enhance people's health because
it uses easily available materials, resulting in little or cheap material costs, and it decreases litter,
which could contribute to infections caused by waste accumulation. It also improves work-life for
project participants because everyone is involved and could express their ideas, resulting in teamwork
and cooperation.


● Perform its primary function of raising and waiving the team flag with great efficiency.

● The machine should be portable and easy to carry around.

● Incorporate statics, material science and engineering graphics principles with which the
components will operate based upon
● Sustainable development knowledge issues must be taken into consideration.

1. Define task
2. Research
3. Brainstorm ideas
4. Pick 3 viable ideas
5. Sketch model of each idea
6. Pick 1 model idea and add modifications
7. Choose materials to be used
8. Gather materials
9. Build machine (step by step checking viability of each section as building progresses)
10. Test and evaluate final prototype
11. Redesign and improve model
12. Present the model

Design 1
A ball will be rolled down an incline. This ball then collides with another ball, causing both to fall
into a cup. This generates enough force to lift a piece of wood attached to the other end of the rope,
which collides with a lever, which then collides with 5 dominos that are successively aligned to
collide with each other and fall in such a way that hit another ball, which falls into a cup, activating
the pulley system with enough energy to raise the flag.


● Easy to assemble.

● Easy to carry around


● High risk of failure

● Too many collisions

● Not enough statics principles

● The cups move a lot

Design 2
A marble ball is released onto the inclined plane which in turn goes on to hit the stationary car. The
car after being hit rolls down the truss bridge to hit onto the dominos. The last domino to fall, falls
into the cup connected to the pulley and the force caused by the pulley pulls the string which causes a
rotation about the second pulley which causes the lever to rotate about its pivot to hit the ball placed
above it. The ball once hit causes the movement of the ball into the spiral loop. Once the ball leaves
the spiral it falls into the box held by the pulley in which the force causes the second pulley to rotate
and thus pulling the flag about its pivot.


● cheap to assemble

● completely made of easily acquire materials

● applies a lot of statics principles

● allows more items to be recycled


● the cup was not easy to keep in place

Design 3 (chosen idea)

Ball falls from the incline planes to the next incline surface before landing in the cup. The cup is
linked to a pulley system, which in turn is linked to a truss construction. The tensional force is
transferred to the lever by the pulley system, which subsequently pushes the body into the lever
below. The lever pulls the other lever in equilibrium, releasing the ball into the bucket and raising the

● Faster to make.
● Less complex.
● Easy to assemble
● Not easy to keep marble stationary on the final lever.
● Not enough statics principles.

Modifications to chosen idea

1. Addition of wedge on final lever to keep marble stationary before its intended movement is
initiated and increase number of statics principles.
Modified working principle of chosen model
The marble rolls down the first inclined plane onto the second one and lands in a cup suspended by a
pulley system suspended and supported by a truss system. As the cup pulls on the right side of the
pulley this causes the lever connected to the left side of the pulley to hit the first domino block that
passes nits momentum to the next and so on till the last domino lands in a cup balanced on a lever
which triggers a whole lever-pulley system until the last lever which will ,cause of the pulling effect
of the lower pulley, inclines and allows the ball to roll into a cup also connected to a pulley system.
The cup goes down and consequently raises the flag.


● Has the required number of statics principles
● Wedge helped stabilise the marble.

Model selection criteria

The three preliminary design concepts were subjected to a decision-making process in order to
determine the best concept to pursue and develop. The table below was created to help identify which
concept would be best appropriate.


Time Cost Statics Concepts SDK

1 4 4 3 3 14

2 1 3 3 3 10

3 5 3 5 5 18


Best Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

➢ From the decision selection process, Design Concept 3 was voted the best as such it will be
the one to be pursued.

Statics principles involved in major steps of operation

1. Inclined plane (Equilibrium of a rigid)
2. Lever (Force system resultants)
3. Pulley (Equilibrium of a particle)
4. Truss system (Structural Analysis)
5. Wedge (Equilibrium of a rigid body)

Material selection

Levers Recycled wood Light in weight but

● Transmitting
strong enough to
forces from support heavy loads
one and withstand strain.
component to Making it strong
another enough to withstand
● Tilting to form transmission of large
forces without bending
inclines for

balls to roll on while being light
enough to carry and
easy to assemble

Pulleys Recycled wood, Wood and cardboard

● Transmitting
cardboard and 4 ply are easy to cut into a
energy and wool. circular shape and
motion easy to file to reduce
friction (wood).

Inclines Recycled PVC Provides a close to

● Providing a
frictionless surface for
platform for balls to easily slide on.
balls to roll

Wedges Recycled wood Rigid and sturdy

● Keeps marble
enough to keep the
stationary. marble stationary on
the lever.

Fulcrums dowels Provides little friction

● Supporting
allowing beams to
levers easily pivot on them
● Act as a beam forming good levers.
pivot to make

Weight Reinforced wood Easy to reinforce to

● To balance
get to a specific
forces weight.

Flag Paper Light and easy to

● To signal the
shape into any desired
end shape.

Ball marbles Slide smoothly on

● Transmission
surfaces meaning that
of weight they produce little

Dominoes ● Weight ceramic The ceramic was

transmission readily shaped and cut
to cup that therefore reduced
lowers and labour, the dominoes
initiates lever- were worn out so
pulley system instead of disposal
were used for the

Truss ● Support Cardbox East to cut to desired

structure for shapes and dimensions
the pulley and is abundantly




Parts drawing(s)


Assumptions made:

● The ball is in motion

● The system is in equilibrium


W= (0.025)kg*9.81N
Hence, W=0.245N
F=W*sin(x) (where F is, the applied force and (x)is the angle)
Thus, F=0.122N
To calculate the normal force(N);
=0.025*9.81*cos 30
Therefore, N=0.212N

Parts drawing(s)


Assumptions made:

● The torque due to force B is equal to the torque due to force A. Thus the torque is the same.


Ma= Moment about the ball
Ma= 0.08m × (mg)

= 0.08m × (0.025kg × 9.81m/s2)

=0.08m ×0.24545N

Mb = 0.03m× F

Since Ma=Mb

0.0196 (0.03 m × F)
0.03 0.03



Initially sum of anticlockwise moment = sum of clockwise moment

Fmdm + Fbdb = F1d1

(9.81*0.022) * 0.1 + (9.81*0.00122) * 0.035 = 0.4cos 60 * 0.11

When the force from the wedge(F1) becomes more than the sum of the anticlockwise moment, the
beam becomes a slope and the ball rolls down.


Parts drawing(s)


Assumptions made:

● The pulley is massless.

● The pin or rope is frictionless

● The rope has negligible weight and cannot stretch.

● The rope can only support tension force.

m1 = mass of wooden block = 591.20g
m2 = mass of the lever from stage 3 = 20.52g
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s2
T = tension force in the string/rope
m1 g – T = m1a1 equation 1
m2g – T = m2a2 equation 2
The two accelerations acting on both sides of the pulley are equal and opposite in direction.
a2 = - a1
Substituting a1 into equation 2 we get:
m1a1 = -T + m2g equation 3
adding equation 1 and 3 produces:
m1a1 + m2a1 = -m1g + m2g

therefore a1 = (-m1g + m2g)/(m1 + m2)

a1 = (-591.20 + 20.52) x 9.8/(591.20 + 20.52)

a1 = - 9.14 m/s2
substituting a1 into equation 1 to solve for the tension in the string:
T = m1g – m1a1
T = (591.20/1000 x 9.8) – (591.20/1000 x 9.14)
T = 0.40 N


Parts drawing


Assumptions made:

● Joints are pinned.

● Analysis is in 2D.
● Members are straight.
● Materials are linearly elastic.
● Loads are uniform or concentrated.
● Truss is in static equilibrium.
● Self-weight may be neglected.
● Material properties are uniform.
● Initial stresses are ignored.

sum of forces in both x & y axis is equal to zero

Force AB ¿ 1.79/sin 60=−2.07 N❑

Force A + ForceE=3.58 N
Force AC =ForceABcos 60=−1.035 N
Force E=1.79N


Parts drawing


Assumptions made:
● Ball is not in motion
● g= 9.81m/s

W= mg
= (0.350kg)(9.81m/s2)
= 3.43N

F= mg sinθ
= (0.350kg)(9.81m/s2)(cos30)

Function using the principle of conservation of momentum.
where: p is momentum in kgm/s
m is mass of object in kg
v is velocity of object in m/s
Parts drawing






Inclined ● Friction and Surface Finish- ● A technical drawing of

plane ● The friction between the the side view of the
object on the inclined plane inclined plane was
and the plane's surface was created. This drawing
taken into consideration. shows the lever's
Friction on smoother surfaces dimensions and angles.
is lower therefore materials
with lower surface friction was
● Wear Resistance- Since
inclined planes may see
repeated contact with objects,
leading to wear and abrasion.
The wear resistance of the
material can impact the plane's
longevity and performance.
Materials that were more
wear-resistant were chosen.

Lever ● Wood grain and strength- ● Clear Labels and

Grain direction was placed Annotations: Using

appropriately in load bearing clear labels and
components to prevent annotations key
possible structural failure. elements of the lever
● Moisture content- Recycled were identified, such as
wood was dried before being the fulcrum, point of
used to prevent dimensional application of force, and
changes once wood is used as point of application of
well as warping. the load on a technical
drawing for better

Pulley ● Tension- The force exerted ● Fatigue Resistance- 4 ply wool ● Assembly Details-
along a rope or cable that was used as the string in the Since the pulley is part
passes over a pulley. pulley as it was more durable of a larger assembly,
● Static equilibrium- The tension compared to other material drawings that show how
in the rope on either side of the choices available. it connects to other
pulley is equal, assuming no components of the
friction or other external machine were sketched,
forces. ensuring that the
interface is well-

Simple truss ● Equilibrium- Trusses are ● Strength and Stiffness- The ● Mechanical Linkages-
designed to be in a state of strength of the material used Since the truss is part of
static equilibrium, meaning for truss construction is a more complex system
there is no net force or moment essential to ensure that the involving linkages and
acting on the entire structure. truss can withstand the loads connections to one of
The sum of forces in both the and forces applied to it. the pulleys components,
horizontal and vertical Stiffness is also important to arrows or lines were
directions, as well as the sum maintain the truss's structural used to illustrate the
of moments (torques) about integrity and prevent excessive interaction between the
any point are equal to zero. deformation. truss and the pulley
● Method of Sections-The ● Density and Weight- The system.
method of sections is the density of the material affects
technique for truss analysis. It the truss's overall weight. A
involves cutting the truss into lightweight material was
sections to analyse the internal chosen as it minimised the
forces within selected mass of the Rube Goldberg
members. machine, making it easier to
transport and operate.

Dominoes ● Equilibrium- In a domino ● Wear and Durability- Over ● Dimensions and

setup, each domino is initially time and with repeated use, Tolerances: The domino
at rest, meaning it is in dominos can experience wear dimensions were clearly
equilibrium. There is no net and abrasion, which are defined, including its
force acting on the dominos in material science-related length, width and
the horizontal direction. This concepts. The materials used thickness. Any
static equilibrium is crucial were better suited to withstand specifications for
because the dominos must this wear and remain durable. tolerances that need to
remain stable until they are ● Density and Weight- Material be maintained for
pushed. density can influence the proper functionality
weight of the dominos, which were maintained and

affects how they fall and noted.
interact. Understanding the
density and weight properties
of the material was relevant in
picking the right domino

Wedge ● Equilibrium- Wedges are at ● Strength and Stiffness- The ● Geometric Tolerancing-
equilibrium when at rest. This strength of the material is vital Geometric tolerancing
means that the sum of the to ensure that the wedge can was adopted to come up
forces acting on the wedge withstand the forces applied to with the allowable
must be equal to zero. it. Stiffness, represented by variations in size, form,
properties such as Young's orientation and precise
modulus, affects how much location of the wedge
the wedge deforms with force on the machine.
applied and is essential for
maintaining its shape and
● Impact Resistance: In this
scenario, the wedge
experiences impact or shock.
Material science concepts
related to impact resistance are
important for preventing
deformation or damage to the
wedge under such conditions.



Lever ● Used recycled materials to fabricate it

i.e wood and nails.

Inclined Plane ● Constructed using recycled polyvinyl

chloride (PVC) pipes.

Pulley ● Local Sourcing- All materials used to

make the pulley were sourced locally to
reduce transportation related carbon
emissions (positive environmental
impact). For example, the wool used
was bought in school which supported a
local supplier leading to a positive social

Truss ● Recyclability and Disposal- The end-of-

life stage of the truss was kept in mind
during its design hence it was designed
with ease of disassembly and recycling
in mind. Ensuring that the materials
used are recyclable and can be disposed
of in an environmentally responsible

Wedge ● Use of recycled wood instead of buying

wood that could eventually lead to
generation of new waste.

Dominoes ● Use of old worn out dominoes that

were about to be disposed to reduce
potential waste.

● Energy Efficiency: Our machine was designed to use as little energy as possible as its
initiation is human-powered and does not need any other external energy source
which could negatively impact the environment.
● Durability: We built our machine to last, using quality materials and construction
techniques to minimise the need for replacements which can be waste generating.
● Minimal Waste generation: Waste generation was minimised during fabrication and


Description of Computed quantity Actual quantity Source of error/

modified feature Limitation of analysis

Inclination of inclined 30 degrees 45 degrees Friction was neglected

plane which in actuality
contributed to speed of

Location of pivot in 3cm from holder 5cm from holder Neglection of

lever 1 momentum of ball as it
lands in holder.

I learnt that even though calculations can be done beforehand they do not guarantee the functionality
of a project so it is best to use trial and error, but with the calculations as a close guide, which is why
not only the theoretical part is important but the practical part too. During conceptual design of a
given project to tackle a problem I figured that it is best to come up with various model designs to
tackle the given problem/task. That way the most ideal design which is straightforward and offers a
better way of addressing the problem with minimum obstructions can be picked as the best alternative
among the rest. I discovered that the absence of the use of information in reality over the span of
study is the thing that impedes us from genuinely valuing the things that we study. A practical
application of various principles adopted in constructing this model including but not limited to
Statics principles, Material Science as well as Engineering Graphics principles enabled me to
understand these concepts better as well as their applications in everyday life. The various
presentations we had helped me to familiarise myself with the use of Powerpoint to make
presentations which I’m sure will be a very valuable skill going forward as I expect the need from my
academics for quite a number of presentations as a part of my assessments. This project opened my
eyes to the vitality of sustainable development knowledge. The constant research into this topic
helped me gain insight into the principles of sustainable design, which I can apply to various
engineering and design projects in the future, aligning with environmental and social responsibility.
The need to manage materials efficiently to build a sustainable Rube Goldberg machine taught me
how to minimise resource use and reduce costs in the construction of engineering projects.
Development of this Rube Goldberg machine involved project planning, where we set objectives,
timelines, and milestones agreed on as a team. This taught me how to manage the project from
inception to completion with tasks finished in time. . If I was to do this project differently I would
have used a more durable string for the pulley instead of wool as it is less durable. I would have
started the project much earlier to opportune myself as well as my group enough time to come up with
a more refined model. Even though group work had its positive impact on me such as enabling me to
be more open to ideas from the members of my team which broadened my thinking and sometimes
pushed me to think outside the box and not limit myself, I still strongly would have preferred if the
project was done individually that way I could have had an opportunity to express myself via this
project wholly without the need to compromise as well as take sole accountability for it. Although the
project is made mostly of cardboard I would have greatly preferred a more durable material such as
recycled wood, so given the chance to do this project again I would substitute most of the cardboard
components for wood to increase the durability and stability of the project.

Statics, a fundamental branch of physics, plays a pivotal role in understanding the equilibrium of
objects under the influence of forces. The principles of statics are not merely theoretical; they find
practical applications in engineering and design projects. In this essay, we will delve into a personal
experience where these principles were applied in the creation of a Rube Goldberg contraption,
shedding light on the significance of concepts like Couple of Moment, torque, equilibrium, and the
value of collaboration and shared knowledge. The principle of equilibrium, a cornerstone of statics,
became our lodestar. Objects are considered in equilibrium when the sum of all forces acting on them
and the sum of all torques is zero. In the context of our project, this meant that the swing should
remain perfectly stable and avoid any undesired movements. This wasn't just about getting the physics
right; it was about ensuring that the contraption would function as intended in practice, a task that
demanded a profound understanding of statics principles. As we navigated this intricate journey, we
quickly recognized the value of collaboration and shared knowledge. In the world of engineering and
design, no one operates in isolation. In the creation of our machine outline, we collaborated closely
with our group mates, leveraging each other's strengths to tackle complex problems. Furthermore, we
sought guidance from our seniors, who possessed a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of
statics. Their insights and mentorship were invaluable, steering us toward practical solutions and
equipping us with the knowledge needed to address the challenges. The foundation of any Rube
Goldberg machine is the careful application of force. At its core, the movement of objects within the
machine relies on Newton's laws of motion. For instance, in one segment of the machine, a small ball
may need to roll down an incline to trigger a subsequent action. The force due to gravity is harnessed
to set this ball in motion, while other forces, such as friction, may be used to control its speed. By
understanding and carefully manipulating these forces, engineers and designers ensure that the ball
travels precisely where it needs to go. Newton's laws of motion are not confined to textbooks; they are
the very lifeblood of a Rube Goldberg machine. The first law, which states that an object at rest will
stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force, underlines the concept of equilibrium. In the
contraption, elements are often carefully balanced or braced to prevent unintended motion until the
desired moment. The second law, F = ma, where F represents force, m is mass, and a is acceleration,
plays a crucial role in the design. For instance, designers must consider the mass of objects and the
forces required to accelerate them, ensuring that actions are triggered as planned. The third law, which
posits that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, is fundamental to understanding
the interplay of forces within the machine. When one element of the machine exerts a force, another
must respond with an equal and opposite force, often setting off the next step in the sequence.

In this project, I had a chance to explore and test my creativity alongside an enabling team and learned
the values of teamwork, commitment and communication which are the key to the success of a good
project. The task that we were assigned to create a rube goldberg machine, in my own opinion , is
quite significant since it has brought to light both our strengths and shortcomings. I gained knowledge
of important concepts like professionalism and collaboration. I learnt more on the principles of statics,
especially inclined planes, for which I was the design engineer, and how to come up with free body
diagrams as well as calculations to determine the forces acting on it. Since the components were
interconnected, I got on well with my team members who dealt with different components and I also
learnt the theory behind those components such as pulleys, levers, trusses, wedges and dominoes.They
were a huge help to me as they aided us hence allowed our rube goldberg to raise the Botswana flag.
Without them, I could not have accomplished this. In addition sustainability is indeed a critical global
challenge, and engineering principles play a fundamental role in addressing this issue. Engineers have
a pivotal role in developing solutions that can meet present-day demands while safeguarding the
needs of future generations and this has made me realise how crucial sustainable development
engineering is in the modern world. This concept of sustainability can be effectively integrated into
engineering practices through various means, including the application of statics. Various principles
were adopted not only from statics but material science as well whose principles were instrumental in
the selection, design, and optimization of materials used in the construction of a Rube Goldberg
machine. These principles were applied to ensure that the materials have the necessary properties,
including strength, durability and thermal behaviour, to perform their intended functions within the
machine. Additionally, considerations of friction and lubrication helped in achieving the smooth and
precise operation of the machine. The application of constraint equations derived from statics ensures
that all the components move in a controlled and coordinated manner. By solving these equations,
engineers and inventors can guarantee that each piece of the contraption functions as intended,
contributing to the overall choreography of the machine. Friction is a key factor in the timing and
success of specific actions within the Rube Goldberg machine. Static friction keeps objects in place
until a force is applied to overcome it. Engineers carefully control and utilise static friction to create
the desired delays and triggers within the machine. Whether it's holding a ball in place or allowing a
domino to stand until the right moment, friction is managed with precision through statics principles.
Moments, or torques, were used to initiate rotations and set components in motion within the Rube
Goldberg machine. The principle of static equilibrium ensured that moments are balanced and
controlled, allowing for precise movements. By applying these moments strategically, we orchestrated
the intricate dance of the machine, ensuring each action was timed to perfection.

Our journey commenced with a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: comprehending the principles of
"Couple of Moment" and its connection to torque. In the realm of statics, Couple of Moment stands as
a foundational concept, describing the rotational effect produced by a pair of equal and opposite
forces not aligned along the same line. Initially, this concept appeared abstract, distant from our
practical goals. It was only through practical application in our project that we truly grasped its
significance. The principle of equilibrium is pivotal in the creation of Rube Goldberg machines. It
dictates that an object at rest stays at rest until acted upon by an external force. This principle is
illustrated when a ball perches precariously at the edge of a table, remaining still until a domino
gently nudges it into motion, setting off the next phase of the contraption. Torque, the measure of a
force’s tendency to cause rotational motion, is vital for the rotating components within the machine.
Consider a spinning wheel; its precise rotation hinges on the carefully calculated torque applied to it.
By understanding torque, engineers ensure that these rotating elements twirl gracefully in the
machine’s choreography. Forces within a Rube Goldberg machine serve as the conductor’s baton,
orchestrating the intricate movements. Imagine a lever that tilts under the force of a falling object,
only to unleash a cascade of events. The understanding of force directs this orchestra, ensuring that
each element plays its part with perfect timing. Moments, which describe the turning effect of a force,
underpin the machine’s elegant choreography. A swinging pendulum, for example, relies on moments
to execute its precise motions. The application of moments allows designers to create the graceful
dance of elements within the contraption. Friction, the resistive force when two surfaces are in
contact, is used to control the tempo and timing of movements. Whether it’s a sliding surface that
slows the progress of a rolling ball or a carefully calibrated frictional surface to control the release of
an object, friction adds an artful touch to the machine’s performance.Stress analysis ensures that the
materials and components used in the machine can withstand the forces applied to them. Think of a
bridge element that must support the weight of a descending object; stress analysis guarantees that the
bridge is resilient, even under intense pressure, maintaining the structural integrity of the machine.
Rube Goldberg machines are a celebration of scientific principles seamlessly woven into an artistic
performance. The principles of equilibrium, torque, force, moments, friction, stress, vectors, and
resolution of forces are the threads of this intricate tapestry. Through collaboration and the fusion of
science and creativity, engineers and artists create unique masterpieces that showcase the beauty of
physics in motion. These machines are living proof that statics principles, when combined with
artistic vision, can transform the world of science and engineering into a captivating art form. Our
journey commenced with a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: comprehending the principles of
"Couple of Moment" and its connection to torque. In the realm of statics, Couple of Moment stands as
a foundational concept, describing the rotational effect produced by a pair of equal and opposite
forces not aligned along the same line. Initially, this concept appeared abstract, distant from our
practical goals. It was only through practical application in our project that we truly grasped its

In the world of Rube Goldberg machines, torque plays a central role. Torque is the measure of a
force's tendency to cause an object to rotate about an axis. Many components within these
contraptions, such as rotating wheels, swinging arms, or spinning gears, rely on this principle for their
operation. Engineers and designers calculate and apply torque to ensure that these rotating elements
function as intended without becoming unbalanced. The Rube Goldberg project I recently participated
in was a team effort that incorporated various statics concepts. This intricate project involved the use
of pulleys, levers, inclined planes, dominos, wedges, and trusses to create a complex chain reaction
with the ultimate goal of achieving a simple task. In this self-evaluation, I will reflect on the project's
teamwork dynamics, how statics concepts were applied, and the important factors that contributed to
our success. The collaborative aspect of this project was fundamental to its success. Working as a
team, we were able to pool our diverse skills, knowledge, and perspectives to design and build an
elaborate Rube Goldberg machine. Effective communication and cooperation were essential. We held
regular team meetings to discuss our progress, identify challenges, and share ideas. This collaborative
approach allowed us to tap into the strengths of each team member and address any weaknesses
collectively. Incorporating statics concepts into our project required a shared understanding of physics
principles and their applications. Through brainstorming and open discussions, we collectively
decided how to apply concepts such as pulleys, levers, inclined planes, dominos, wedges, and trusses
to different parts of our machine. We encouraged each team member to contribute their insights and
expertise, which enriched our problem-solving process. Pulleys were used to transfer forces and
redirect motion effectively within our machine. The team collectively decided where pulleys were
needed and how they should be configured. We considered the implications of tension, equilibrium,
and friction, which were discussed and understood by all team members. Lever systems played a
significant role in magnifying force and transmitting it over longer distances. We collaboratively
determined the optimal placement of fulcrums and lever lengths to ensure the levers functioned
efficiently and safely, taking into account principles like the lever arm and torque. Inclined planes
were strategically integrated to reduce the effort required to lift objects to specific heights. As a team,
we collectively calculated the angles of the inclines and discussed friction and force distribution to
achieve the best results. The use of dominos was a group effort in creating a controlled transfer of
energy from one section of the machine to the next. We shared knowledge about the force required to
tip a domino and discussed the conservation of energy principles, which were crucial in the placement
and arrangement of dominos. Wedges, while seemingly straightforward, were strategically
incorporated with the input of the entire team. We collectively decided how to guide and direct the
motion of objects using wedges, ensuring precision and predictability in the machine's reactions.
Trusses, used for structural stability, benefited from a team approach in terms of their design and
implementation. We collectively considered principles of equilibrium and load distribution to create
truss structures that provided the necessary support for our machine. In conclusion, our Rube
Goldberg team project was a testament to effective collaboration and the application of statics
concepts in a real-world context. Teamwork was at the core of our success, allowing us to combine
our skills and expertise to create an impressive machine. By emphasising open communication and
collective decision-making, we harnessed the power of statics principles in a practical setting. This
project not only expanded our technical knowledge but also highlighted the significance of effective
teamwork in achieving complex engineering goals.

From this project, I took part in designing and building of the rube goldberg machine, incorporating
principles of statics to ensure its stability and functionality. This project allowed me to apply
engineering concepts, problem-solving skills and creativity to create a complex chain reaction device.
Throughout the project, I had a chance of working with a team of peers who contributed their ideas
and expertise. Effective communication was vital, especially when discussing the distribution of
loads, potential weak points in the design and the best methods of ensuring that our machine is
working. This collaboration improved the overall quality of the project. Building the rube goldberg
machine was a trial and error process so as a group we had to continuously iterate our design, making
adjustments to address issues related to functionality. This iterative approach not only improved the
machine's performance but also deepened my understanding of statics concepts. This project also
reinforced the practical relevance of statics principles. Understanding how to calculate forces,
moments and stability because more than theoretical knowledge was gained as it was directly
applicable to ensuring the success of the rube goldberg machine. During the project, the group
encountered various constraints such as limited time and materials. These constraints forced us to
think creatively and apply statics principles to design a machine that worked effectively within these
limitations. At the outset, we brainstormed various ideas for the rube goldberg machine. We had to
think carefully about how each component of the machine would interact and trigger the next step.
This was an opportunity for us to apply statics principles that we learned in class, ensuring that each
object and connection would remain stable under the influence of gravity and other forces. One of the
fundamental principles of statics is the equilibrium of forces. We had to consider the weight and
centre of mass of each object in the machine. Balancing these forces and loads was crucial to prevent
the machine from toppling over or failing to perform its intended function. This meant carefully
selecting materials and determining the appropriate anchor points for stability.
Designing and building a rube goldberg machine using statics principles was a challenging yet
rewarding experience. It allowed me to merge engineering concepts with creativity and hands-on
problem solving. This project highlighted interplay between theory and practice and I now have a
greater appreciation for the role of statics in the design and engineering process.

During the first stage, it was noticed that the ball moved too fast and as such it did not land on the
lever to initiate the second step. To correct this mistake, the speed of the ball was reduced by making
the ball to have irregular edges to increase friction with the surface instead of having smooth edges.
The ball was also noticed to be too light in weight to move the lever so that it can topple the weight on
the inclined plane and as such the mass of the wooden ball was increased by inserting a metal rod in
the middle.
For stages 2 and the final stage, it was found that the pulleys were not rotating thus the ropes could
not move due to a lot of friction between the pulley and the pin. To solve this problem, the holes in
the middle of the pulleys where the pins go were filed to smoothen them so that friction is kept at a
minimum. This allowed the ropes to rotate around the pulleys and work properly. For stages 3 and 4,
the marbles fell sideways instead of moving forward in a straight line when their motion was initiated
so guides were made using paper and installed to guide the marbles to their destination. The cup
which carried the weight of the marbles and fell in order to raise the flag was observed to be moving
haphazardly in random directions after the first ball entered it, causing the second ball to miss its
landing. To prevent this a support was made to support the cup and prevent it from moving sideways
after the first marble has landed.

The creation of a Rube Goldberg machine is, in itself, a captivating journey through the realms of
physics and engineering. Throughout the process, the team encountered various challenges, each of
which was met with creative solutions that harnessed the power of physics and the principles of
statics. Because we were able to repurpose existing resources, like wood, the creation of our Rube
Goldberg machine was not only inexpensive but also ecologically responsible.The final design
achieved most of the goals put forth.The concept was lightweight and portable, and it was simple to
put together thanks to the availability of cardboard, Sellotape, and glue. The final design met the
project's principal goal of raising the team flag with the least amount of human effort.

“Rube Goldberg Machine,” Google Docs.
3U9c/htmlpresent (accessed Nov. 12, 2023).
“Science At Play: Rube Goldberg Machines,” Connecticut Science Center.
“Building a Rube Goldberg Machine: Grades 11 to 12 YOUR MISSION.” Accessed: Nov. 12, 2023.
[Online]. Available:
N. Ahmad, Y. Ahmad, M. Abu, K. Fehaid, A. Hamad, and A. Almutairi, “Rube Goldberg Machine
Final Proposal Report.” Accessed: Nov. 12, 2023. [Online]. Available:


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